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economic war

Whether Biden Or Trump, US’ Latin American Policy Will Be Contemptible

With Donald Trump as the new US president, pundits are speculating about how US policy towards Latin America might change. In this article, we look at some of the speculation, then address three specific instances of how the US’s policy priorities may be viewed from a progressive, Latin American perspective. This leads us to a wider argument: that the way these issues are dealt with is symptomatic of Washington’s paramount objective of sustaining the US’s hegemonic position. In this overriding preoccupation, its policy towards Latin America is only one element, of course, but always of significance because the US hegemon still treats the region as its “backyard.”

Ukraine – Doubling Down

According to the daily reports of Russia's Ministry of Defense the Ukraine is losing several hundred soldiers and some 30 armored vehicles per day, most of them to artillery. A flood of gruel pictures posted on Telegram by both sides confirm this. Several Ukrainian attempts to counterattack Russian forces have failed. 'Western' propagandists are noting that their side is losing. The typical U.S. reaction to losing is to double down. As Michael Hudson explains (vid), the economic consequences of this war will be catastrophic for many countries and people. But the neocons who are running the war do not care about those. They have a plan to profit from it. They want to stay the unipolar power of the globe. To them it is a game and their main motives include an ingrained hatred towards Russia.

Stop US Sanctions: ‘You Don’t Feel Them, But They Are Killing Our People’

This month, the Sanctions Kill coalition (Popular Resistance is a member) released its report: "The Impact and Consequences of US Sanctions." The 35-page report was written in response to the Biden administration's January call for a review of the US sanctions to determine if they 'unduly hinder' the ability of targeted nations to address the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, there is no word on whether that review has been conducted, but given that the State Department and Treasury are tasked with conducting it, the same institutions that impose sanctions, the Sanctions Kill coalition had no confidence their report would challenge the US' current foreign policy path of escalating economic war on 39 countries, or a third of the world population.

Peace Delegation Visits Nicaragua To Explore Impact Of US Sanctions

For the next two weeks, I am in Nicaragua on the first delegation organized by the Sanctions Kill coalition and the Friends of the ATC (Asociacion de Trabajadores del Campo - Association of Rural Workers) to study the impact of sanctions imposed by the United States on Nicaragua and learn about the Sandinista Revolution. The ATC is a member of the global movement of peasant workers, Via Campesina, that was born in Nicaragua. The NICA Act, passed by the US Congress in 2018, is the beginning of the US' economic war on Nicaragua after the US-backed coup attempt against the democratically-elected President Danial Ortega failed earlier that year. Learn more about the sanctions being imposed by the United States on 39 countries representing a third of the world's population using the new Sanctions Kill toolkit.

China, Iran, And North Korea Seek Support At The UN Against Unilateral Force

New York City - China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and others are seeking support for a coalition to defend the United Nations Charter by pushing back against the use or threat of force and unilateral sanctions, according to a letter seen by Reuters on Thursday. The move by 16 countries and the Palestinians to create such a group comes as U.S. President Joe Biden’s new administration boosts its multilateral engagement and with allies, reversing former President Donald Trump’s favored unilateral approach as he focused on an “America First” policy. Biden has also pledged to take on China at the United Nations, where Beijing has been pushing for greater global influence in a challenge to traditional U.S. leadership.

The US Is Starving Venezuelans In the Name Of Democracy

The Biden administration granted Temporary Protected Status to refugees from Venezuela, which will permit them to live and work in the United States. This is the right thing to do, and it is a break with the previous administration, but there need to be more significant changes to U.S. policy towards Venezuela. The TPS decision is treating the symptom of Venezuela’s deepening crisis while U.S. sanctions intensify it. As long as our government’s broad sanctions remain in place, they will exacerbate the economic and humanitarian crises in the country. The U.S. will succeed only in making conditions for ordinary Venezuelans worse while Maduro and his allies become more firmly entrenched. Trump’s pursuit of regime change in Venezuela was one of his worst policies, and it has deepened the misery of the Venezuelan people. It is maddening that the complete failure of this policy hasn’t prompted more demands for abandoning it.

