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Regime Change

U.S.-Backed Violent Coups Are Not New Or Rare

Nicaragua just defeated a U.S.-backed violent coup attempt, and no one cares. Well, let me revise that: Very few care. English teachers may care because they may find it fascinating the phrase “violent coup” is one of the only English phrases often introduced with the prefix “U.S.-backed.” But I can tell you for certain the mainstream media don’t want you to care. They don’t even want you to know it happened. And they certainly don’t want you to know that it followed a simple formula for U.S.-backed coups in leftist and anti-imperialist nations throughout Latin America, a formula our military intelligence apparatus has implemented in numerous countries tirelessly, like an overused football play.

Revisiting Regime Change In Iran

After abandoning the 2015 nuclear agreement signed by the Obama administration with Iran and five world powers, the Trump administration has returned to past American notions of Iran’s Islamic Republic being either overthrown or weakened to the point of collapse. President Donald Trump’s national security advisor, John Bolton, has led the argument that a new wave of United States sanctions will encourage widespread protests within Iran. Bolton has long called for ‘regime change’, and has been an associate and paid advocate of the Mujahideen-e Khalq, an opposition group with a long record of violence. In Israel last week, Bolton stressed that official Trump administration policy is for “a massive change in the regime’s behaviour” rather than ‘regime change’.

A Way Out For Brazil

Brazil is going through a grave economic, political, social and environmental crisis. Many factors have contributed to the emergence of this crisis, principally the subordination of our economy to finance and international capital that steal from the whole society. The coup of 2016 [which saw the overthrow of president Dilma Rousseff] was an attempt by the bourgeoisie to save itself from the crisis by placing the weight of it on the working class. To do this, it used its media, judicial and parliamentary power. The plan was to rob public resources, take away rights, subordinate the country completely to international interests, hand over natural resources like petroleum, minerals and water and companies like Petrobras, Electrobras and Embraer [companies in the petroleum, power and aeronautics sectors] .

Manufacturing Consent For War On Iran: Pompeo’s New Iran Action Group

August 16, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  I wanted to share with you a few thoughts on the announcement of Mike Pompeo’s new Iran Action Group at the State Department. As if the parallels were not strong enough to the regime-change policy on Iraq, the announcement comes almost exactly on the anniversary of the CIA-led coup against Iran’s elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. One thing stood out from Pompeo’s presser: As usual, it was heavy on accusations and demands, and rather empty on substance. In fact, it was not clear what exactly the group would be doing beyond what already has been announced. But there are reasons to believe that this is an important development. Fissures exist within the Trump administration between Trump himself (who likely does want to pivot to diplomacy with Iran as he did on North Korea) and members of his team (John Bolton, Pompeo and Brian Hook)...

A Response To Misinformation On Nicaragua: It Was A Coup, Not A ‘Massacre’

There is so much misinformation in mainstream corporate media about recent events in Nicaragua that it is a pity that Mary Ellsberg’s article for Pulse has added to it with a seemingly leftish critique. Ellsberg claims that recent articles, including from this website, often “paint a picture of the crisis in Nicaragua that is dangerously misleading.” Unfortunately, her own article does just that. It looks at the situation entirely from the perspective of those opposing Daniel Ortega’s government while whitewashing their malevolent behavior and downplaying the levels of US support they have relied on. Her piece is an incomplete depiction of what is happening on the ground, ignoring many salient facts that have come to light and which have been outdated by recent events.

The Bolivarian Revolution Has Been Strengthened

The frustrated assassination attempt against President Nicolás Maduro Moros on August 4 in Caracas will decisively strengthen the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela and make it invincible. It would seem that such a crime was all that was left for the Venezuelan counter-revolution to completely lose the credibility it has enjoyed among the few sectors of the population that have been supporting it. They are interested in recovering the privileges they enjoyed before the Chávez revolution. They also want to win over those who had been won over by the siren songs of Washington, whose endless capitalist propaganda about the possibility of maintaining the social benefits recently achieved by the revolution in a more just, but still unequal, society in which they could already be part of a less poor class.

Trade Union Leader Exposes What The Media Won’t About The Latest US-backed Coup Attempt In Latin America

Nicaragua has been in the news recently because of what the country’s president has described as a “coup attempt” backed by Washington. But most international coverage of events has consistently failed to tell the whole story, showing heavy bias against the current Nicaraguan government. A number of academics, journalists and activists recently accused the Guardian, for example, of “wildly inaccurate coverage”. International organisations with strong links to Washington, meanwhile, have even boasted of “laying the groundwork for insurrection” against Nicaragua’s left-of-centre government. And they stand accused of manipulating the country’s recent death toll to justify a push for regime change and sanctions.

The U.S. Deploys Its Third Major Attempt To Destabilize The Government Of Evo Morales

Using the 2019 elections as the pretext, The United States, through different means and actors, is activating its third major plan to destabilize Evo Morales’ government, block the indigenous leader’s project of political-electoral continuity and interrupt the process of change. However, far from coming from a position of strength, these external actions against the process of change in Bolivia reveal the deep weakness of the internal opposition, which seeks to gain from outside the country what it has not yet been able to gain from within. The interventionist plan of the United States is obvious. There is no reason why U.S. imperialism would not activate plans and measures to meddle in Bolivia’s internal affairs, just as it has done against all the progressive and leftist governments of Latin America. It started with the weakest, such as Honduras and Paraguay, then it carried out a new type of coups, that they applied against the strongest.

