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Ukraine And Revolution

The real enemy of any government or regime, in the last analysis, is its own people. They are who rulers fear most. That is accordingly why so much effort is devoted by rulers to propaganda, primarily designed to sustain the myth there exists a national interest to which all are bound, regardless of socioeconomic status or one’s actual life experience.  In truth there is no such thing as a  “national interest.” Only the interests of the dominant class of rulers matters.  Thus heavy lies the crown, and lightly is tread the line between legitimacy and illegitimacy.

Delegation From Alliance Of Sahel States Visits Cuba

From November 8 to 15, twelve people from the countries of the Sahel visited Cuba to meet with Cuban people who carry forward the revolutionary project, and learn about Cuba’s socialist model and deep friendship with the peoples of Africa. The delegation sought to learn lessons from Cuba’s decades-long revolution to help advance the new revolutions being constructed in the Sahel. This was the first delegation of Africans traveling to Cuba from the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), a Pan-African anti-imperialist confederation consisting of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

Our Revolutions Are For The Survival And Development Of Human Civilisation

Next year is the seventieth anniversary of the Asian-African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia, in 1955 and attended by heads of government and state from twenty-nine African and Asian countries. Indonesia’s President Sukarno (1901–1970), who had led the freedom movement in Indonesia against Dutch colonialism, opened the conference with a speech entitled ‘Let a New Asia and a New Africa be Born!’, in which he lamented that, while human technical and scientific progress had advanced, the politics of the world remained in a state of disarray.

The Revolutionary Fire In The People Starts With A Song

Mallu Swarajyam (1931–2022) was born with an appropriate name. From deep within the mass movement against British colonialism that was initiated by India’s peasants and workers, and then shaped by M. K. Gandhi into the movement for swaraj (self-rule), Bhimireddy Chokkamma drew her baby daughter into the freedom movement with a powerful name that signalled the fight for independence. Born into a house of reading, and able to get books through the radical people’s organisation Andhra Mahasabha, Mallu Swarajyam obtained a Telugu translation of Maxim Gorky’s Mother (1907).

170 Years Of United States Aggression Against Nicaragua

When the Monroe Doctrine was declared in 1823 it was aimed at European colonial powers. It told them to butt out: the US "sphere of influence" included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. Virtually every Latin American and Caribbean country has had to endure US intervention and interference in their internal affairs since then. The coups, political manipulation and aggression directed by Washington have been relentless. One of the most victimized countries has been Nicaragua. In this article, I will review the different types of aggression used by Washington against Nicaragua. This is not ancient history; the interference continues to today.

In Tehran, Gaza Rekindles The Revolution

One late January evening in Tehran, I watch Baba Saeed, my 87-year-old grandfather, listen to Israeli TV in the darkly lit living room that also serves as his library. As he hunches in his velvet armchair, the light absorbs him and turns his glossy white hair and his face a bluish-green. I sit beside him on the carpet. Above us on wooden shelves, Japanese dolls with long kimonos from my childhood stand with dusty cheeks. Here, probably Baba Saeed’s last house, objects mourn their own ruined decadence. On the screen, a man Baba Saeed’s age, Menashe Amir, broadcasts from Jerusalem in a deeply ominous, raspy voice, predicting Israel’s victory over the Iranian “political establishment.”

China’s ‘12345’ Government Service Hotline; Serving The People

Public service cuts are sweeping across Britain. Essential services are being cut to the bone and, in many areas, have disappeared altogether. A number of councils, including the largest, Birmingham, have even had to declare bankruptcy. In Britain, if there is no budget to meet the people’s needs then the services have to go. Meanwhile, in China, responding to the needs of the people rather than the needs of the budget is the priority. Some people will read what I have just said and shout: “That it’s just Chinese propaganda!” Not so.

Venezuela Hosts World Gathering To Unite The Left For A Social Alternative 

From April 18 to 20, more than 500 activists from around the world gathered in Caracas, Venezuela for the "World Gathering for a Social Alternative." The meeting was convened by the Simon Bolivar Institute and the ALBA Movement, and it was followed by an ALBA-TCP leaders summit, which included the ten ALBA countries and Honduras. Clearing the FOG speaks with Carlos Ron, president of the Simon Bolivar Institute, about the urgency of the gathering, what will come out of it and the next steps. Ron shared the progress Venezuela has made under the Bolivarian Revolution, the retaliation against Venezuela primarily by the United States and the importance of connecting social movements to confront the many global crises of this era.

