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January 2019

86% Of Venezuelans Oppose Military Intervention, 81% Are Against U.S. Sanctions, Local Polling Shows

January 29, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -    More than eight out of ten Venezuelans oppose international intervention, both military and non-military, in their country, as well as the crippling sanctions imposed by the United States to force leftist President Nicolás Maduro out of power. According to a study conducted in early January 2019 by the local polling firm Hinterlaces, 86 percent of Venezuelans would disagree with international military intervention. And 81 percent oppose the US sanctions that have gravely hurt the South American nation’s economy.

Who Should Negotiate Peace In Afghanistan?

In January 27, the Taliban and the U.S. government each publicly stated acceptance, in principle, of a draft framework for ongoing negotiations that could culminate in a peace deal to end a two-decade war in Afghanistan. As we learn more about the negotiations, it’s important to remember others working toward dialogue and negotiation in Afghanistan. Troublingly, women’s rights leaders have not, thus far, been invited to the negotiating table. But several have braved potential persecution to assert the importance of including women in any framework aiming to create peace and respect human rights.

The Billionaires Are Wrong; We Can’t Afford Anything But Single Payer Health Care

The three billionaires who are running for president put out false information on improved Medicare for all. This includes Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg,  and Howard Schultz.  Bloomberg and Schultz need immediate attention because in the last few days they have been putting out the false claim that the US cannot afford Medicare for all when the facts are it will save trillions of dollars over the next decade compared to the current expensive and wasteful system. What we cannot afford is the current system.

Our Venezuela Coup: The Who, What, Why From Censored Perspectives

A special look at the situation in Venezuela from outside the corporate media; here's the scoop you NEED to hear, the empire's ills laid bare, and how we must activate to take on the violent bi-partisan machine that profits off of the suffering of millions. Indeed, we have more in common with the people of Venezuela than we do with our government. And it is this solidarity we must recognize in order to shift our horrific foreign policy.

The Threats Are Real We Must Stop War With Venezuela & End The Economic War

The trumpets of regime change have sounded, and the drums of a possible war are beating against Venezuelan democracy. Provocations hitherto unimagined threaten to plunge the whole region into chaos and strike a serious blow against popular democracy around the world. Venezuela’s foreign instigated coup attempt began with a phone call to from Vice President Mike Pence to the pretender, Juan Guaidó, giving the green light to a would-be “president” who has no legitimacy. The prospect of direct foreign intervention, including the military kind, is no longer just an option “on the table”. It is looming so largely that we must stop asking if the unthinkable is possible. Instead we must stop the unthinkable.

Millions Of Americans Flood Into Mexico For Health Care — The Human Caravan You Haven’t Heard About

The Trump administration is trying to convey panic that there’s an immediate crisis on the southern border, pointing to caravans of desperate people who have traveled thousands of miles. It’s true that Latin and Central Americans are coming to the US fleeing violence and poverty, much of it caused by destructive US trade policy over the course of decades. But there’s another massive “border crossing” phenomenon afoot — and Trump has not said a word about it. We’re talking about thousands of US citizens crossing the border each day in search of affordable health care.

Stone Indictment Presents No Evidence Of Links Between WikiLeaks And Trump Campaign

The indictment of right-wing political operative Roger Stone by special counsel and former FBI director Robert Mueller presented no evidence of “collusion” by WikiLeaks and its publisher Julian Assange with either the Trump campaign or Russian intelligence, after more than 17 months of investigation. The indictment of Stone, dated January 24, 2019, is at the same time a damning indictment of all those in the political establishment and the media—particularly the Guardian and Washington Post—who have taken part in the slanderous attempt to tarnish WikiLeaks and Assange as “agents” of Russia and Trump.

‘Media Bias Fact Check’ Smears WikiLeaks, Supports Western Propaganda Machine

With the latest US-backed coup underway in Venezuela and Roger Stone’s arrest as much an exercise in theater as the rest of his political career, one may wonder what a critique of Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC) and similar sites could contribute to the conversation in our tempestuous news cycle. We examine the issue now, as attacks made on the credibility of independent media outlets damage the ability of independent journalists across the board to have their voices heard. In order to provide context for this report, we must reintroduce Disobedient Media’s recent report on multiple attacks against this outlet stemming from proxies of the Integrity Initiative.

