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Extreme Measures Needed To Tackle Climate Chaos Before It’s Too Late

The last week in July saw record-breaking temperatures across the globe. The forecast map for Europe appeared as a giant oppressive red mass with barely any orange or yellow nuance. Not built to withstand temperatures in the triple digits fahrenheit, cities such as Stockholm, Paris, Berlin, and elsewhere boiled beneath an unrelenting summer sun. Here in the US, cities across the country sent out advisories telling residents to stay inside with air conditioning on. And while three-quarters of homes in the US have air conditioning, high-risk, low-income communities sometimes don’t, and even if they do, they don’t always have access to it. For instance, a mere few days after Mayor de Blasio signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency due to extreme temperatures, nearly 50,000 Con Edison customers had their power cut.

Court Tosses Another Crucial Permit For Atlantic Coast Pipeline

RICHMOND, Va. -- Today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a permit that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) needs to continue construction. A three-judge panel vacated the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) review of the ACP’s impacts related to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), ruling that the FWS “lost sight of its mandate” when rushing the review for the pipeline instead of protecting threatened wildlife.

Appalachians Against Pipelines Continues Protests Against MVP Pipeline

Over 30 water protectors from around communities around Virginia walked on to the MVP worksite at Cove Hollow just over the hill from the Yellow Finch blockade blocking work while singing and dancing as a community. Dozens of peaceful protesters walked on to a Mountain Valley Pipeline work site on Cove Hollow Road, stopping work for approximately an hour — they rallied, sang, and left around 10:45 am. After that action, the police swarmed to the nearby Yellow Finch tree-sit blockade en masse, immediately arresting 3 pipeline fighters.

Organic Farm In W.Va. Imperiled By Gas Pipeline Construction

In the four years since finding stakes mysteriously implanted in the ground of their newly acquired farm, Neal LaFerriere and his family have worked as best they could with Mountain Valley Pipeline representatives to preserve the integrity of their organic farm. Having no choice but to sign an easement to allow the gas pipeline to go through his land, he and his wife Beth have tried to hold MVP to the management plan it filed with a federal agency. “We have always been willing to sit down at the table and meet with them to try to work out the issues,” LaFerriere said.

Intersectional Raids, Calls For More Pipelines & A Creative Mind

If someone in your neighborhood is going on a rampage killing a bunch of neighbors and burying them in his backyard to the point that he's running out of room – do you say, well geez Bob, this is really a problem of mass grave space? What this metaphor has to do with pipelines, media literacy and creative resistance. Next up: ICE raids and the vital intersections between workers rights, migrant rights and the prison industrial complex. Finally, Ana Tiffany Devez sits down to talk about the past, present and future of fighting and building in El Paso.

Pipeline Fighter Blocks Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction

Montgomery County, VA — Yesterday, pipeline fighter Phillip Flagg locked himself in the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline near Elliston, VA. MVP has been clearing and grading this section of the pipeline’s path in preparation to lay pipe. Phillip laid his body in the easement and locked his body to an underground concrete blockade directly in the path of the pipeline. His action stopped MVP work at the site for 7 hours, preventing the company’s progression towards the nearby Yellow Finch tree sits. Around 5:30 pm, Phillip was extracted from his blockade and arrested.

After Standing Rock, Protesting Pipelines Can Get You A Decade In Prison And $100K In Fines

Cherri Foytlin and her fellow protestors spent much of last summer suspended 35-feet in the air in “sky pods” tied to cypress trees. They were hoping to block the Bayou Bridge Pipeline from running through their part of Louisiana. At the time, Energy Transfer Partners was building the pipeline to move oil between Texas and St. James Parish in southern Louisiana, crisscrossing through the Atchafalaya Basin, one of the largest swamps in the country. Foytlin and others with the group L’Eau Est La Vie (“Water Is Life”) set up wooden platforms between trees along the proposed path of the pipeline.

Groups Sue To Stop KXL Pipeline

Great Falls, MT— Conservation groups filed a federal lawsuit today challenging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ illegal approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline to be constructed through hundreds of rivers, streams, and wetlands without evaluating the project’s impacts as required by the National Environmental Policy Act and the Clean Water Act.  The groups also sent notices of their intent to sue President Donald Trump, the Army Corps, and the companies seeking to build Keystone XL and its power-line infrastructure over the project’s lethal threats to endangered species, including the whooping crane. 

