Time To Push For Expanded Social Security, Not Just Protest Cuts
We are pleased to see people protesting the threatened cuts to Social Security. And, we are pleased that some are beginning to advocate for what is really needed, a significant increase in how much money Social Security recipients receive. The retirement system in the United States used to be a three-legged stool, but changes in the economy have destroyed two of those legs for the vast majority of seniors. There are no more pensions and most people cannot save enough for retirement. These changes are changes in the economy, not the fault of workers. That leaves the majority of seniors relying solely on Social Security, with its meager $12,000 annual income. This only ensures poverty retirement, not retirement security. Doubling the Social Security payments would not only lift millions out of poverty, it would relieve families of unfair economic burdens and would be a major stimulus to the economy since retirees would spend the additional money.