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Joakim Noah Skips Military Dinner, Cites ‘Mixed Feelings,’ Anti-War Stance

By Staff of ESPN - WEST POINT, N.Y. -- New York Knicks center Joakim Noah says he skipped a team dinner at the U.S. Military Academy that featured cadets and a speech by a former colonel because he is against war. Noah added he had "mixed feelings" about spending time at the academy, where the Knicks are holding training camp this week, because he is opposed to the idea of young troops fighting in wars. "It's hard for me a little bit.

Military To Be Used Against NZ Peace Flotilla

By Staff of Auckland Peace Action - The government has indicated it plans to deploy the NZ military against a peaceful flotilla opposing the entry of warships into Auckland Harbour in November. “This is a major crackdown on protests. It even bans swimming in parts of the Harbour while these warships are around,” said Auckland Peace Action member Valerie Morse. The NZ Navy is hosting wargames with a US warship in mid-November in the Hauraki Gulf. Auckland Peace Action is organising a flotilla to demonstrate New Zealanders’ opposition to war and weapons.

Best Speech A U.S. President Ever Gave

By David Swanson for World Beyond War - In planning an upcoming conference and nonviolent action aimed at challenging the institution of war, with the conference to be held at American University, I can’t help but be drawn to the speech a U.S. president gave at American University a little more than 50 years ago. Whether or not you agree with me that this is the best speech ever given by a U.S. president, there should be little dispute that it is the speech most out of step with what anyone will say at either the Republican or the Democratic national convention this year.

The Most Powerful Case For The U.S. War Resistors

By Alex Kerner for Rabble - On February 15, 2003, 15 million people around the globe marched in opposition to the impending war in Iraq. Despite not convincing the U.S. or UK governments to draw back from their invasion plans, the pressure generated that day did convince several governments, including Canada's, not to participate in what would turn out to be a military debacle that the United States and the United Kingdom are still reeling from more than a decade later.

A Fond Farewell To New York’s Peace Pentagon

By Frida Berrigan for Anti War - Nearly 20 years ago, as I left the War Resisters League, or WRL, offices in lower Manhattan for the first time, I noticed that my fingertips were covered in black soot and ink. My hands were full of tracts and leaflets, and I had been looking through nonviolence training materials for the last hour. I tried to rub the dirt off onto my jeans, but it wouldn’t budge and later even soap and water had to work really hard. A few weeks ago, I went back to 339 Lafayette Street to say goodbye to the appropriately nicknamed Peace Pentagon.

No War 2016: Real Security Without Terrorism

By Staff of World Beyond War - World Beyond War is planning a big event in Washington, D.C., in September 2016, just after the International Day of Peace, including a conference beginning Friday afternoon September 23, running all day Saturday September 24, and with activist workshops on Sunday morning the 25th. We’re also working with Campaign Nonviolence and the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance to plan a nonviolent activism training and a nonviolent action in D.C. on Monday September 26th.

Why Is My Kindergartner Being Groomed For Military At School?

By Sarah Grey for Truthout - When he got home from Iraq, Hart Viges began sorting through his boyhood toys, looking for some he could pass on to his new baby nephew. He found a stash of G.I. Joes - his old favorites - and the memories came flooding back. "I thought about giving them to him," he said. But the pressures of a year in a war zone had strengthened Viges' Christian faith, and he told the Army that "if I loved my enemy I couldn't see killing them, for any reason."

Activist Who Held Vigil Outside White House For Decades, Dies

By Caitlin Gibson for The Washington Post - Concepcion Picciotto, the protester who maintained a peace vigil outside the White House for more than three decades, a demonstration widely considered to be the longest-running act of political protest in U.S. history, died Jan. 25 at a housing facility operated by N Street Village, a nonprofit that supports homeless women in Washington. She was believed to be 80. She had recently suffered a fall, but the immediate cause of death was not known, said Schroeder Stribling, the shelter’s executive director.

Peace Activists Arrested On Grounds Of Neb. Defense Contractor

By Patrick O'Neill for NCR Online - A security guard's encounter with an anti-war protester who was holding a sledgehammer in one hand and baseball bat in the other led to the arrests of four peace activists Sunday night on the grounds of defense contractor Northrop Grumman in Bellevue, Neb. At their first court appearance Tuesday, large bonds were set for Michele Naar-Obed, Jessica Reznicek, Frank Cordaro and Mauro Heck. The four were each charged with felony burglary and felony criminal mischief after police encountered them on Northrop Grumman property. Some windows were broken, and the damage was estimated at $8,000. Reznicek, 34, who was holding the bat and sledgehammer, told television station KETV that she alone did the damage.

