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Ukraine: Stop The Assassination Of The Kononovich Brothers!

Armed police of Ukraine’s Territorial Center of [military] Recruitment (TCC) detained the brothers Mikhail and Alexander Konovovich on Feb. 25, not far from the house where they are under house arrest. The brothers were wearing GPS bracelets. The TCC charged the Kononovich brothers with being on the Ukrainian wanted list as evaders of military service. This charge subjects them to forced conscription into the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and mobilization directly from the place of detention to the front lines of the war.

The Anastasis Of Marx

If Karl Marx were to experience an anastasis and rise from the grave today, he might be both astonished and vindicated by the enduring relevance of his critique of capitalism in the modern world. Upon his first visit to a mall, how long would it take for him to get past the manufactured happiness that drives consumer culture and perverts his critique of production? Capitalism no longer simply estranges workers from their labor; it engineers desire, making consumption feel like fulfillment. The act of purchasing, of acquiring, is not just an economic transaction but an addiction, a temporary salve for an alienation that he once attributed to the separation from one's own production.

Congress Revives Cold War Tactics With New Anti-Communism Curriculum

Congress has just passed a new bill that will see the U.S. spend huge sums of money redesigning much of the public school system around the ideology of anti-communism. The “Crucial Communism Teaching Act” is now being read in the Senate, where it is all but certain to pass. The move comes amid growing public anger at the economic system and increased public support for socialism. The Crucial Communism Teaching Act, in its own words, is designed to teach children that “certain political ideologies, including communism and totalitarianism…conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy that are essential to the founding of the United States.”

Your Mind Is A Battlefield: Decolonize It To Prevent Global Catastrophe!

It's a great honor for me to join you in this extraordinary, historical moment of celebration and reflection on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. As has been said, we are seeing changes unseen in a century.  Changes both great and terrible. We are currently seeing the unravelling of Empire--and its last desperate, violent, hideous death rattle. We are seeing the unmasking of 500 years of western "civilization", and the laying bare of its hypocrisy and unspeakable brutality. We are seeing the true face of capitalist imperialism, not its made up public relations face, but its resting bastard face. It's not pretty. One of the precipitating factors of the end of Empire--not the only one, but a very important one, because it allows countries to resist hegemony together--is the rise of China.

Pioneers For Communism: Strive To Be Like Che

The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once called Ernesto Che Guevara the “most complete human being of our age.” Today, 96 years after his birth, it is still difficult to find a better example of the socialist human being than the one who proclaimed courageously with his unforgettable last words, “Shoot, coward! You are only going to kill a man!” Che was for Fidel Castro “the most extraordinary of [the] revolutionary comrades;” a man with an infectious character who organically lifted those around him to emulate his revolutionary virtues of “altruism,” “selflessness,” and the “immediate [and] instantaneous willingness” he had towards “carrying out the most difficult missions” for the socialist struggle.

Red Baiters Go Big To Distort And Disarm Workers’ Growing Anger

The main focus of the interview is looking back on the CIO in the 1930s and advocating a “Go Big” approach to labor today. One would expect to find historical examples explaining the strategies of the class struggle organizations which helped to bring about America’s most tumultuous and successful labor upsurge – the formation and struggles of the CIO. Loomis gives an overview of the particular circumstances leading to the creation of the CIO, notably the depression, FDR, and the particular interests of John L Lewis – but chooses to gloss over the years of on-the-ground organizing by left-wing radicals within the labor movement, particularly communists.

The Struggle For Women’s Emancipation Will Always Be Worth It

8 March was not always International Women’s Day, nor has there always been any such day at all. The idea emerged from the Socialist International (also known as the Second International), where Clara Zetkin of the German Social Democratic Party and others fought from 1889 to hold a day to celebrate working women’s lives and struggles. Zetkin, alongside Alexandra Kollontai of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, sustained a struggle with their comrades to recognise the role of working women and the role of domestic labour in the creation of social wealth.

