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economic sanctions

Adhering To The UN Charter: Barbados First And United States Last

As part of our academic research on how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are examining the extent to which UN member states adhere to the UN Charter and UN-backed goals such as the SDGs. Towards this end, we have created a preliminary “Multilateralism Index,” and welcome feedback and suggestions. The ranking of 74 countries according to the Multilateralism Index is shown in Figure 1 below. Barbados ranks highest, the UN member most aligned with the UN Charter. Though Barbados is a very small country, with just 280,000 people, its peaceful multilateralism gives it a big voice.

GAO Report Shows Biden Should Scrap Trump’s Economic Sanctions On Venezuela

Washington, DC ― A new report from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that US economic sanctions on Venezuela are harming the Venezuelan economy, especially by depressing oil production and exports, and that they are also hindering US-backed humanitarian assistance to the country. The report, which looks at the impact of US sanctions on Venezuela’s economic crisis, was requested by former chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Eliot Engel (D-NY) and committee member Congressman Andy Levin (D-MI). “This report from the GAO offers more evidence that these unilateral, illegal US sanctions are a form of collective punishment against the Venezuelan population and should be ended immediately,” Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) Co-Director Mark Weisbrot said.

Made In The USA: A Co-opted Democracy That Feeds Its Own Insurrection

Washington, DC - “That is not who we are,” insists the U.S. political class after the grave events of January 6 when a mob of Trump supporters brutally invaded the Capitol here in Washington, DC, leading to the loss of five lives. An entire nation, if not the whole world, has been traumatized, unable to believe that these images came from a developed country in North America. The key questions are simple, “Why” and “How?” The answer is visible in the raw emotions on  the demonstrators’ faces, strategically veiled in the concept of “American Exceptionalism” that has done so much damage throughout the history of the country’s democracy.

These Six Banks Have Frozen $4.6 Billion Belonging To Venezuelans

The looting, theft and hijacking of resources from Venezuela has been of great magnitude, six banks withhold under the excuse of US sanctions, around 4.6 billion dollars much needed by and belonging to the Venezuelans, currently facing a spike in Covid-19 cases. The website La Tabla cited the data published by the Venezuelan NGO dedicated to the study, promotion, education and defense of human rights, “Organización Sures“, which explained that this Venezuelan money is in the following banks: Novo Banco: $ 1,547,322,175.89, Bank of England: $ 1,323,228,162.57, Clearstream: $ 517,088,580.00, Citibank: $ 458,415,178,49, Sumitomo: $ 507,506,853,37, and Union Bank: $ 230,024,462.00

US Threatens To Prevent Iranian-Venezuelan Mutual Assistance

Five Iranian supertankers, filled with approximately 45.5 million gallons of gasoline and related fuel products are presently crossing the Atlantic with Venezuela their likely ultimate destination. US authorities speculate that Venezuela will pay for these shipments in gold. Venezuela and Iran, both subject to crippling US sanctions, are natural allies in the struggle to contain the COVID-19 pandemic while providing food and medical supplies for their peoples. If Washington deploys the navy to block these commercial vessels from arriving at their destination, it could ignite a serious international conflict.

San Francisco Labor Council Resolves: Abolish U.S.-Imposed Economic Sanctions

The following resolution was passed unanimously on Feb. 10, 2020. Whereas sanctions and economic blockades are being imposed by the United States and its allies — in violation of international law — against countries that resist Washington’s neoliberal policies and regime change efforts; and Whereas U.S. imposed sanctions are a form of economic warfare, causing death and suffering in some 39 countries with one-third of the world’s population as of 2019; and Whereas U.S. imposed economic sanctions block access to fuel, raw materials and replacement parts interfering with the functioning of critical infrastructure, i.e., electrical grids, water treatment and distribution facilities and hospitals; Whereas in every country facing U.S. imposed economic sanctions, the most vulnerable — infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly — suffer the most;

The World Must End The US’ Illegal Economic War

The United States is relying more heavily on illegal unilateral coercive measures (also known as economic sanctions) in place of war or as part of its build-up to war. In fact, economic sanctions are an act of war that kills tens of thousands of people each year through financial strangulation. An economic blockade places a country under siege. A recent example is the increase in economic measures being imposed against Iran, which many viewed as more acceptable than a military attack. In response to Iran retaliating for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and seven other people, Iran used ballistic missiles to strike two bases in Iraq that house US troops. President Trump responded by saying he would impose more sanctions on Iran.

