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Evo Morales

Interview With Former Bolivian President Evo Morales

In the early morning hours of October 27, 2024, unmarked cars shot at the car that was transporting former president of the Plurinational state of Bolivia, Evo Morales Ayma, in an attempted assassination in Villa Tunari, Chapare, Cochabamba as he was making his way to the Radio Kawsachun Coca that hosts his Sunday morning shows. Immediately speculations arose that implicated the military, a possible DEA agent , the Interior Minister , the internal right wing that participated in the U.S. backed 2019 coup, the media, and the courts, among others.

Evo Morales Survives Armed Attack In Cochabamba

Former Bolivian president Evo Morales reported that he survived an armed attack and an alleged attempt at capture early this morning while traveling on the road connecting Villa Tunari with Shinahota, in the Cochabamba Tropics, an area considered his main political stronghold. The attack comes amid a growing internal crisis in the Movement for Socialism (MAS), the party founded by Morales, which is currently facing divisions and power disputes among its various factions. “The first vehicle was hit by at least four shots. In this situation, Evo Morales changed vehicle hastily, it was hit by 14 shots. In that last vehicle, the driver was hit by a shot that grazed his head and another hit him in the arm” says a statement published by Morales in X.

Roadblocks Erected Throughout Bolivia To Protest Arce Government

In Bolivia, the government of Luis Arce is confronted by the protests of peasants and workers, who are carrying out massive roadblocks. The pressure measure, which began five days ago, already affects four of the nine departments of the country and continues to expand. The government’s strategy of containment and delegitimization of this mass action, a strategy that was led by the minister of the presidency, Marianela Prada, and the minister of government, Eduardo del Castillo, did not yield results. Both authorities took on the task of minimizing the scope of the protest, stating that it was only seeking to protect Evo Morales.

How The Bolivian People Defeated The Coup

On Wednesday June 26, hundreds of members of the Bolivian Armed Forces had mobilized under the order of General Juan Zúñiga in the center of La Paz and surrounded the Quemado Palace, attempting to stage a coup d’état. Their attempt was quickly diffused by a combination of the swift response from Bolivian President Luis Arce to replace the leadership of the military, an immediate and unanimous condemnation by the international community, and most importantly, the overwhelming mobilization of the Bolivian people to the center of La Paz to defend their democracy. TeleSUR journalist Marcela Heredia spoke with former Minister of the Interior, economist, professor and Bolivian analyst, Hugo Moldiz

The Bolivian People Defeated Another Coup

Bolivian President Luis Arce addressed the people of Bolivia on the afternoon of Wednesday June 26 to declare that the attempted military coup had been defeated. On the afternoon of June 26, hundreds of military personnel had mobilized under the order of General Juan Zúñiga in the center of La Paz and surrounded the Quemado Palace (the government palace) ahead of a ministerial meeting. They proceeded to break down the main door to the palace with a tank and attempted to enter by force. Zúñiga then announced that the military personnel would mobilize to the prison and free Bolivia’s “political prisoners” including Jeanine Áñez and Luis Fernando Camacho who are imprisoned over their involvement in the 2019 coup against Evo Morales.

US DEA Used Criminals To Spy On, Destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia

Numerous reports in major media outlets have documented how the US government has used the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in order to spy on and try to destabilize left-wing governments in Latin America. DEA meddling schemes have targeted Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro, Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales, and Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. In these scandals, the DEA has collaborated with known criminals, including drug traffickers and money launderers, to launch sting operations against leftist politicians. The Associated Press revealed this February that the DEA “sent undercover operatives into Venezuela to surreptitiously record and build drug-trafficking cases against the country’s leadership”.

Bolivia Severs Ties With Israel Over Crimes Against Humanity

Bolivia becomes first Latin American country to cut ties with Israel since October 7

Bolivia’s Ruling Party Confirms Evo Morales’ Candidacy

The split in Bolivia’s ruling political party has become official. President Luis Arce and vice-president David Choquehuanca are no longer part of the MAS (Movement towards Socialism) party, which ratified the decision, informally announced on the 24, to present former president Evo Morales (2006-2019) as its candidate in the 2025 elections. The MAS held its tenth congress from October 3-4 in the town of Lauca Ñ, a coca growing region in the center of the country. On that occasion, the party decreed the “self-expulsion” of Arce and Choquehuanca, for not attending the meeting, and of 20 other deputies aligned with the Arce government.