Local Locks Himself To Excavator At Pipeline Work Site

Montgomery County, VA - Another brave pipeline fighter has taken a stand against the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Early Friday morning, Blacksburg, VA local Michael James-Deramo locked himself to an excavator a Mountain Valley Pipeline site in Montgomery County, VA, preventing construction. A banner attached to the equipment stated, “SPARK RESISTANCE.”  Michael stated: “I grew up in this county, this is my home. When I was young, I played in the forests on Brush Mountain, when I got older I hiked the trails of Peters Mountain. For the past 4 years, I have fought against the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We have watched as this pipeline has wreaked havoc — from Brush Mountain to Peters Mountain, from Four Corners Farm to Bottom Creek — not just havoc on the land, but on the lives and mental wellbeing of individuals, and the sanctity of place and safety.

Mountain Valley Pipeline Fighter Locks Themself To Excavator In Summers County

[Summers County, WV] — At 6 A.M. Wednesday morning, a pipeline fighter locked themself to a piece of equipment at a Mountain Valley Pipeline site, preventing construction. The anonymous protester climbed atop an excavator and locked themself to it. Banners at the site read “NO PIPELINES, NO EXTRACTION, NO COMPROMISE” and “MOUNTAIN DEFENDERS, WATER PROTECTORS, STAND WITH US.”  The person on the excavator stated: “11 years. It’s said that’s how much time we have left to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change. The question is, what are we going to do to ensure a livable and healthy planet for all those that will come after us? I am taking this action today to stop construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, which is cutting through and destroying the beautiful mountains, forests, and waterways of Appalachia.” 

Direct Action In Minnesota As Line 3 Pipeline Approval Reversed

Near Park Rapids, MN – On Monday, June 3, 2019 three water protectors shut down work on power lines along the proposed Enbridge Line 3 tar sands oil pipeline by locking themselves to construction equipment. The same day, the Certificate of Need and Routing Permit for Enbridge’s Line 3 was “Reversed and Remanded,” by the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Monday’s happenings continue years of a mixture of direct action and legal battles by environmental and indigenous groups against the proposed Line 3 project.

Court Sides With Trump On Keystone XL Permit, But Don’t Expect Fast Progress

A federal appeals court on Thursday threw out a lower court decision to halt construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. But several major obstacles remain to the controversial project's progress, ensuring that the much-delayed Keystone XL will likely not be built soon. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision hands a victory, at least for now, to the Trump administration and tar sands oil interests that have sought to jump-start construction of the northern leg of the pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska.

Court: Climate Impacts Of Pipeline Projects Cannot Be Ignored

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a little-known agency that oversees energy infrastructure, receives far less attention when it comes to climate change than the Environmental Protection Agency. But a recent court ruling upheld that it must consider climate impacts in its decisions to approve certain natural gas infrastructure, hindering Trump administration efforts to speed construction on those projects with no regard to their impact on the climate. The ruling, issued Monday by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals in Lori Birckhead et al v. FERC...

Virginia’s Controversial Pipelines Face Protests And Legal Hurdles

FLOYD — Warm weather has brought renewed activity to the Mountain Valley Pipeline in western Virginia, but the project and its equally contentious sibling, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, still face unresolved legal and regulatory hurdles that leave their completion uncertain. This year has seen new protests on the ground, as well as an escalation in charges against protesters. A man who chained himself to a piece of pipeline equipment in West Virginia last month was charged with threats of terrorist acts, marking the first time a pipeline protester has been charged with a felony.

Yellow Finch Tree Sitters Hold Strong As Police And Pipeline Company Attempt Eviction

Today police aided by Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) employees attempted to evict the Yellow Finch tree sit but were not successful. What follows is a report from Appalachians Against Pipelines. The tree sitters are holding strong. We are still here. Today is day 267. At the Yellow Finch tree sits in the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, cops have left the scene (for now). MVP is still lurking down the road. We are still asking for local support — if you are available and can come out today during the day, we’d love to see you. If not, donate.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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