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Nicolas Maduro

President Maduro Approves Creation Of The First Anti-Fascist International

On Wednesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro approved the creation of the Antifascist International, a movement aimed at uniting progressive and democratic forces around the world to counter the rise of fascism and the far right globally. He Also Condemned Attempts To Carry Out Coups Against Independent Governments In Bolivia, Honduras, And Nicaragua. During the closing of the “World Congress Against Fascism, Neo-Fascism, and Similar Expressions,” held in Caracas, he approved the new international body as a measure to confront the violence being generated by the far right in the South American nation.

US Seizes Venezuelan Jet Plane, Confirming Who Is The Rogue Nation

The Biden/Harris administration is renewing its attacks on Venezuela. On Monday, September 2, US officials seized a jet plane belonging to the Venezuelan government when it was in the Dominican Republic for servicing, then flew it to Florida. Contrary to a false report in the NY Times, the plane was not "owned by Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro". It is owned by the Venezuelan government and used for travel by various Venezuelan officials in addition to the president. The NYT article claims, "The Biden administration is trying to put more pressure on Mr. Maduro because of his attempts to undermine the results of the recent presidential election.

Venezuela’s Supreme Court Of Justice Confirms Validity Of Maduro victory

On August 22, Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) confirmed the validity of the victory of President Nicolas Maduro in the 2024 Venezuelan presidential election on July 28. The TSJ issued a ruling on the appeal filed by Maduro, which affirmed that the results of the National Electoral Council (CNE), which indicated that Maduro won the elections with over 51% of the vote, were consistent with records from the voting machines.  According to ALBA Movements, a platform of social and political organizations from across Latin America and the Caribbean, “The TSJ of Venezuela has certified in an unrestricted and unequivocal manner the results of the June 28 elections. This act reinforces the legitimacy and transparency of the electoral process in Venezuela.”

US-Based Activists Mobilize To Say Hands Off Venezuela!

On August 9, as a part of an international call to action issued by ALBA Movimientos, the Simon Bolivar Institute, the Assembly of Caribbean Peoples, and the International Peoples’ Assembly to support Venezuela against US and mainstream media support for the attempted coup against President Nicolas Maduro, dozens of activists gathered in front of the New York Times building in New York City. The newspaper is notorious for backing undemocratic coups in Venezuela. Since the election of Maduro, the New York Times has joined the US government and right-wing governments across Latin America in openly questioning Venezuela’s verifiable election results.

People’s Movements Worldwide Launch Campaign Of Solidarity With Venezuela

On August 9, the ALBA Movimientos, a platform of social and political movements from across the Americas and the Caribbean, the International Peoples’ Assembly, the Simon Bolivar Institute, and the Assembly of Caribbean Peoples, launched a campaign titled: “For Democracy and Sovereignty: Hands Off Venezuela!” The campaign comes in the aftermath of Venezuela’s presidential election and a wave of seemingly coordinated attacks from right-wing political actors, mainstream media, and US and its allies. The launch document states that, for several months, a media campaign has been created to question the legitimacy of the elections in the Caribbean country.

Maduro, An Expert In Defense And Counterattack

One of the few advantages of being a country systematically besieged with increasing intensity for more than a quarter of a century is that its leaders become increasingly adept at defense and counterattack. This is one of the conclusions that can be drawn from the events following the Venezuelan presidential elections of July 28, which are still unfolding. The actions taken by the adversaries of the Bolivarian revolution have been countered one by one, so far with a favorable balance for the re-elected president, Nicolás Maduro. The Parallel Government Strategy One of the key maneuvers was the statement by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, recognizing opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner of the elections, openly contradicting the official result given by the only competent body in the matter, the National Electoral Council (CNE), which proclaimed Maduro the winner.

‘What’s Good For The Goose…’

The head of the government said, ‘This is violence, it is not protest'(1) and signaled that he had lost patience with “the far-right thugs” who caused civil unrest around the country. He said they were not peaceful protesters but demonstrating pure violence…and that they would have a standing army of specialist public duty officers…to deal with this where we need them.(2) Furthermore, the government leader said they would “ramp up criminal justice. There have already been hundreds of arrests, some have appeared in court this morning…I have asked for early consideration of the earliest naming and identification of those involved in the process who will feel the full force of the law.(

The Streets Have Become The Key Battleground Between Chavismo And The Far-Right

This past weekend, massive marches were held in Venezuela in favor and against the results of the presidential elections. Chavismo and the opposition tried to show who has the majority support in the streets. Opposition demonstrations were held in several locations of the country such as Anaco, Maracay, Valencia, Barinas, and Maracaibo, among other cities. However, the most important demonstration took place in Caracas, where opposition leader (but not the presidential candidate), María Corina Machado, called on supporters to confront the official results. Although María Corina Machado denounced that she was being persecuted, she made a public speech in front of hundreds of supporters, in which she declared that the opposition protests are civic and peaceful, and never violent.

