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Yellow Finch Tree Sitters Hold Strong As Police And Pipeline Company Attempt Eviction

Today police aided by Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) employees attempted to evict the Yellow Finch tree sit but were not successful. What follows is a report from Appalachians Against Pipelines. The tree sitters are holding strong. We are still here. Today is day 267. At the Yellow Finch tree sits in the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, cops have left the scene (for now). MVP is still lurking down the road. We are still asking for local support — if you are available and can come out today during the day, we’d love to see you. If not, donate.

Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Experienced ‘Scary Nights’ But Persevered

Washington, DC –The last four holdouts in a siege at the Venezuelan Embassy experienced one of the most difficult times of their lives, they said, but survived by talking to each other about how they were feeling and shared their love and respect for one another. The Embassy Protection Collective was formed when Venezuela’s Consulate in New York was taken over by those opposing President Nicolás Maduro. They did so with the blessing of the Trump administration, which is trying to facilitate a coup in Venezuela to topple the Maduro government and install Juan Guaidó.

Drone Warfare Activist Daniel Hale Facing 50 Years For Whistleblowing

Daniel Hale, an Air Force veteran and former U.S. intelligence analyst turned anti-war activist was arrested May 9thand charged with violating the Espionage Act. Daniel is a well-known anti-drone activist who has spoken out a number of anti-war events and conferences. He is also featured in the award-winning documentary “National Bird.” Daniel is a member of About Face: Veterans Against the War (formerly Iraq Veterans Against the War), and often appeared at events wearing a button supporting WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

US Chose ‘The Violent And Illegal Path’ Against Peace Activists, Embassy Protector Tells The Canary

For 37 days, a group of peace activists stayed in the Venezuelan embassy in Washington to resist threats from the country’s US-backed opposition to seize the premises. By 14 May, only four activists remained inside the embassy, claiming defiantly: “we are not going to leave voluntarily”. But on 16 May, heavily armed police evicted them, breaking international law in the process. One of the final activists was Margaret Flowers – a paediatrician, social justice activist, and co-director of Popular Resistance. And she spoke exclusively to The Canary about the Embassy Protection Collective, and where the struggle goes from now.

The Activists Who Defended The Venezuelan Embassy, ​​Won

When Reverend Jesse Jackson, icon of the civil rights struggle in the States, delivered food to four activists at the Venezuelan embassy this Wednesday, a cold must have flowed through the back of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Every time the activists needed food or water, a public figure could be out there to give it to them and it would be much harder for the Secret Service and the anti-Chavistas to stop them. And if they did it with blows, the photo would go around the world as in fact it was happening with many of the clashes that took place outside the embassy. 

Attorney Stops Federal Raid Attempt On Venezuelan Embassy

Washington, DC–On Monday night Secret Service, DC Police, and State Department agents attempted a coordinated raid on the Embassy of Venezuela to arrest activists that have been inside for a month. Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, an attorney representing the activists’ interests at the Embassy, intervened on their behalf as federal agents entered the building. She notified them that they had no legal authority to enter the Embassy when they did not present a signed warrant authorizing them to arrest the activists.

U.S. Activists Defend Venezuelan Sovereignty: Inside Report From An Embassy Protector

Washington, D.C. — In early April, a coalition of anti-war activists called for a civilian defense of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. This call was made in response to the attempted coup against Venezuela’s democratically elected president, Nicolás Maduro. Since late February, the U.S. and its allies have attempted to install a right-wing puppet government in Venezuela, headed by pretender Juan Guiadó. The Trump administration had supported the takeover of several Venezuelan diplomatic buildings in the U.S. by pro-Guaidó forces.

Caracas Welcomes Activists Protecting Venezuelan Embassy In US – FM

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Caracas welcomes US activists’ attempts to prevent the Venezuelan embassy in Washington from being taken over by opposition leader Juan Guaido’s representatives, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza said during a press briefing. "[Social groups] have proposed themselves for legal actions to protect the Venezuelan properties, they are assisting in this regard, and their assistance is very much welcomed," Arreaza said on Thursday.

