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‘The War In Ukraine’: Watchdog Media Institute’s 22-Part Video Series

Produced and presented by the Watchdog Media Institute, here is a chronological archive of events in Ukraine from the beginning of the Euromaidan protests in November 2013 to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in July 2014. Hundreds of various sources are presented without commentary and in context, allowing the viewer to adequately interpret the information themselves. Research & Editing by: Chris Nolan. Subtitles by: Angelina Siard & Ollie Richardson. This video series presents an invaluable background to the beginnings of the war in Ukraine that eventually led to the Russian intervention on Thursday, a war which Russian President Vladimir Putin said he wasn’t starting, but trying to end.

The United States Is Using Nazis In Ukraine To Provoke War With Russia

If you listen to the corporate media in the United States, you may believe the lies that say Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine. In reality, it is the United States, led by then vice president Joe Biden, that conducted a coup to replace the elected president of Ukraine in 2014 and has been training and arming Nazis to attack the ethnically Russian Donbass Region in eastern Ukraine ever since. There is daily violence against civilians and basic infrastructure. The Biden administration is escalating this aggression and trying to blame Russia with the support of the same corporate media that defended US attacks on Iraq, Libya and Syria. To clear the fog on this misinformation campaign, Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space speaks about what is actually happening in Ukraine, the role of the US and the growing risk of war with Russia.

The US Did Not Defeat Fascism In WWII

One of the founding myths of the contemporary Western European and American world is that fascism was defeated in WWII by liberal democracies, and particularly by the United States. With the subsequent Nuremburg trials and the patient construction of a liberal world order, a bulwark was erected—in fits and starts, and with the constant threat of regression—against fascism and its evil twin in the East. American culture industries have rehearsed this narrative ad nauseum, brewing it into a saccharine ideological Kool-Aid and piping it into every household, shack and street corner with a TV or smartphone, tirelessly juxtaposing the supreme evil of Nazism to the freedom and prosperity of liberal democracy.

The Many Faces Of The Radical Right And How To Counter Their Threat

A whole ecosystem has grown up around the radical right as it has surged in visibility this century. The radical right can lay claim to its own stable of media personalities and political superstars, not to mention the social media platforms and political parties that cater to them. Its growth has been powered, in part, by some of the same social institutions that characterize and support mainstream culture: the political system itself, where many radical right parties attempt participation and in many countries field candidates; and the culture of social media, where followers can number in the millions. At times the radical right can rival mainstream actors in popularity and at times can even be indistinguishable from it. As the radical right has captured media attention, it has likewise provoked heated opposition.

Fascism, White Nationalism, The Nazis And America

I was born in 1942 but I remember the war. It made a deep impression on me. When I was two years old, I shocked my mother by being so disturbed at the radio news I was hearing about the Nazis that I stormed into their bedroom and announced angrily that if anyone tried to destroy my world, I will destroy them. My Jewish mother was terrified. This was her son? I still feel the same way. I am certainly not a saint. I do not have or even want to have love for my enemies. I also do not care to "put myself in their place" and try and understand their excuses and rationales. I do not want to win a debate with them. I see the results of their actions. The bastards are destroying the earth. In Hitler’s day, he was responsible for the killing of not only Jewish children but many other children and I see the hateful white nationalism and racist parallels today right here in the U.S. and ironically, maybe even more so in apartheid Israel.

Exploring The Roots Of The Satmar Hasidim

My own family history has no connection to the Holocaust. My family were Zionists who came to colonize Palestine in the 1920’s and so even though I knew about the Holocaust and I knew people who were survivors, I have no personal connection to it. I never thought I would write about events relating to the Holocaust either, but then something happened. Working on a book about the Haredi Jewish community, I was curious to see the places from which they came. I have been in touch and made friends with many people within the Ultra Orthodox Jewish communities in New York and London and many if not most are the children and grandchildren of survivors of the Holocaust.

WaPo Uses Photo Of John McCain Next To Nazi To Praise His ‘Human Rights’ Work

The Washington Post (8/27/18) published an op-ed by conservative staff opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin praising the late Sen. John McCain for his supposed commitment to “human rights.” Rubin waxed poetic on the ostensible “lost champion” of human rights, who “model[ed] for others the behavior of a free society.” She declared, quite paradoxically, “With the possible exception of the US military…no group was more indebted to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) than the human rights community.” There was an, er, optical problem, however: For the header image on this column, the Washington Post used a photo of McCain speaking next to the notorious Ukrainian neo-Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok.

Congress Welcomes An Actual Fascist As Nazi Violence Rages In Ukraine

At a packed meeting in the Senate, the Grayzone's Max Blumenthal asked organizers whether it was appropriate for Congress and the American Foreign Policy Society to be coddling the founder of two neo-Nazi parties. The response to his questions elicited ranged from bizarre to deeply troubling. Organized sought to cover-up his extremist viewpoints and dodge questions from Blumenthal about anti-semitism. These meeting continues the bipartisan alliance between the United States and neonazis who were part of the US funded and supported coup in Ukraine. The coup has resulted in a rise in anti-semitism in Ukraine as well as consistent belligerence to Russia which is on its border.

Georgia Police Used Fake News From Militia To Plan For Nazi Rally, Emails Show

Newnan, GA – Emails obtained by Unicorn Riot through a public records request to the Coweta County Sheriff suggest that law enforcement relied on false ‘alt-right’ posts in their planning for an April 21, 2018 rally by the neo-nazi National Socialist Movement (NSM). The NSM ended up only drawing about 30 supporters but were met by several hundred anti-racist counter-protesters. Most media coverage of events in Newnan focused on the police response, which included over 800 officers who aggressively attacked and arrested antifascists, at times directly threatening protesters with assault rifles at point blank range. Evidence shows that the heavy-handed tactics used by Newnan police on April 21 were motivated in part by disinformation, created and shared by members of a far-right militia, which law enforcement had accepted as fact.