Peace Leader Speaks Against US-backed Regime Change in Nicaragua, Confronted by Anti-Ortega Opposition

Camilo Mejía prefaced his explanation of the seemingly inexplicable eruption of violence in his native Nicaragua with the admonition that no one should take his word but should research the facts as he has. Mejía spoke at an event co-sponsored by the Task Force on the Americas, a 32-year-old anti-imperialist human rights group. Anti-Ortega demonstrators filtered into the now standing-room-only lecture hall, periodically heckling Mejía. Calmly and graciously, Mejía welcomed the opposition elements and even allowed a senior woman who had been a Sandinista to take the microphone and make an impassioned appeal for regime change. But when the opposition elements became intolerantly disruptive to the expression of views contrary to their own, Mejía admonished: “By your actions, you demonstrate what kind of democracy you stand for.”

Threats By Colombian President Against Maduro Five Days Before The Assassination Attempt

On July 30, 2018, just five days before the assassination attempt with drones loaded with explosives was carried out against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro at an event of the Bolivarian National Guard, Colombia’s outgoing president, Juan Manuel Santos, publicly assured everyone that he “saw it as being close” the fall of Maduro’s “regime” in Venezuela. “I see it coming. A country with the inflation that Venezuela has (…) that regime has to crumble,” the outgoing president said on Monday in an interview with the AFP agency at the Colombian government headquarters. This is just one of many occasions in which the Colombian president has openly confessed his intentions to intervene in Venezuelan affairs and to help bring about a change of government in the country.

US Politicians & Media Talk Of Iran Regime Change As If It’s Their Divine Right

US President Donald Trump’s dire warning to Iran has renewed debate within American news media about whether his administration is seeking regime change in Tehran or merely using threats as a psychological weapon. Embedded in the US public discourse is the arrogant assumption that Washington has the right to pursue regime change against any nation it chooses. For the American ruling class and its media echo chambers, it is tantamount to a “divine right” – an unquestionable mission with which Americans are “blessed.” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier this week talked about how America was doing “God’s work” in reaching out to Iranian people to encourage the overthrow their “mafia regime.”

Maduro Survives Drone Attack, Says Suspects Captured

An assassination attempt was made against President Nicolas Maduro when he was speaking at at an army commemoration and a celebration of the National Guard’s 81st anniversary. The attempted assassination used several drones packed with explosives. Venezuelan journalist Roman Camacho reported citing “unofficial sources,” that the dronewere loaded with the explosive C4. Maduro was not hurt but seven National Guard soldiers were injured. An unknown group, Soldiers in Shirts, has taken responsibility for the attack. Their declaration was read by a right-wing journalist from Miami. Maduro has blamed the closest ally of the United States, Colombia.

How Washington And Soft Power NGOs Manipulated Nicaragua’s Death Toll To Drive Regime Change And Sanctions

A detailed study of the death toll that has been recorded in Nicaragua since a violent campaign to remove President Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista government shows that at least as many Sandinista supporters were killed as opposition members. The study, “Monopolizing Death,” demonstrates how partisan local NGOs conflated all deaths that occurred since April, including accidents and the murders of Sandinistas, with killings by government forces. Washington has seized on the bogus death count to drive the case for sanctions and intensify pressure for regime change. The manipulated death toll was the centerpiece of a July 25 harangue by Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen on the House floor. While drumming up support for a bipartisan resolution condemning Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega for supposedly ordering the massacre of demonstrators, Ros-Lehtinen declared, “Mr. Speaker, four hundred and fifty!

What’s Really Happening In Nicaragua; An Interview With Stephen Sefton

Violent protests have been going on since April of this year, forcing residents to stay indoors.  While the corporate media and an army of online trolls have been making false claims about the Ortega government, the reality is exactly the opposite. We speak with Stephen Sefton, who lives in Nicaragua and is a founder of Tortilla con Sal. He names the names behind the violence and describes what is really happening. We also discuss recent news and upcoming events.

US Set On Regime Change In Venezuela

Given the US failure to overthrow the Venezuelan leadership through rolling protests and people power, President Donald Trump has openly said that his administration doesn’t discard the military option to enact regime change. This is what Venezuela’s foreign minister Jorge Arreaza reminded South Africans on his five-day visit here this week. According to Arreaza, the day before Trump announced the military option was on the table on August 8 last year, he had held a meeting with his then-secretary of state Rex Tillerson and national security adviser HR McMaster, asking them why the US doesn’t finish off Venezuelan president Nicolas Madura through a military operation. According to Arreaza, Tillerson and McMaster managed to convince Trump not to do so. Despite the realpolitik, Tillerson had embarked on a Latin American tour defending the Monroe Doctrine, calling for an oil embargo of Venezuela and hinting at a military coup.

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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