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US Vows To ‘Reinforce’ Sanctions, Accuses Venezuela And Cuba Of Stirring Regional ‘Strife’

Caracas, November 28, 2019 ( – The Trump administration has pledged to continue economic sanctions against Venezuela in its ongoing bid to oust the Maduro government. Speaking at a press conference at the State Department Wednesday, Special Envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams defended US regime change policy, which he said would “continue.” “There’s no change… What is next is, I would say, a continuation of the current policy,” he said in response to questions about the status of US efforts more than ten months after recognizing opposition politician Juan Guaido as “interim president” of Venezuela.

Support The UN Resolution Against Unilateral Coercive Measures

For decades the U.S. government and its European allies have been illegally using unilateral economic sanctions (“Unilateral Coercive Measures”) as a weapon of war and mass destruction to topple governments that do not submit to the U.S. and European states’ domination of their country. The main objective of these unilateral sanctions is to destroy those small countries’ economies and bring their people to their knees through mass starvation so they will be left with no choice but to revolt against their own government. This criminal, anti-human policy of targeting defenseless populations, which is in clear violation of United Nations Charter and international law, has now become the new weapon of choice for these powerful states since they are faced with strong opposition from the majority their own population to the endless wars of occupation that they are already involved in.

Nearly 4,000 Civilian Deaths In North Korea Tied To Sanctions

Sanctions against North Korea contributed to more than 4,000 civilian deaths last year due to a lack of access to humanitarian assistance, according to a new report from an international group dedicated to permanently ending the Korean War. The assessment by Korea Peace Now found that 3,968 North Koreans died due to sanctions-related delays and funding deficits in 2018, including 3,193 children under the age of 5 and 72 pregnant women. United Nations programs that address malnutrition, hygiene and sanitation issues, reproductive health and vitamin A deficiencies were hit especially hard, according to the report.

Hands Off Iran

Deeply concerned and distressed, we raise our voices against the increasing tensions in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, and express our opposition to war against Iran and the extensive propaganda aimed at justifying it. Since the September 11 catastrophe, the neocons in control of the United States Government, in pursuit of their strategy for total world domination, have expanded the power and military presence of the United States in the regions that are critical to securing their domineering position. They have been attacking and invading countries that have been resisting their strategic plans; now targeting Iran after having caused extensive destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. The Trump administration has unilaterally withdrawn from Iran Nuclear Deal in violation of UN Resolution 2231...

The Latest On The Diplomatic War Against Venezuela

According to conventional wisdom, the Trump administration, as well as its regional allies in the Lima Group and the Venezuelan opposition, were set to intensify the diplomatic war on the Venezuelan government at the U.N. General Assembly. However, they only managed to demonstrate how far removed their coalition against President Maduro is from convincing the international community that deadly sanctions and a coup are the way forward for Venezuela. Their plan had several goals: increase the number of countries that recognize Juan Guaidó...

‘You Are Lying’: Why I Confronted Trump’s Destructive Architect Of Sanctions Against Iran

Last week I exposed the architect of the U.S.’s deadly ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions policy, Sigal Mandelker, in front of the United Against a Nuclear Iran conference in New York City. The maximum pressure sanctions policy is responsible for the death of over 40,000 people. Mandelker said, twice in her speech, that Iran has weapons of mass destruction. She was knowingly dog-whistling, lying to the media and conference attendees, knowing this would feed the story Trump and Pompeo want to support war with Iran.

US Does Not Let Iranian Foreign Minister Visit Iranian Ambassador In NYC Hospital

United Nations - The United States rejected a request by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to visit Iran’s United Nations ambassador in a New York hospital where he is being treated for cancer, the U.S. State Department and Iranian U.N. mission said on Friday. A U.S. State Department spokesperson said Zarif’s request would be granted if Iran released one of several American citizens it had detained. In July the United States imposed tight travel restrictions on Zarif before a visit that month to the United Nations, as well as on Iranian diplomats and their families living in New York, which Zarif described as “basically inhuman.” Unless they receive prior approval from Washington, they are only allowed to travel within a small area of Manhattan, Queens and to and from John F. Kennedy airport.

