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US Foreign Policy

Election Interference? The U.S. Has Done It In 45 Countries Worldwide

By Shane Dixon Kavanaugh for Vocativ - Russia’s attempt to sway the 2016 election continues to consume American politics as the Obama administration struck back with a series of punishments targeting Russia’s spy agencies and diplomats. The White House on Thursday moved to expel 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the U.S. and impose sanctions on the Kremlin’s two leading intelligence services in response for what the U.S. says were a series of cyberattacks conducted by Russia during the presidential campaign. For the time being, Russian President Vladamir Putin has indicated that he won’t immediately retaliate, though that could change. The simmering tit for tat has kept the issue of election meddling burning bright in the national spotlight...

US Sends 3,600 Tanks Against Russia – Massive NATO Deployment

By Staff of DONi News - The NATO war preparation against Russia, 'Operation Atlantic Resolve', is in full swing. 2,000 US tanks will be sent in coming days from Germany to Eastern Europe, and 1,600 US tanks is deployed to storage facilities in the Netherlands. At the same time, NATO countries are sending thousands of soldiers in to Russian borders. According to US Army Europe, 4,000 troops and 2,000 tanks will arrive in three US transport ships to Germany next weekend. From Bremerhaven, US troops and huge amount of military material, will be transported to Poland and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. USA is sending to Russian borders 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division.

US Special Operations Troop Deployments In Africa Surged In 2016

By Eddie Haywood for WSWS - At the close of 2016, Africa saw a dramatic surge in the number of US Special Operation forces deployed across the continent. Since 2006, the US military has increased its operations in Africa from just 1 percent of overall global Special Operations to more than 17 percent. The rate at which troops have been surged on to the continent far surpasses that of any other region in the world, including Washington’s substantial military operations in the Middle East. There were 700 Special Operation commandos deployed across Africa in 2014; by 2016, the number had more than doubled, to 1,700.

No More Holiday Gifts For Repressive Regimes

By Medea Benjamin for Other Words - The U.S. is selling weapons to a country that's killing a child every 10 minutes. That has to stop. While the world has been transfixed on the epic tragedy in Syria, another tragedy — a hidden one — has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies from malnutrition, diarrhea, or respiratory-tract infections, UNICEF reports. And without immediate medical attention, over 400,000 kids suffering from severe acute malnutrition could die, too. Why are so many of Yemen’s children going hungry and dying?

Trump’s Frightening Picks For U.S. Policy In The Middle East

By Stephen Zunes for The Progressives - Among the many disturbing appointments by President-elect Donald Trump are the people charged with conducting U.S. policy in the Middle East. Trump’s ignorance of the region will make him even more dependent on his advisers than most Presidents. And that’s not good news. Rex Tillerson, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of State, as with other oil men who have taken leading positions dealing with U.S. Mideast policy, will presumably favor close relations with Arab despots, even if they are terrible on human rights. However, as CEO of ExxonMobil, he would likely oppose actions that could destabilize the region, and respect the views of State Department professionals who provide analysis and advice.

Syria Cease-Fire To Take Effect At Midnight On Dec. 30

By Staff of Reuters - MOSCOW/ANKARA, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a ceasefire between Syrian opposition groups and the Syrian government starting at midnight on Thursday. The parties were also prepared to start peace talks, Putin said, after Moscow, Iran and Turkey expressed readiness to broker a deal to settle the nearly six-year-old Syrian war. The Syrian army announced a nationwide halt to fighting but said Islamic State and ex-Nusra Front militants and all groups linked to them would be excluded from the deal. It did not say which unnamed groups would be excluded. Several rebel officials told Reuters they had agreed to the ceasefire, due to come into effect at 2200 GMT on Thursday.

US Criminal Hypocrisy At Work In Syria And Yemen

By William Boardman for Reader Supported News - On December 13, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power offered up yet another stark exercise in imperial deceit, shedding crocodile tears for those suffering in the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo, while continuing her strategically amoral silence about much greater suffering in the country of Yemen. The basis for this unconscionable choice is simple. Russia, Syria, and Iran are attacking Aleppo. The carnage in Yemen is led by Saudi Arabia, allied with eight other Sunni Muslim states (supported by another seven countries including Canada, UK, France, and Turkey) – but this 16-state war of aggression would be impossible without the exceptional 17th enemy of Yemen, the US...

