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When Fear Became Fury: Mexican Women Shake Society

Every day, 10 women are murdered on average in Mexico. Yet open violence is only the tip of the iceberg. Mexican women face constant harassment, discrimination and humiliation at home, in the workplace, and in the streets. Women in general, and working-class women in particular, bear the brunt of the crisis of Mexican capitalism and the process of social decomposition that accompanies it.

I’m A Proud Abortion Provider. Here’s Why. 

I feel that every day is National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers because of the immense appreciation I receive from my patients, day in and day out. A podcast about pregnancy and drug use, Native people and tribal sovereignty. It’s a story nobody has told beyond a small community, but one everybody needs to hear.

Women Protesting India’s Anti-Muslim Citizenship Law Are Undeterred By Violence

Starting in the early morning of Feb. 24, sectarian violence between Hindus and Muslims broke out in several neighborhoods in northeast New Delhi — all while Donald Trump was on a visit to India. Videos emerged on social media of Hindus chanting “Jai Shri Ram,” or “Hail Lord Ram,” pelting Muslims with stones...

Over 3500 Landless Women To Occupy Brasilia At 1st National MST Women’s Meeting

With the motto, “Women in the Struggle: Sowing Resistance”, around 3500 women will occupy Brasilia, between the 5th and 9th of March, during the 1st National Landless Women’s Meeting. This is the first time in the history of the Landless Workers Movement (MST) that a meeting is spearheaded exclusively by rural women.

Women Protest Around The World For Equality And Ending Violence And Exploitation

The first National Woman's Day was observed in the United States on February 28, 1909, organized by the Socialist Party of America, to honor the 1908 garment workers' strike in New York. Thousands of people showed up to various events uniting the suffragist and socialist causes, whose goals had often been at odds. The 1910 International Socialist Woman's Conference adopted a proposal that "a special Women's Day" be organized each year. reports, that on March 19, 1911, the 40th anniversary of the Paris Commune, a radical socialist movement that briefly ruled in France in 1871, the first International Woman’s Day was held. It drew more than 1 million people to rallies worldwide. During World War I, women continued to march and demonstrate on International Woman’s Day. 

Women Confront Ugly Harassment At Beauty Products Plant

At a lotion factory outside Chicago, workers endured years of sexual harassment, coercion, gender and racial discrimination, and unsafe working conditions. Last year the women at Voyant Beauty came together to fight back. The workers at Voyant are overwhelmingly female, and almost all long-term temps. They blend, bottle, pack, and ship beauty products for brands like Victoria’s Secret, Johnson & Johnson, and Aveeno.

Women Are The Face Of Mohawk Resistance

Kanesatake — Brigitte Rice had been on her feet for 24 hours by Tuesday morning, hoisting the Warrior flag in one hand and using the other to slow traffic into Mohawk territory. She came to the blockade Monday to “hold it down” for the protesters arrested for stopping rail traffic in Tyendinaga that morning. Hours after the raid, Rice was among the dozens of Mohawks on the front lines in Kanesatake, sealing off access to the reserve to show solidarity with her sister community. They lifted the blockade early Tuesday and are allowing a single lane of traffic to pass through the reserve along Route 344. “My son asked me if he would have to do this when he grows up. It hit me hard,” Rice said. “I really hope he doesn’t have to. I was watching live when the RCMP moved into the Wet’suwet’en camp. I started crying. It really hurt me.

Mexico: “Bring The Perpetrators Of The Murders Of Women To Justice!”

Mexico is in shock. In the span of just a few days, the lifeless body of a seven-year-old girl, kidnapped after being abducted from school, was found. Then the body of another young girl, tortured and murdered, was discovered. The number of women murdered every day is 10. The news of these recent killings was like a bomb had been dropped. It placed President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a political and social crisis, as he has always considered this issue to be secondary, refusing to respond to the demands of thousands of women who have been mobilized for more than a year against violence and murder.

Working To Protect Day And Night

How did Nonviolent Peaceforce respond when South Sudanese women reported facing assault, harassment and robbery on their way to and from the market at night? Our peacekeepers came up with a safety plan. They knew from experience that the day patrols Nonviolent Peaceforce conducted across South Sudan were successful in reducing violence in communities.

Celia Sánchez Manduley: The Most Famous Woman You Have Never Heard Of

If the name Celia Sánchez Manduley does not ring a bell, you are not alone. In April 1965, Andrew St. George began his article for Parade with a rhetorical question: “Who is Celia Sánchez?” St. George went on to claim, “it is a reasonable if regrettable guess that, as this is written, not one American in a thousand knows.” Even President John F. Kennedy did not recognize the name when it appeared on blue CIA stationery under a red striped top-secret cover at a National Security Council meeting. Kennedy frowned upon seeing the unfamiliar name and asked, “But who is Celia Sánchez?”

Women’s March Global: ‘Women’s Rights Are Human Rights!’

The theme of the fourth annual Women’s March Global 2020 was “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights.” On Jan. 18, hundreds of thousands of women and people of all genders marched and rallied in at least 23 countries with various demands. In Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, Canada and the U.S., demonstrators called for their rights. Countries where coordinated protests took place included Brazil, Kenya, Micronesia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Thailand, Zambia, Zimbabwe and 10 European countries.

55% Of US Voting-Age Women Prefer Socialism, Over Capitalism

A majority of voting-age women in the United States oppose capitalism and would rather live under an economic system resembling the democratic socialist structure in force in Nordic countries such as Sweden and Norway, according to a reminder published Sunday by the news website Axios. The Harris poll conducted for “Axios HBO” in June 2019 had shown that socialism gained popularity over the past years.

It’s Not Just ‘Coal Country’ — What The History Of Women’s Labor Reveals About Appalachia

After the 2016 presidential election, many people in the United States sought to understand the rise of Trump through stories of rural America. Books like “Hillbilly Elegy” and “Strangers in Their Own Land” examined conservative communities as a way to explain the rise in right-wing politics. But for historian Jessie Wilkerson, who grew up in eastern Tennessee, there is something important missing from the stories that gained a spotlight after Donald Trump’s election.

Eyewitnesses To The Rojava Revolution: Women Empowerment

What has been taking place in Rojava is easily one of the most inspiring and exciting experiments in autonomous self-government to ever exist. It is also one of the most massive, and gender inclusive, often compared to the Spanish Revolution of 1936, as well as the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico. And yet, people outside the region know little about the different dimensions of the revolution taking place in Rojava. And now, this revolutionary territory is under military and political attack — its very existence at risk.

Women Stand Defiantly At The Vanguard Of Lebanon’s Protest Movement

In Beirut’s calls for revolution stand a distinct army that are protecting the mass protests from falling into violence: the women's frontline. Throughout the sprawling anti-government protests that have brought Lebanon to a halt, the country’s women have positioned themselves at the front line of protests. As they assert their role in the demonstrations, they are also redefining their role in Lebanon. For over a week they have been forming human walls between protestors and security forces to ensure that the Lebanese revolution is peaceful.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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