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Anti-war Movement

Activists Call For Cancellation Of US-ROK Military Exercises In Korea

On March 1, the US out of Korea campaign held rallies across New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle, bringing together hundreds of people in opposition to the upcoming Freedom Shield military exercises taking place between March 10 to March 19 in South Korea. In New York, over 200 people gathered in Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, joined by Korean survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima who shared the devastating impact of the US nuclear bomb. Member of European Parliament Marc Botenga also spoke on the necessity of diverting resources away from militarism and war towards peace and international solidarity.

Forging Alliances Against Imperialism

The Anti-War Action Network Founding Conference, held February 15–16, 2025, in St. Paul, Minnesota, brought together hundreds of activists from anti-war student groups, Palestine solidarity networks and seasoned campaigners to unite against U.S. imperialism and militarization. Attendees participated in dynamic panels such as “Palestine: Where Does Our Movement Need to Go?” “The Growing Divestment from Genocide Movement” and “Organizing Against War Profiteers,” where diverse organizations shared practical strategies — from local divestment campaigns and grassroots protest tactics to using research and social media for effective community mobilization.

Another Year, Another Arms Dealers’ Dinner Disrupted By Protesters

Protesters vow that arms dealers and politicians will not dine in peace at their £265-£540-a-head annual dinner – as they prepare another year of disruption to the event. The Aerospace, Defence & Security (ADS) Group is an arms-industry trade body that represents most of the world’s biggest arms firms. And according to Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), every year it holds a dinner to “bring politicians together with reps from [the] world’s biggest arms companies”. The dinner is a prestigious lobbying and networking event for many of the companies complicit in Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Warhawk Senator Marco Rubio Confirmed As Secretary Of State

Yesterday, amid the momentous news of a ceasefire agreement finally being reached in Gaza, right-wing Senator Marco Rubio was confirmed as Trump’s Secretary of State by the United States Senate. To some, Rubio’s confirmation, given his reputation as a warhawk known for promoting an aggressive approach against countries that do not tip-toe around the US line on foreign policy, contradicts Trump’s campaign promise of “preventing World War III.” Rubio’s role as Secretary of State signals that Trump may immediately relist Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. This week, in his final days as President, Biden removed Cuba from the SSoT list, a designation which has resulted in multiple humanitarian crises on the island.

Minnesotans Rally For An End To Genocide This Christmas

Minneapolis, Minnesota – On Saturday December 21 close to 100 people rallied in downtown Minneapolis to say, “All we want for Christmas is an end to the genocide.” The rally was organized by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition and took place across the street from the WCCO TV studios, within sight of the Minneapolis Holidazzle Celebration, in the Nicollet Mall district of downtown. Fourteen months into Israel’s genocide in Palestine the death toll has reached over 45,000 people, and attacks on civilians, their homes and refugee camps continue to be a daily occurrence.

Pittsburgh’s East End Food Co-op Workers Push To Boycott Israel

At the November meeting of the Pittsburgh East End Food Co-op (EEFC) Board of Directors, UE local chief shop steward Fritz Geist read aloud a petition organized by union and co-op members advocating for a member-owner referendum to boycott Israeli-sourced products in the store. Inspired by the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and acting in line with the international union’s (United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America) solidarity with Palestine, the local co-op workers launched their BDS campaign last July after they voted to end the co-op’s relationship with Israeli products.

Wisconsin Students Charge UW Board Of Regents With Genocide

Madison, WI – In a show of student power, nearly 50 protesters marched into the UW board of regents meeting Thursday, December 5, to put Palestine and divestment on the Finance Committee agenda. This latest militant action comes after a large-scale administration failure to uphold the Madison and Milwaukee encampment agreements on disclosure and divestment from apartheid Israel. Despite the freezing temperatures, the students opened with a rally outside the event hall. During the rally, SDS and Freedom Road Socialist Organization member Kayla Patterson told the crowd, “The simple truth is that the board of regents stands on the wrong side of history.

Public Employees Pass Strong Resolution To Divest From Apartheid Israel

St. Paul, MN – MAPE, the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, is an independent union representing approximately 15,000 employees of the State of Minnesota. At their October 26 delegate assembly, MAPE approved a resolution titled “Supporting a Ceasefire and Divestment in Israel-Palestine.” It included strong steps towards divesting both MAPE and Minnesota’s State Board of Investments (SBI) from apartheid Israel. The MAPE Ceasefire Caucus organizing team had conversations with nearly every delegate over the last six weeks in preparation for the vote, which ended up with 82 for, 49 against, with 17 abstaining.

