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White Supremacy

Trump Waves White ‘Supremacy’ Flag; Democrats Wave White Flag

Donald Trump wasted no time implementing his initiatives following his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States. As of February 10th, the president has signed 86 executive actions - 61 Executive Orders and 25 Presidential Memos/Proclamations - covering a range of sectors from foreign policy, to energy production, to reshaping a large swath of the federal government in his image and that of his acolytes including, but not limited to, his Deputy Chief of Staff, Stephen Miller, and billionaire oligarch, Elon Musk. It’s clear that the driving paradigm of Trump’s political, legislative, and social agenda is (informed ?) by white “supremacy” ideology

South Africa’s Long Road To Land Reform

On January 23, 2025, South Africa enacted an Expropriation Act, updating the methods for land expropriation for the first time in fifty years. The new Act allows for land expropriation for public purposes and interests whilst introducing the possibility of zero compensation for expropriated land. Consequently, the Act’s scope has been broadened since its 1975 version. Land can still be expropriated for public purposes, such as constructing roads, an uncontroversial and universally accepted practice. The expansion of the scope to include public interest, however, also enables the Act to address a long-standing issue of land reform.

The White Settlers’ Bizarre Economic Strategy Of Terrorizing Black People

That jurors on Monday exonerated an ex-Marine for strangling an African American panhandler who was in mental distress while aboard a New York city subway car was not entirely shocking but does signal to many Blacks a sharp escalation of whites’ historic campaign of racial terror. Daniel Penny, who is white, was charged with manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide for applying a chokehold to the neck of 30-year-old Jordan Neely, a slightly built homeless man who had done nothing more than shout at passengers aboard an uptown F subway train on May 1, 2023.

Empire’s Overseers: The Two-Party Trap Of Blackface Imperialism

The U.S. two-party electoral system functions as an ideological trap of white supremacy by presenting a false binary choice that constrains political imagination while masking the material reality: both parties advance imperial interests through military spending, global interventions, and economic policies that prioritize corporate power over human needs. And the elevation of Black figures like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris to command the imperial machine demonstrates the continued success of this ideological and political trap, where the incorporation of non-white actors into the U.S. imperial machinery serves to legitimize rather than challenge fundamental power structures.

John Mearsheimer’s Folly: How Whites Agree To Misinterpret The World

Mearsheimer’s bizarre remarks on the absence of systemic racism in the U.S. would suggest that he is a signatory to what the late Jamaican philosopher Charles Mills dubbed the “Racial Contract” in which whites agree to deliberately misinterpret the world in an effort to qualify the genocide, colonization, and slavery of nonwhite peoples. In his eponymous book, Mills wrote that the Racial Contract “…establishes a racial polity, a racial state and a racial (judicial) system, where the status of whites and nonwhites is clearly demarcated, whether by law or custom. And the purpose of this state …is to maintain and reproduce this racial order, securing the privileges and advantages of the full white citizens and maintaining the subordination of whites.”

Racist Mobs Rampage England, Anti-Racists Fight Back

A violent and xenophobic race riot ripped through different parts of England from July 30 to August 7. The fatal stabbing of three girls on July 29 in Southport was used by the far-right as an excuse to unleash their hate in the streets of the UK. Misinformation, speculation and false claims on social media about the attacker’s nationality, religion and immigration status created a false narrative that the murderer was a Muslim asylum seeker who had landed recently in England by boat. Even when the truth was revealed regarding the suspect being a 17-year-old Christian born in Cardiff, the rioters – under the excuse of his African ancestry – broadened their attacks to people of color and minorities.

Racists Riot In Britain

The United Kingdom has recently experienced a wave of rioting and blame is placed upon people referred to as “the far right.” The individuals who fought police, looted, burned mosques, and physically attacked African descended people, are of the right wing politically, but they should be called racists. It is racism that has been accepted and amplified by the British political class and the media. It is racism that has created feelings of grievance among so many white people there. Britain’s politics have long been motivated by white supremacist thinking, and today’s rioters should not be let off the hook with a euphemism that doesn’t fully explain their actions.

If You Want To See White ‘Supremacy’ At Work, Don’t Go To A Trump Rally

Last week, Professor Jerel Ezell (University of California, Berkeley) penned a piece for the New York Times suggesting that Joe Biden and the Democrats greatly underestimate how salient an issue climate change is for the Black voters who will certainly have a marked impact on the outcome of the upcoming elections in November. In their piece, Ezell posits, “Democratic strategists seem to see climate change as a key political issue only for white liberal elites and assume that other groups, like Black voters, are either unaware or apathetic about it.” Unfortunately, this sentiment is held not only by, majority white and affluent, Democratic Party strategists, but has also long been held  by the environmental nonprofit apparatus as well as far too many liberal and conservative elements of the Black Misleadership Class who continue to transmit a feckless notion that environmentalism is a “white people’s thing.”