US Government Quietly Starts Asking Travelers For Social Media Accounts

By Nadia Prupis for Common Dreams - The U.S. government has quietly started to ask foreign travelers to hand over their social media accounts upon arriving in the country, a program that aims to spot potential terrorist threats but which civil liberties advocates have long opposed as a threat to privacy. The program has been active since Tuesday, asking travelers arriving to the U.S. on visa waivers to voluntarily enter information associated with their online presence, including "Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, as well as a space for users to input their account names on those sites," Politico reports.

Trump’s Navarro Nomination May Raise Risk Of Sino-US Conflict

By Staff of Global Times - US President-elect Donald Trump appointed China hawk Peter Navarro as head of the new National Trade Council Wednesday. Navarro's public image is largely shaped by his three books about China: The Coming China Wars, Death by China, and Crouching Tiger: What China's Militarism Means for the World. An article in The New Yorker once said Navarro's views on trade and China were so radical that it's impossible to "find another economist who fully agrees with them." Trump's Navarro pick is regarded as a signal that he will take more aggressive actions to promote his American interests first agenda.

Trump Lays Out Non-Interventionist U.S. Military Policy

By Steve Holland for Reuters - President-elect Donald Trump laid out a U.S. military policy on Tuesday that would avoid interventions in foreign conflicts and instead focus heavily on defeating the Islamic State militancy. In the latest stop on a "thank you" tour of states critical to his Nov. 8 election win, Trump introduced his choice for defense secretary, General James Mattis, to a large crowd in this city near the Fort Bragg military base, which has deployed soldiers to 90 countries around the world. "We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn't be involved with," Trump said.

Will Israeli Soldier Get Away With Videotaped Killing Of Teen?

By Ali Abunimah for EI - An Israeli soldier facing trial for the killing of an unarmed Palestinian teenager that was shown on TV screens around the world may now get away with a slap on the wrist. Israeli Border Police combatant Ben Dery is charged with manslaughter in the slaying of 17-year-old Nadim Nuwara on 15 May 2014 – Nakba Day, when Palestinians commemorate their 1948 ethnic cleansing from much of their homeland. But Israeli media are reporting that the manslaughter charge may now be dropped. Dery’s lawyer told the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz this week that prosecutors are discussing a plea bargain in which his client would admit only to “negligence”

The Coming War On China

By John Pilger for New Internationalist Magazine - A major US military build-up – including nuclear weapons – is under way in Asia and the Pacific with the purpose of confronting China. John Pilger raises the alarm on an under-reported and dangerous provocation. When I first went to Hiroshima in 1967, the shadow on the steps was still there. It was an almost perfect impression of a human being at ease: legs splayed, back bent, one hand by her side as she sat waiting for a bank to open. At a quarter past eight on the morning of 6 August, 1945, she and her silhouette were burned into the granite. I stared at the shadow for an hour or more, unforgettably.

When It Comes To U.S. Foreign Policy, The Truth Hurts

By Ronald Thomas for Black Agenda Report - A bill before Congress could be used to target “any website, or blog, that does not share the mainstream media’s proclivity to serve as the Public Relations arm of a given administration.“ All they have to do is claim it is being “manipulated” by the Russians. But, Moscow doesn’t have to lie to counter a lawless U.S. foreign policy. “The Russians only need to stick to the facts (omitting the pipeline) to ultimately win the propaganda war.” “The USA governing elite is sowing ever deepening dissent in the psyche of those Americans actually inclined to think, understand and know for themselves what is actually going on.”

Meet Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis, Trump’s Iran Hawk Choice For Secretary Of Defense

By Yochi Dreazen for Vox - President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to run the Pentagon, retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, has said “it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot” Taliban fighters, told Iraqi leaders that “if you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all,” and accused the Obama administration of naiveté for inking a nuclear deal with Iran that will slow, but not stop, Tehran’s path to a bomb. Don’t let those quotes — or Mattis’s nickname, “Mad Dog” — fool you. Despite his salty language, Mattis is a serious strategic thinker who is widely respected inside and outside of the Pentagon for his intellect and willingness to offer unvarnished assessments of White House strategy, despite the risks to his own career.

Close But No Cigar: How America Failed To Kill Fidel Castro

By Duncan Campbell for The Guardian - From the famous exploding cigars to poison pills hidden in a cold-cream jar, the CIA and Cuban exile groups spent nearly 50 years devising ways to kill Fidel Castro. None of the plots, of course, succeeded but one of his loyal security men calculated that a total of 634 attempts, some ludicrous, some deadly serious, had been made on the life of El Comandante. On one occasion, aware that Castro was a keen scuba-diver, the CIA devised a cunning plan.

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