Venezuelan National Electoral Council: Its Origins And Importance

One of the main features of Venezuela’s first Constitution that actually debated, drafted and then approved in a referendum (December 1999) by 72% was the creation of the five branches of power. In addition to the usual executive, legislative, judicial and other branches found in other countries, Venezuela innovated with the National Electoral Council (CNE) as the fifth branch. Thus, by questioning the legitimacy of the CNE after the elections of July 28 of this year, the U.S. and its allies are also questioning the entire Bolivarian process, with its participatory and protagonist democracy that has developed since the historic election of 1998.

President Maduro Received Massive March For The Defense Of Peace

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro was welcomed at Miraflores Palace by the Great National March for the Defense of Peace, which brought together tens of thousands of his followers in the streets of Caracas and different cities across the Venezuelan territory. On Saturday, August 3, President Maduro welcomed the attendees from Miraflores Palace and said: “Blessed are the majority of this country, because we won the elections thanks to the fact that a majority believed in the path of peace, because we are the only guarantee of peace.” He also condemned the violence perpetrated by criminal groups and stated that the country will remain firm in defending the constitution and the rights of its citizens.

Venezuela: US Government Cites Groups It Funds To Allege Electoral ‘Fraud’

The US State Department, which has sponsored several coup attempts in Venezuela, has claimed that the US-backed right-wing opposition candidate won the country’s presidential election, supposedly defeating incumbent President Nicolás Maduro. As purported evidence, Washington only cited groups that are funded by the US government. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has overseen US-backed coups against democratically elected governments in Peru and Pakistan, published a statement on August 1 claiming that “Edmundo González Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election”.

President Maduro Files Supreme Court Appeal For Election Protection

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has filed an appeal before the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) for protection of results, in order to resolve the attacks and the attempted coup d’état that took place on Monday. The head of state submitted a request to the TSJ to summon all candidates this Wednesday, July 31, as well as representatives of all parties “to compare all the evidence and certify the results of July 28 through a technical appraisal,” the president said, “so that the Electoral Chamber of the TSJ can address this attack.” When the election’s results were announced a few minutes before midnight on Sunday, July 28, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, condemned an attack against the CNE’s technological systems.

An Attack On Venezuela’s Democracy

A massive cyberattack, a global disinformation campaign and armed gangs are key elements in an attempted coup in Venezuela following presidential elections on July 28. The results of those elections, in which 10 candidates competed, saw President Maduro win 51.2% of the vote against opposition leader Edmundo González’s 44.2%, with 80% of the vote counted. The remaining eight candidates combined for 4.6%, in a vote that has become controversial for all the wrong reasons. González and his far-right allies rejected the results and alleged fraud For months, the Venezuelan government has been denouncing the far-right’s strategy for these elections.

The Time Of The Lima Group Is Over

Following the proclamation by the National Electoral Council of the victory of Nicolás Maduro in the presidential elections, several fronts of conflict have opened within Venezuela. The opposition has refused to recognize the results and has declared that its candidate, Edmundo González, is the legitimate winner of the elections. This scenario was expected given that the opposition had already announced that they would not respect the result if their candidate did not win. The international hegemonic media also started a campaign several months ago to delegitimize the electoral result if Maduro won the elections.

The Venezuelan People Stay With The Bolivarian Revolution

On July 28, the 70th birthday of Hugo Chávez (1954-2013), Nicolás Maduro Moros won the Venezuelan presidential election, the fifth since the Bolivarian Constitution was ratified in 1999. In January 2025, Maduro will start his third six-year term as president. He took over the reins of the Bolivarian Revolution after the death of Chávez from pelvic cancer in 2013. Since the death of Chávez, Maduro has faced several challenges: to build his own legitimacy as president in the place of a charismatic man who came to define the Bolivarian Revolution; to tackle the collapse of oil prices in mid-2014, which negatively impacted Venezuela’s state revenues (over 90% of which was from oil exports); and to manage a response to the unilateral, illegal sanctions deepened on Venezuela by the United States as oil prices declined.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.