Four Gains Maduro’s Venezuela Made That Mainstream Media Ignores

Four years ago today, a former bus driver with humble working class origins became the President of Venezuela. Promising to continue the revolutionary legacy of deceased former president Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro pledged to advance the living standards of Venezuela’s poor and oppressed. But since taking office in 2013, Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution have faced non-stop attacks from Venezuela’s U.S.-backed right-wing opposition, making advancements difficult. Improving upon destabilization tactics used during Chavez’s administration, the opposition, it seems, has perfected the art of sabotage.

How SEIU’s Self-Inflicted Loss Became Labor’s Gain

SEIU headquarters in Washington dispatched hundreds of national union staffers from around the country to seize control of Oakland-based United Healthcare Workers (UHW). Among them was current SEIU President Mary Kay Henry, Stern’s devoted follower and later successor in Washington, DC. With muscle provided by hired security guards and local cops, Stern’s occupying army ousted UHW’s popular president Sal Rosselli, other top officers and rank-and-file executive board members. Hundreds of shop stewards representing 150,000 members in SEIU’s largest California affiliate quit in protest or disgust.

Eyewitness Account From Venezuela

One week after the attempted right-wing coup in Venezuela, Paul Dobson, a member of the Internal Department of the Venezuela Communist Party, described the situation across Venezuela as ‘entirely normal’.   All services were functioning.  Buses continued to run. People went to work.  Water supply continued.  Electricity was as before – including, as before, interruptions in supply of perhaps half an hour a week. Nor was there any shortage of essential goods or medicines in the shops although a few categories of specialist cancer drugs were off the shelves as a result of the US blockade.  The main problem was inflation – though wages were being increased in step.  

Venezuela – Trump’s Coup Plan Has Big Flaws

While U.S. coup plotting against Venezuela goes back to at least 1998 when the deceased President Chavez won his first election, the actual planning for this coup attempt was only done during the last two month. There are many holes in the plan and it involves a lot of wishful thinking. That might give the Maduro government openings to deflect the attack. More likely though the insufficient planning, based on false perceptions of the situation on the ground, will lead to demands for escalation and mission creep. Venezuela must thus immediately prepare for the worst.

The Problem Isn’t Robots Taking Our Jobs. It’s Oligarchs Taking Our Power

The presumed aspirant tech moguls of the automation age acknowledge that your current, barely-making-ends-meet job is going to get squeezed, shortchanged, or wiped out altogether by a robot or an algorithm. But go back to school (and take on some student debt) and get training in a new skill, and you will not only be able to weather the change but you’ll make even more money. This prescription will only work, however, if workers refuse to question the paradigms that preserve the wealthy’s control of the game, and they coded it so they will always ultimately win.

The World To Come

The ruling elites are painfully aware that the foundations of American power are rotting. The outsourcing of manufacturing in the United States and the plunging of over half the population into poverty will, they know, not be reversed. The self-destructive government shutdown has been only one of numerous assaults on the efficiency of the administrative state. The failing roads, bridges and public transportation are making commerce and communications more difficult. The soaring government deficit, now almost a trillion dollars thanks to the Trump administration’s massive corporate tax cuts, cannot be eliminated.

Chile’s Feminists Inspire A New Era Of Social Struggle

It is May 2018 and as winter descends on Santiago, Chile, a new wave of feminist activity is exploding into life. Anti-patriarchal graffiti covers the city walls and streets are littered with the evidence of recent marches. Tension is rising in the universities and social media are flooded with posts ranging from cautious inquiries to joyous declarations: “Is the downtown campus of PUC occupied?” “Was UCEN taken over?” “Instituto Arcos on feminist strike!” Almost every day, a new selection of feminist banners can be spotted hanging from the fences of Santiago’s most prominent institutions.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.