Sanctions Kill. Join AFGJ And Nicaraguan Farmers To Fight The Blockade Of Venezuela

The Manitos Children’s Fund raises money in North America (US and Canada) to buy food from Nicaraguan cooperatives to donate for children’s nutrition in Venezuela. But there’s a lot more to the story than just the basics. The reason Venezuelan children need to have their nutrition supplemented is because the United States government is trying to overthrow their government, and the weapon of choice is unilateral coercive measures – sanctions – that are explicitly forbidden in the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS). Sanctions are sold to us as a more humane way to pressure other governments to bow to our will. But that is not true. Sanctions kill. In April 2019, Mark Weisbrot, director of Center for Economic and Policy Research, and Colombia University Economist Jeffrey Sachs released a report on the effects of sanctions on Venezuela. Their report revealed at least 40,000 more people died in 2017-18 under sanctions than died in a similar period before sanctions. 

At UN Session, US Empire In Decline And Global Solidarity On The Rise

As the United States becomes more brazen and ridiculous in its attempts to stay in control, it is driving other countries to turn away from the US and organize around it. There are growing calls for the United Nations to consider leaving the US and reestablish itself in a location where the US cannot sanction people for its own political purposes. Perhaps there is a need for a new international institution that does not enable US domination. The US' actions point to the need for peace and justice activists to build an international network to demand the upholding the rule of law. Popular Resistance and its allies are contributing to the formation of that transnational solidarity structure through the new Global Appeal for Peace. 

Correcting The False Narrative On Venezuela & Humanitarian Aid

The most immediate humanitarian aid that could be provided by the United States and Canada would be to drop the sanctions. The European Union and the United States plan to send $60 million in aid, despite the fact that the Venezuelan government is demanding the return of more than $23 billion dollars to Venezuela that is frozen in accounts being held in the U.S., Canada, and Europe that they consider stolen from their public treasury. This money could have been spent on the necessary importation of food and medicine for the benefit of the entire population.

International Opposition To ‘Military Option’ & Sanctions Against Venezuela Gaining Strength?

Several developments point to a reaction against loose, imprudent talk of a military solution to the situation in Venezuela. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Trump Administration Discussed Coup Plans with Rebel Venezuelan Officers” criticized the U.S. government for encouraging coup plotters in the Venezuelan military. Whether or not the Democrats, and perhaps a sector of the Republican Party, take up the issue remains to be seen.

The False Doctrine Of Humanitarian Intervention Comes To Nicaragua

I am really angry that passage of the NICA Act in its even worse form, the Nicaragua Human Rights and Anticorruption Act of 2018 (S. 3233), appears to be a fait accompli – and by unanimous consent at that! If this Act has not passed by the time you receive these NicaNotes, please call your Senators using these talking points. If you are leaving a message, don't forget to include your name and zip code.

August 14 Int’l Day of Action: End of Sanctions Against Venezuela!

Using the hashtags, #SanctionsAreWar & #EndVenezuelaSanctions, we are asking people to take a selfie or group photo, and send it with a short message urging an end to the destructive and counterproductive economic blockade by the United States, Canadian and Western nations that are having a devastating impact on the people of Venezuela. Post the photo on social media and send us your picture at

Venezuela Defeats US In Election, Now Must Build Independent Economy

Upon returning to the United States from Venezuela and reading the terrible media reporting of the election, it was evident that the people of the United States are being lied to. The Intrepid News Fund and Venezuela Analysis invited me and others to come to Venezuela for the election to see first hand what actually happened so we could report what we saw and break the media blockade against Venezuela. The US is leading an economic war against Venezuela that is causing tremendous damage, but there is also a media blockade preventing the truth from being told.
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