In Nigeria, A Template For Solar-Powered Minigrids Emerges
How a unique partnership, innovative financing and stubborn persistence created a model for localized solar and batteries. On a humid November day in the small Nigerian village of Gbamu Gbamu (pronounced bomb-ou bomb-ou), Akinola Oduola clambers down a wooden ladder propped against a minaret that overlooks a tight cluster of adobe, wood and concrete homes. “This is my work,” Oduola says by way of introduction, gesturing toward the mosque that is taking shape nearby. This is not hyperbole. Oduola has spent the past three years single-handedly willing this mosque into existence. Hard work is important for those who call Gbamu Gbamu home. When he’s not building his mosque, Oduola is a welder and motorcycle repairman -- an in-demand profession in a town where the bulk of the population travels to and from Gbamu Gbamu along a deeply rutted 10-kilometer dirt road.