Congress Trains Academia To Deny Genocide
“Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?”
That’s the question that Rep. Bob Good, a Republican of Virginia, fired at Jonathan Holloway, president of Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey, last week in a U.S. House committee hearing.
Holloway, a scholar of African American history who has been steadily climbing the ladder of administrative positions at top-tier schools, looked stunned.
“Um sir, I don’t … have an opinion on Israel’s um …in terms of that phrase.”
Good: “You do not have an opinion as to whether Israel’s government is genocidal?”
Holloway: “Uh, no sir, I think Israel has a right to exist and protect itself.”
Good: “Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?”
Holloway: “I think Israel has a right to exist and protect itself, sir.”