Dealing With Terrorism Without Going To War

By Colin Archer for International Peace Bureau - The statement below from the International Peace Bureau offers alternatives to military action to respond to terrorism and a strategy for resolving the crisis in Syria and Iraq where ISIS, al Qaeda, al Nusra Front and other terrorist organizations operate. The USLAW website has a wealth of other resources. Start with the home page and listen to the audio recording of Phyllis Bennis. Order a copy of her new book on ISIS. It offers detailed proposals along the lines of the IPB statement. Another Bennis resource is an article: Six Steps Short of War to Beat ISIS

Thousands Protest UK Bombing Of Syria In London

By Shehab Khan for Independent - Thousands of people have taken to the streets of London to protest against Britain joining the bombing campaign against Isis in Syria. The demonstration was one of many across the country organised by the Stop The War Coalition protest movement. Many famous faces were present as actor Mark Rylance and musician Brian Eno handed a letter to Downing Street urging David Cameron not to bomb Syria

Zeese: The War On The War On Drugs

By Eleanor Goldfield of Act Out for - The interview examines howending the drug war, especially the war on marijuana, has moved from being a third rail politicial issue to having widespread mainstream support. The legalization of marijuana in Colorado and three other states with more on the horizon is not showing any serious problems and is bringing in millions of dollars in new taxes while savings millions on law enforcement. Zeese explains how the most powerful way to deal with drug abuse is not laws that make them illegal, which have all sorts of unexpected consequences, but cultural controls where people learn what is appropriate and inappropriate drug use. These cultural controls are actually undermined by the war on drugs. Zeese also explains how the drug war is linked to other issues in that (1) we are seeking justice on a wide range of issus including police violence, fair and living wages, climate justice, housing justice and the like; and (2) progress toward justice is blocked by a power structure that puts profits ahead of the necessities of the people and the protection of the planet. He urges us to understand the links between these issue so that we can build a bigger social movement for economic, racial and enviornmental justice.

Bike Across America Highlights Climate Change & War

By Dan Monte for World Beyond War - I view this as a necessary pilgrimage for me. I want to raise awareness that climate change, which threatens our civilization, is only intensified by war, and that there is no solution to climate change that does not include peace. But we are accustomed to viewing issues as independent of each other, war and the environment as not connected. And yet our Department of “Defense” has been telling us for many years now that climate change is a serious national security threat. Indeed it is a global security threat that is destabilizing our world. We must understand that military force forgoes the international cooperation needed for solving our climate problem. War reverses all of our progress on improving environmental standards. It is extremely carbon intensive. Our task is to stand firm against the evangelists of war and to reject their fear mongering. The rejection of militarism is necessary — it is the only course towards climate solutions.

Thousands Mobilize For Nuclear Abolition

On the eve of the 5-year Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, thousands of people from around the globe will gather in New York City April 24-26 to demand a nuclear-free, peaceful, just and sustainable world. Activists, scholars, and students with anti-nuclear, peace, and environmental justice movements will call on the NPT Review Conference meeting at the United Nations to mandate the commencement of “good faith negotiations” for the complete elimination of the world’s nuclear arsenals, as required by the Treaty. Peace and Planet events will kick off with an international conference April 24-25 at the historic Cooper Union, featuring speakers from more than a dozen countries. On April 26, a mass rally will take place in Union Square, followed by a march to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza where millions of petition signatures will be presented to UN and NPT officials. The rally will launch a “Global Wave,” with participants symbolically waving goodbye to nuclear weapons.

Did Partisanship Kill The Antiwar Movement?

We argue that its relationships with the Democratic Party contributed to the antiwar movement’s strength (especially in 2003-2006), but ultimately stimulated its demobilization (especially in 2007-2010). Key to this dynamic is the fact that many activists, organizations, and legislators identify both with the Democratic Party and with social movements. We find that as these identities compete with one another inside people’s minds and inside the decision-making arenas of organizations, partisan identities win out more often than not, thus putting social movements in a precarious position. As a result, social movements often find that they are co-opted, or simply left out in the cold, in the aftermath of their collaboration with major political parties.

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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