White Residents Of Baton Rouge, Louisiana To Form Separate City

The State Supreme Court in the southern US state of Louisiana, on April 26, gave the city of St. George the right to secede from the larger capital city of Baton Rouge. This has cleared the way for a group of wealthy white Baton Rouge residents to carve out a majority-white enclave of the largely Black city—recalling the history in the US of segregation and white flight. Wealthy, white residents of Baton Rouge have been trying to secede from the rest of the city in some shape or form for over a decade. In 2012, a group of parents went to the state legislature to propose the creation of a separate school district which they called the Southeast Community School District. This effort failed, but the following year they tried once again and also failed.

Intentional Community And Capitalism

Capitalism isn’t just an economic system we live inside. It is a culture that lives inside of us. It influences our psychology, how we design our communities, how we relate to each other, the kind of culture we create, and what’s possible for us to do together. Capitalism is one of the most harmful aspects of mainstream society and is deeply entwined with white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, and imperialism. Societies, including micro-societies like intentional communities (ICs), are a mixture of structures and culture, and economies are a key aspect with implications for both.

Impact Of The Haitian Revolution On Resistance History

This year represents the 98th anniversary of the launching of “Negro History Week” in 1926, later named Black History Month in 1976, after the federal government issued a proclamation in recognition of the contributions of African American people under the administration of President Gerald R. Ford. The commemoration was founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a pioneering scholar and public intellectual who founded the Journal of Negro History in 1915 and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History the following year, 1916. Woodson’s origins within the African American working class is a demonstration of the determination to seek formal education in the aftermath of the Civil War and Reconstruction in the South and other regions of the United States.

White Man’s Justice Is Black People’s Grief: A Black History Month Truth

“It’s not whether you win or lose that counts, but how you play the game that matters.” That’s what my people are often told. But we are not told that this so-called game is rigged, and it’s rigged against us even before we are born. This “game” is life in the divided states of America. This is especially true in the system of criminal justice, a system that has been rigged against Black people since its  inception. There Is no better example than this country’s morbid use and fascination with the cold-blooded and premeditated imposition of the death penalty against poor people and its disproportionate use on Black people.

On White Supremacy And Zionism: A Reflection On Claudine Gay’s Tenure

On January 2, 2024, Claudine Gay became the shortest-serving president of Harvard University. What could have been a presidential tenure of transformative actions befitting of the hopeful promises of Harvard’s first Black woman president has instead ended in frustration and controversy. I watched and experienced her tumultuous six-month tenure as a Black woman alumna. As we begin to decide how we want to remember her presidency, one glaringly obvious truth persists: Harvard will always protect white supremacy. In suppressing pro-Palestine students, President Gay was doing the job of a Harvard president and carrying out the University’s commitment to white supremacy.

The Issue Is Not Racism But The Pan European White Supremacist Colonial/Capitalist Patriarchy!

The modern concept of race and what became known as racism can only be understood within the context of the European colonial project at the center of the larger project called modernity. When the people who eventually became known as Europeans spilled out of “Europe” into what became the “Americas,” their encounter with the Indigenous peoples of this region was already informed by a racialized consciousness, as the great Black revolutionary theorist Cedric Robinson helped us to understand. Informed by this consciousness that combined the tendency toward dehumanization based on race and a crude, strange, violent religious framework called “Christianity,” the European barbarians engaged in a genocidal rampage across this region and many others across the globe.

White Supremacy Is At The Center Of The ‘Class Over Race’ Debate

With its swath of shuttered shops, empty cafes, dwindling crowds and shimmering seaside vistas, San Francisco’s Embarcadero resembles an abandoned amusement park in the post-pandemic era, but a century ago this tourist attraction was known as the “slave market,” where dozens of longshoremen would gather each weekday hoping to land a job loading and unloading the freighters docked in the bay. Seldom were there enough jobs to go around, however, and the hiring boss who was assigned by the shipping companies to choose the daily work crews would often go about the task with the same contemptuous air that an overseer might display while inspecting chattel slaves at auction, sneering as he rejected some longshoremen while doling out preferential treatment to others, many of whom had agreed to kick back a portion of their wages to him.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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