Washington Gives Guaido $52M In Funding, Slaps Venezuela With New Sanctions

Caracas, September 25, 2019 ( - Self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido and the Venezuelan opposition have been given US $52 million by the Trump administration. According to a Tuesday statement from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the funding will be destined for independent media, civil society, the health sector and the opposition-controlled National Assembly. In addition, USAID administrator Mark Green announced on Wednesday that the US will commit $36 million in aid to Venezuela, as part of a relief program led by the United Nations.

US Caused $4.5 Billion In Losses To Cuba Over The Last Year

The U.S. economic blockade has caused over US$ 138.8 billion in losses to Cuba since the 1960s. Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Friday presented a report on the impact caused by the U.S .blockade policy on the Cuban economy over the last year. "The U.S. blockade against Cuba impacts, as never before, on the everyday life of every Cuban family, in every sector of our economy, in every social development project in the country," Rodriguez said and anticipated that his country will insist on the elimination of such arbitrary policy before the international community.

Iran To Avoid US Sanctions By Bypassing SWIFT, Ditching Dollar In Trade Transactions

The international SWIFT network banned Iranian banks from its system soon after the US imposed sanctions against the country in November 2018. The ban was preceded by Washington's threats to slap sanctions on the financial network too if it were to continue working with the Islamic Republic's financial institutions. Iranian Central Bank (CBI) head Abdolnaser Hemmati said in a statement on 18 September that the country is planning to evade American economic sanctions by switching entirely away from the dollar to national currencies in mutual trade and by bypassing SWIFT.

Open Letter to Congress: Why the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 Must Be Opposed

This Open Letter urges Members of Congress to oppose HR 3289, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign affairs on June 13th, 2019.  The bill “directs various departments to assess whether political developments in Hong Kong justify changing Hong Kong's unique [i.e. preferential economic and trade] treatment under U.S. law and to determine whether China has eroded Hong Kong's civil liberties and rule of law as protected by Hong Kong's Basic Law.”

Challenging Times For Citizen To Citizen Diplomacy In Russia

Whenever you go to one of the countries the U.S. considers its “enemy,” you can be sure to get a lot of flak.  This year I have been to Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Russia, four of the many countries upon which the U.S. has put strong sanctions for a variety of reasons, most of which have to do with the countries refusing to allow the U.S. to dictate political, economic and security issues. (For the record, I was in North Korea in 2015; I haven’t been to Venezuela yet, but intend to go soon.) Many, especially family, have asked, “why do you go to these countries,” including the FBI officials who met me and CODEPINK: Women for Peace co-founder Medea Benjamin at Dulles Airport upon our return from Iran in February 2019. The two young FBI officers asked if I knew there were U.S. sanctions on Iran for support for terrorist groups. 

US Sanctions Are Designed To Kill

Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif recently visited the Group of Seven (G7) at the invitation of French president Emmanuel Macron, in what was seen as an overture to the Trump administration to negotiate over sanctions that have plagued the Iranian economy. Back in 2018, after months of increasingly hostile rhetoric, the US government withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or “Iran Deal,” and imposed a “maximum pressure” campaign that included unilateral, economy-wide sanctions.

World Watching The Fate Of Iranian Tanker

At 11:30pm on Sunday, August 18, the Iranian tanker Adrian Darya-1 left the shores of Gibraltar at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. This ship had been detained about six weeks previous by British Royal Marines and Gibraltar officials. The British claimed that the ship, then named Grace 1, was taking its cargo of 2.1 million barrels of oil to Syria. There are European Union sanctions against trade with the Syrian government. It is based on these sanctions that the British seized the Iranian vessel.

Punishing The World With Sanctions

Sanctions are economic warfare, pure and simple. As an alternative to a direct military attack on a country that is deemed to be misbehaving they are certainly preferable, but no one should be under any illusions regarding what they actually represent. They are war by other means and they are also illegal unless authorized by a supra-national authority like the United Nations Security Council, which was set up after World War II to create a framework that inter alia would enable putting pressure on a rogue regime without going to war. At least that was the idea, but the sanctions regimes recently put in place unilaterally and without any international authority by the United States have had a remarkable tendency to escalate several conflicts rather than providing the type of pressure that would lead to some kind of agreement.

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Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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