American Bar Association Mandates Crackdown On Law Student Speech

Philadelphia, PA – On October 16, over the objections of students, Temple University Beasley School of Law adopted anti-protest policies mandated by the American Bar Association. In the spring of 2024, the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted a mandate forcing all law schools to adopt policies designed to prevent the student protests that have taken place since October 7, 2023. While the student movement has recently surged as a part of the broader pro-Palestine movement, law student protests that have raised concern from the ABA also include the pro-choice and LGBTQ rights activism following judicial attacks on women and LGBTQ people in the courts.

Milwaukee Anti-War Committee Holds Hands Off Lebanon Protest

Milwaukee, WI – On September 25, roughly 100 people gathered to demand an end to the U.S.-funded attacks on Lebanon and Palestine and an arms embargo on Israel. Protesters gathered at City Hall Square as a rally began at around 5 p.m. The rally, led by the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee and cosponsored by ten other local, national, and international organizations, had ten speakers, who connected the resistance in the Middle East to U.S. imperialism and the way it impacts us all. After the initial gathering and speeches, the group marched and chanted down Kilbourne Avenue to Juneau Park. The target of the protest was the Raytheon board member George Oliver, who lives in a condominium tower across from the park.

Anti-War Organizers On The Pacific Coast Protest US Military Exercises

Anti-war activists with the international Cancel RIMPAC Campaign and the Resist NATO Coalition are organizing to protest the RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise), the largest international maritime warfare exercise, taking place in Hawai’i, which is hosted by the United States Navy‘s Indo-Pacific Command, set to begin on June 27. Organizers are also opposing the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington, DC, which will take place from July 9 to 11. These two groups held a joint press conference to quick off future actions on June 26. Cancel RIMPAC is holding a week of action culminating in a People’s Summit and mobilizations in San Diego on June 29 and 30.

The Anti-War Left Makes Inroads In Israel

Omdim be’Yachad-Naqef Ma’an, or Standing Together, is a Jewish-Arab social movement in Israel that organises against racism and occupation, and for equality and social justice. Federico Fuentes interviewed Standing Together’s national field organiser Uri Weltmann to discuss the growing peace movement inside Israel, how activists are confronting far-right extremists seeking to disrupt humanitarian aid going to the Gaza Strip, and the left’s recent electoral breakthroughs. How has the peace movement inside Israel developed since October 7? Is the movement succeeding in shifting broader public opinion and undermining Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's war efforts? And what role is Standing Together playing within the movement?

Greece Rocked By Massive Protests Over NATO And EU’s Warmongering

On Sunday 21 April massive anti-imperialist events took place all over Greece. They were protesting against Greece’s involvement in US-NATO-EU militarism and the ongoing bloodshed of the Palestinian people. Thanasis Paphilis, secretary general of the World Peace Council, spoke at the event and noted: We are here today, outside the Ministry of National Defence, at the end of the 41st Marathon March to condemn Greece’s involvement in the murderous US-NATO plans. To demand the closure and removal of the US-NATO-EU bases and barracks that have turned our country into a military base and our people into a target for retaliation. To return here and now the frigate ‘HYDRA’ and the Armed Forces personnel from the Red Sea.

Opening Remarks From Ajamu Baraka At The 2024 UNAC Conference

All power to the people! All power to the people! This call that we make is not a call just as an empty slogan. But it reflects a historic objective. It reflects the kind of objective we all have to strive for. Because without power residing with the people, we can't make any kind of changes. So we have to remind ourselves why we are here. Why we, in fact, struggle. And so this evening, this is going to be sort of the beginning of a celebration, if you will. As Joe Lombardo just indicated, we are here at a very historic moment. There's something different this evening than in any of the past UNAC conferences, in my opinion.

The North American Peace Movement At An Inflection Point

The North American peace movement is contesting ongoing US wars in Ukraine and Palestine and preparations for war with China. Out of the fog of these wars, a clear anti-imperialist focus is emerging. Giving peace a chance has never been more plainly understood as opposition to what Martin Luther King, Jr., referred to as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government.” Palestinian, Muslim and Arab, and anti-Zionist Jewish groups have been in the forefront of the anti-imperialist peace movement.
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