NATO Against Evo Morales

Those who only read the title of this article may find it overstated or exaggerated. However, remembering  10 years ago an episode that put the whole planet on alert, you will realize that the title is appropriate. Evo Morales was in Moscow, attending the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries. On July 2, 2013, he boarded the FAB 001 presidential plane to return to Bolivia. While he was flying through European skies, in a flight that seemed routine, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France set up an impassable siege, abruptly canceling the flight permits they had previously granted.

Democratic Rebellion Throughout Latin America And Caribbean

Evo Morales, former President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia and President of the Six Federations of the Tropic of Cochabamba, was a special guest of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) during festivities marking the 212th anniversary of Mexico’s independence. The other international guests included John and Gabriel Shipton, father and brother of journalist Julian Assange; family of the late farmworker and activist César Chávez; Aleida Guevara, daughter of Che Guevara; and former Uruguayan President “Pepe” Mujica. On September 15 Morales witnessed President Andrés Manuel López Obrador calling out the cry for independence. In addition to the traditional “¡Viva México!” of the heroes of independence, AMLO yelled, “Death to corruption! Death to racism! Death to classism!”

Evo Morales: US The Only Pariah That Provokes Coups And Wars

After warnings from the Biden Administration to Russia against the use of nuclear weapons, Evo Morales recalled that the US is the only one that has used such weapons against civilians. In the event that Russian President Vladimir Putin resorts to a nuclear arsenal, his American counterpart, Joe Biden, in an interview with the local network CBS, promised on Friday that Russia “will become more of a pariah in the world than they ever have been.” Through a message published this Sunday, September 18, on Twitter, the former president of Bolivia Evo Morales criticized the aggressive policy of the US and its role in the conflict in Ukraine. Referring to the nuclear attacks by the United States on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Morales stressed that the North American country is the only one that has used atomic weapons against civilians.

Evo Morales Calls For A Global Campaign To Eliminate NATO

In an interview with British journalist Matt Kennard at his home in El Trópico, a small town four hours from Cochabamba in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, former Bolivian president Evo Morales (2006-2019) called for an international campaign to eliminate NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty Organization]. According to Morales, this campaign should explain to people worldwide that “NATO is—ultimately—the United States. It is not a guarantee for humanity or for life. I do not accept—in fact, I condemn—how they can exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. When the U.S. has intervened in Iraq, in Libya, in so many countries in recent years, why have they not been expelled from the Human Rights Council? Why was that never questioned?”

Evo Morales: UK Role In Coup That Ousted Him

When Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, was overthrown in a British-backed coup in November 2019, many believed his life was in danger. Latin America’s history is littered with liberation leaders cut down by vengeful imperial powers. Legendary resistance leader Túpac Katari, like Morales from the Aymara indigenous group, had his limbs tied to four horses by the Spanish before they bolted and he was ripped apart in 1781. Some 238 years later, Bolivia’s self-declared “interim president,” Jeanine Áñez, appeared in Congress days after the coup against Morales brandishing a huge leatherbound Bible. “The Bible has returned to the government palace,” she announced. Her new regime immediately forced through Decree 4078 which gave immunity to the military for any actions taken in “the defence of society and maintenance of public order.” It was a green-light.

Evo Morales Denounces A New US-led Plan Condor

On June 23 of this year, 184 countries of the United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of an end to the US embargo on Cuba. It was the 29th consecutive year where virtually all countries, except the US and Israel made this demand. In recent years the Cuban media has denounced millions of dollars of US funding, through organizations like the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to create and fund opposition media and the organization of youth. Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez on July 11 rejected the smear campaigns of the US media hegemony in the midst of the Covid pandemic with the intensification of the illegal economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States.

What The OAS Did To Bolivia

Bolivia has descended into a nightmare of political repression and racist state violence since the democratically elected government of Evo Morales was overthrown by the military on November 10. That month was “the second-deadliest month, in terms of civilian deaths committed by state forces, since Bolivia became a democracy nearly 40 years ago,” according to a study by Harvard Law School’s (HLS) International Human Rights Clinic and the University Network for Human Rights (UNHR) released a month ago.