Nazis & Opponents Clash In DC Over SF Verdict Acquitting Immigrant

By John Zangas for DCMG - Washington, DC–White supremacist Richard Spencer and about 20 of his followers expressed hatred for immigrants at the White House Sunday afternoon while protesting the San Francisco trial verdict in the shooting death of Kathryn Steinle. About 75 counter-protesters confronted Spencer and his Nazi group on Pennsylvania Ave. as they marched toward Lafayette Square, blocking them from reaching the front of the North Portico side of White House. Police scrambled to separate the two groups with a cordon as they met, then quickly inserted metal barricades between the two sides before any skirmishes could break out. “Alt-Righters” like Spencer and Eli Mosley and Traditionalist Workers Party neo-Nazis including Matthew Heimbach and Derek Davis were in attendance. Spencer and Mosley helped organized the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va., on August 9 when Nazi groups, the KKK, the Alt Right, and other fringe supremacy groups protested the removal of a Civil War statue of General Robert E. Lee. That event turned deadly when a car driven by James Alex Fields Jr., 20, plowed into activists, hitting and injuring 20 and killing Heather Heyer, a civil rights activist. Attorney General Jeff Sessions admitted it was an act of domestic terrorism and vowed to investigate and prosecute it as terrorism.

‘White Lives Matter’ Rally Canceled After Resistance In Tennessee

By Christopher Mathias for Huff Post. White supremacists, neo-Nazis and fascists descended on a Middle Tennessee town Saturday for a “White Lives Matter” rally, striking fear into communities desperate to avoid the kind of violence that visited Charlottesville, Virginia, nearly three months ago. But it was met with a heavy police presence and resistance from counterprotesters. A second rally planned for the afternoon in the larger college town of Murfreesboro was abruptly canceled by organizers. Saturday’s White Lives Matter rally felt like an extension of all that hate, said Dr. Saleh M. Sbenaty, a professor at Middle Tennessee State University who is a member of the mosque. “It’s that you are living like a hostage in your own town and city that you’ve lived in and loved so many years,” he said of the rally. “This is not the U.S. we know of, and I hope this is not the way from now on. It’s unbelievable.”

‘Hitler’s American Model: US And Making Of Nazi Race Law’

By Bill Moyers for Moyers and Company - Boy, did they ever. In fact, they saw America doing it in a more radical fashion than any of the Nazis themselves ever advocated. I mentioned earlier the demands of the radicals during the early Nazi period in 1933, which were embodied in something called the Prussian Memorandum. Kind of a sinister name, but that’s what it was. The Prussian Memorandum specifically invoked Jim Crow as a model for the new Nazi program, and here’s the irony: The Prussian Memorandum also insisted that Jim Crow went further than the Nazis themselves would desire to go. They were planning to ban offensive socialization between the races if it took place in public but not in private. They went on to observe that the Americans went even further than that, banning interactions even in private. As Nazi debates continued, however, there was a great deal of disagreement over whether anything like Jim Crow segregation was appropriate for Nazi Germany. In fact, if you read the stenographic transcript of that meeting we’re talking about, you’ll come across a leading Nazi radical who denied that segregation would work in Germany. As he put it, “The Jews are just much too rich and powerful. Segregation of the Jim Crow kind could really only be effective against a population that was already oppressed and impoverished,” like the African-American population in America.

The Language Of White Supremacy

By Van R. Newkirk II for The Atlantic. Who or what is a white supremacist, exactly? The raging debate has resembled nothing so much as a classical ontological discourse on categorization. Are white supremacists considered so because they consider themselves so? Does one become a white supremacist by more Aristotelian means, expressing a certain number of categories of being—or swastika tattoos? Or is the definition something more slippery and subtle? The language of white supremacy has become increasingly central to understanding the argument over the broad currents of Donald Trump’s ascendancy.

Seattle’s Super Secret White Nationalist Convention

By David Lewis for The Stranger. Seattle, WA - Back in January, I e-mailed Dr. Greg Johnson, organizer of Northwest Forum, Seattle’s hottest closed-door white nationalist convention, asking for an interview on the latest in regional racism. He turned me down. Thanks to the internet, the far right no longer needs the mainstream media to get its message out. Print, television, and radio lose their relevance when everybody’s just a click away from Pepe the Frog, Disney songs dubbed with racist lyrics, and pseudo-intellectual essays that somehow try to bring ancient Rome into all this.

After Charlottesville, Papers Condemning Anti-Nazis And Nazis

By Adam Johnson for FAIR - Since the Charlottesville attack a month ago, a review of commentary in the six top broadsheet newspapers—the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, LA Times, San Jose Mercury News and Washington Post—found virtually equal amounts of condemnation of fascists and anti-fascist protesters. Between August 12 and September 12, these papers ran 28 op-eds or editorials condemning the anti-fascist movement known as antifa, or calling on politicians to do so, and 27 condemning neo-Nazis and white supremacists, or calling on politicians—namely Donald Trump—to do so. For the purposes of this survey, commentary that drew a comparison between antifa and neo-Nazis, but devoted the bulk of its argument to condemning antifa, was categorized as anti-antifa. There were no op-eds or editorials framed as condemnations of “both sides” that spent as much or more time condemning or criticizing neo-Nazis. The “both sides” frame—which was employed by Donald Trump in the wake of the attack, and endorsed by white supremacist David Duke—was almost always used a vehicle to highlight and denounce antifa, with a “to be sure” line about neo-Nazis thrown in for good measure. A breakdown of the op-eds and editorials can be found here.