ALBA-TCP Is The Alliance Of Solidarity, Unity, And Development For The People

The gathering in Caracas saw participation from heads of state and ministers from the 10 member states of the body as well as a representative from Honduras who attended as a special invitee. The closing declaration from the summit states, “We reaffirm our firm commitment to strengthening the ALBA-TCP, as a mechanism for unity, dialogue and political coordination, based on the principles of solidarity, social justice, cooperation, and economic complementarity, which allows us to face in better conditions the dangers and challenges that arise from the complex world scenario, characterized by the deepening of disrespect and the constant threat to peace, security, sovereignty, and self-determination of nations.”

MOLEGHAF Denounces The US’ ‘Accord For Peaceful Orderly Transition’

Once again, organizations and political parties, intertwined with the civil society above them, disrespectful of the masses, plunge Haiti into an abyss without bottom, bearing the name, POLITICAL AGREEMENT FOR A PEACEFUL AND ORDERLY TRANSITION. After more than 13 years of domination and exploitation of the neo-duvalierist PHTK political regime, and US imperialism, CARICOM has taken on the role of intermediary, renewing power for these criminal parties and organizations. It offers them all possible privileges and advantages to continue making the children of Haiti suffer more under their yoke and tribulations.

Revolution’s Human Costs And Unintended Consequences

On the night of August 21, 1791, the enslaved men and women of the French colony of Saint Domingue, then the richest in the Western Hemisphere, rose up in fury. They had been kidnapped from Africa, survived the deadly “middle passage,” seen their families separated, enslaved under inhuman conditions, worked around the clock, tortured, raped, abused, and humiliated. When the day of reckoning came, three centuries of anger erupted in a geyser of violence. The rampaging slaves burned the plantations and homes of their European enslavers.

Haitian Community Defenders Fight US-Armed Death Squads

As the stars illuminate the dark alleyways of Solino, Ezayi’s heavy beige Timberlands stomp across the cracked concrete. He is on a mission. The night lookouts who stand guard at the western barricades against the marauding paramilitary gangs of the mass murderer Kempès Sanon do not have money to eat. When the night watchmen don’t eat during their shift, they get weak, drink kleren (moonshine) to trick their hunger and have a higher tendency to shirk their duties, or worse still, fall asleep. The enemy armed with modern weapons by the U.S. lurks around the corner.

The Haitian People Have Created A Revolutionary Moment

On March 11, de facto Haitian President Ariel Henry resigned after being unable to return from a trip to Kenya where he attempted to sign an agreement for military intervention in his country. Social movements shut down the airport in Port-au-Prince and neither the Dominican Republic nor the United States were willing to assist his return. Clearing the FOG speaks with journalist and filmmaker Kim Ives of Haiti Liberte, who has covered events in Haiti for decades. Ives says the current revolutionary moment is unprecedented and describes how the popular movement is organizing to wrest control from Western imperialists that have been occupying Haiti since the coup against President Aristide in 2004.

MOLEGHAF Statement: A Call For Revolutionary Forces To Assemble

The political organizations of the popular movement, all revolutionary forces must come together to steer the course of the struggle. Throughout the period of generalized class warfare established by the cynical capitalist class in our country, aiming to trample upon the wealth of the popular masses, we can observe the strong imperialist intentions of the American empire and its allies, the capitalist class, manifesting to completely crush any attempt to break free from the oppressive system. Meanwhile, they play on the disorganization within our party and political organizations, aiming to exploit the masses without facing any revolutionary actions in times of crises.

United States Suffers Humiliating Defeat In Haiti

With the resignation of interim Prime Minister Ariel Henry, the US has suffered another humiliating foreign policy defeat. Henry was never elected, yet was recognized as prime minister and de facto leader of Haiti by the US and its vassals since July 2021, when he was encouraged to take power by the Core Group. The Core Group is a shadowy imperialist cabal composed of representatives from the US, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the European Union, Brazil, and the Organization of American States (OAS) that has attempted to run Haiti since 2004, when democratically elected and hugely popular Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was abducted in the middle of the night by US marines and flown to the Central African Republic.
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