Take Action To End The Economic War At Home And Abroad

It is the same neoliberal economic system, white supremacy and disregard for human life that underlie sanctions abroad and at home. The current recession and pandemic have exposed this in a brutal way in the United States. The populations that are harmed the most are Indigenous peoples and communities of color. The United States government could have taken the effective steps of cancelling rent and debt, providing a monthly income and nationalizing healthcare that other countries took but instead passed laws that funneled wealth to the top while providing minimal relief to the majority.

The Impact Of The Economic War On Venezuela

It would be impossible to count each and every one of the ways in which the war on Venezuela declared by imperialism has harmed the country.  The aggressions that we, the Venezuelans, have experienced since 1999 have been not only economic; they have been psychological as well.  There is no way to measure the consequences of the hate planted by the anti-democratic opposition, with its anti-socialist propaganda; it has extended to the point of burning people alive for being Chavistas.  The outrage felt by the Venezuelan people when they see those who have sold out their native land while calling themselves Venezuelan is also immeasurable. Having said all that, but focusing on the economic effects, we have brought up to date the calculations made in March 2019.  Up to that point the economic war had caused losses that totaled $125,000,000,000. (125 billion dollars.)

US ‘Plunders’ $342 Million Of Venezuelan Funds

Venezuela’s Central Bank (BCV) has accused the Trump administration of “vulgar plundering” after US $342 million was to be transferred out of its US-based Citibank account. The transfer to the US government’s Federal Reserve was “approved” by Venezuela’s parallel parliament on Wednesday, which “requested” that the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) authorise the transaction. At the same session, the grouping led by self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaido approved an unspecified “special budget” for “the liberation of Venezuela.” Economist and Deputy Jose Guerra – who voted “remotely” from an undisclosed location abroad – wrote on Twitter that the funds originated from gold-for-cash swap deals carried out between the BCV and Citibank between 2013 and 2015.

San Francisco Labor Council Resolves: Abolish U.S.-Imposed Economic Sanctions

The following resolution was passed unanimously on Feb. 10, 2020. Whereas sanctions and economic blockades are being imposed by the United States and its allies — in violation of international law — against countries that resist Washington’s neoliberal policies and regime change efforts; and Whereas U.S. imposed sanctions are a form of economic warfare, causing death and suffering in some 39 countries with one-third of the world’s population as of 2019; and Whereas U.S. imposed economic sanctions block access to fuel, raw materials and replacement parts interfering with the functioning of critical infrastructure, i.e., electrical grids, water treatment and distribution facilities and hospitals; Whereas in every country facing U.S. imposed economic sanctions, the most vulnerable — infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly — suffer the most;

Sanctions Harm One-Third Of The World’s People

The most insidious and pervasive form of modern warfare by Wall Street and the Pentagon, acting in coordination, is passing largely unnoticed and unchallenged. This calculated attack is rolling back decades of progress in health care, sanitation, housing, essential infrastructure and industrial development all around the world. Almost every developing country attempting any level of social programs for its population is being targeted. U.S. imperialism and its junior partners have refined economic strangulation into a devastating weapon.

Nonaligned Movement Meets In Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan - At the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit held in Baku, Azerbaijan, on Friday, Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro lashed out at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and announced that the U.S. economic and financial aggressions are as lethal as its armies. The Bolivarian leader said that "the new modes of international war are economic aggressions" against the most vulnerable population groups, among which are children, women and the elderly. "In the years to come, our movement must raise an alternative to the inhuman, exclusionary and impoverishing model which the IMF and the World Bank intend to impose," Maduro urged. "The imposition of brutal neoliberal economic measures, which are designed by the IMF and applied by Washington's satellite governments, include pension and salary cuts, brutal increases in public service fares and curtailment of the right to education and health."
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