Red Books Day: 176 Years Since The Communist Manifesto Was Published

February 21 marked 176 years since the publication of the Communist Manifesto, and socialists around the world marked the date by celebrating the Manifesto and all “Red Books” that shaped the world. Throughout India, socialists celebrated the 176th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto. In Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, Communist Party of India (Marxist) Kerala State Secretary MV Govindan gave an opening speech and read from the book “Leninism and the Approach to Indian Revolution” by EMS Namboodiripad, the first Chief Minister of Kerala and former General Secretary of the CPI(M).

Integrating The Basic Tenets Of Marxism With China’s Specific Realities

In an address at a meeting on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping noted, “Given the rich foundations of our more than 5,000-year-old civilization, the only path for pioneering and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s specific realities and with its traditional culture. This systematic conclusion, drawn from our explorations of Chinese socialism is the strongest assurance for our success.” In his speech, General Secretary Xi incisively discussed the significance of integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s specific realities and traditional culture (referred to as the “two integrations”) and the rich implications and practical requirements therein.

Progressives Condemn Persecution Of Ukrainian Communist Leader

Leftist and progressive groups have condemned the arrest of veteran communist and leader of the Ukrainian Anti Fascist Committee, Georgi Buiko, by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). On August 16, the SBU announced that they had arrested Buiko, who is accused of participating in “anti-Ukrainian activities” and having communist and “pro-Russian” publications in his home. The persecution of Buiko is a continuation of the crackdown unleashed by the post-Euromaidan regime in Ukraine which has been marked by de-communization attempts, and the banning of communist party and its publication.

US Delegation Meets With Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League

Workers World Party and International Action Center delegates traveled to the People’s Republic of China in May as part of an educational and political exchange organized by the China-U.S. Solidarity Network. The purpose of the delegation was multifold: to conduct research that brings truth to expose the lies of the U.S. empire, as well as to strengthen international friendships and forge a more resilient global anti-imperialist movement. Among the many stops on this tour was a meeting in Beijing with representatives of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League (Taimeng). One of eight parties in the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a united front under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Taimeng works alongside the CPC to formulate the government’s policy in regard to relations between the mainland and Taiwan.

Economic Growth Is Fuelling Climate Change

I’m often told that degrowth, the planned downscaling of production and consumption to reduce the pressure on Earth’s ecosystems, is a tough sell. But a 36-year-old associate professor at Tokyo University has made a name for himself arguing that “degrowth communism” could halt the escalating climate emergency. Kohei Saito, the bestselling author of Capital in the Anthropocene, is back with a new book: Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism. The book is dense, especially for those not fluent in Marxist jargon who, I suspect, care little about whether or not Karl Marx started worrying about nature in his later years.

China Plans New Era Of Revolution

On 21 October 2022, Friends of Socialist China co-editors Danny Haiphong and Carlos Martinez joined Multipolarista editor Ben Norton to discuss the CPC’s 20th National Congress, currently drawing to a close in Beijing. In the 90-minute stream embedded below, the three discuss some of the key themes emerging from the Congress, including the pursuit of China’s Second Centenary Goal (“building a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful”), common prosperity, ecological civilization, whole-process people’s democracy, and the need for self-reliance and military modernization in the face of escalating hostility from the imperialist countries.

A Final Word On ‘MAGA Communism’ And Social Conservatism

A fashionable online trend has emerged that presumes social conservatism and “Make America Great Again” (MAGA), the Trump-inspired ideology, as sufficient responses to the liberal branding of the Democratic Party. Some have even called for a “MAGA” communist movement. The reasoning behind this is simple. MAGA inspired millions of mostly white workers to support Trump’s anti-Free Trade, anti-NATO, and pro-détente with Russia campaign message. Trump’s political base therefore is assumed to possess more revolutionary potential than the Democratic Party camp. The problems with this formulation are many. For one, it belies even the most recent history. Movements cannot be judged by a portion of the slogans communicated to the masses by a single or even a handful elites.

Ridiculous Right-Wing Grifters Cash In Posing As ‘Patriotic Socialists’

MAGA 'Communism'? Ben Norton and Danny Haiphong discuss the absurd concepts of MAGA "communism" and "patriotic socialism" in the imperialist US. Pro-Trump opportunists are posing as leftists to recruit the right - and make lots of money.