Morocco: Thousands Call For Release Of Jailed Activists

Huge crowds have rallied in the Moroccan capital to demand the release of activists who staged mass anti-poverty demonstrations in 2016. One campaigner's father said he feared his son would die in prison. Thousands of protesters have marched through downtown Rabat to denounce jail sentences given to dozens of activists over their role in the Hirak Rif movement. The poverty-fighting campaign, which began in 2016 in the impoverished Rif region, led to the biggest unrest seen in Morocco since the 2011 Arab Spring.

Who Are Extinction Rebellion, The UK-Born Activist Group Holding Cities To Ransom?

With many major London thoroughfares brought to a standstill for the third day running, activist group Extinction Rebellion have succeeded in making a statement it’s impossible to ignore. Oxford Circus is blocked off, Waterloo Bridge has become a makeshift bunkhouse, and countless similar protests are popping up across the city, country and planet. But who are Extinction Rebellion, and what do they want? How have they organised so quickly, and what’s that symbol all about? We’ve rounded up everything you need to know about the group currently holding the country to ransom.

Activist, Who Says NYPD Officers Tried To Frame Him, Gets $860,000 Settlement

In the summer of 2016, activist Jose LaSalle was arrested after he recorded video of police stopping and frisking two men in the Bronx. On a secret recording provided by LaSalle, NYPD officers in the PSA 7 stationhouse can be heard cheering and accusing him of having committed a felony. But LaSalle, who founded the South Bronx Copwatch Patrol Unit, may be having the last laugh. His lawyer says the city and the NYPD agreed to pay LaSalle $860,000 after he accused the police of false arrest, imprisonment, and conspiracy.

The Fight For Justice Takes Its Toll On Ferguson Activists

Ferguson activist Melissa Mckinnies sat on her couch, her hair tied in a bun, and spoke deliberately, in a soft, hushed tone. The shades were drawn. On October 17, Mckinnies had woken to a terrible event. Early in the morning, when her husband, Derek, came home from his nightshift, he and Melissa noticed that her eldest son, twenty-four-year-old Danye, had left the light on in his basement bedroom. When they went to check on him, Danye was nowhere to be seen. Panicked, Mckinnies and her husband, Derek, searched the house and found a packed bag on the back porch, as if he had been preparing to go somewhere.

Harassment And Intimidation Of Colombian Peace Activists “Lazos de Dignidad”

The Alliance for Global Justice is concerned about harassment and intimidation that is being experienced by Colombia’s legal collective Fundación Lazos de Dignidad (FLD – Links of Dignity Foundation). Over the past months, collective members have faced a home break-in and illegal search, observation and filming of their 17th floor office by drone, and slanderous media publications and social media posts that place FLD volunteers at risk. Currently the Executive Secretary is facing spurious charges for her work in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) courts set up as part of the peace agreement.

U.S. Peace Delegation To Iran Welcomed By Foreign Minister, Met By FBI Agents On Return

It is International Women’s Day here at The Real News Network. It’s marking the 90th anniversary of the first National Women’s Day in the U.S. that took place in New York City in 1909. International Women’s Day is really a rally for the peace movement, women’s rights, better working conditions, all coming together under the banner of socialism. Perhaps that is why this day is not marked in any significant way here in the U.S. But in Canada, Russia, Turkey, many other Latin American countries, it’s a national holiday. It is marked as a very important day for women’s liberation.

Berta Caceres’ Daughter Demands Justice For Mother’s Murder On Death Anniversary

The daughter of slain land and water rights activist, Berta Caceres says her mother’s murder must be brought to justice, including indicting the European banks that financed the Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam that Caceres fought against until her death three years ago. Berta Zuñiga, daughter of Lenca Indigenous activist Caceres tells EFE: "We have always asked for comprehensive justice and true justice. We do not want a smoke screen or a justice that is only for appearances," Zuñiga stated.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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