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The Twitter Smearing Of Corbyn And Assange

The U.K.-financed Integrity Initiative, managed by the Institute for Statecraft, is ostensibly a “counter disinformation” program to challenge Russian information operations. However, it has been revealed that the Integrity Initiative Twitter handle and some individuals associated with this program have also been tweeting messages attacking Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. This takes on special meaning in light of the numerous U.K. military and intelligence personnel associated with the program, documented in an important briefing by academics in the Working Group on Syria Propaganda and Media.

Case Study: Reuters And US Media Urge Offensive Against Iran

Ever since the beginning of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, the United States has been leading a propaganda campaign against Iran, minimizing own harmful role in key historical events, justifying an ousted monarchist regime, and demonizing the new political system. Frequently it is done in lighter forms, for example by claiming that new government is far from perfect or even the same as a previous one, but the methods can sometimes be so radical that the characteristics of the two systems are completely inverted. While the Reuters claims Iran is active in spreading disinformation online, the history of the agency’s reports about Iran shows the opposite. The latest of such reports is a false report about Iran’s missile program.

AIPAC Takes Newly Elected Congress Members, CNN’s Setmayer On Propaganda Trips To Israel

January 03, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -    The Israel lobby has been busy taking a wide variety of government officials and opinion makers on fully expense paid trips to Israel this month. The trips cost in the range of $10,000 per person. Six newly elected House members are on a 5-day visit to Israel, a delegation of northern California “progressive leaders” are on a week-long trip, media commentator Tara Setmayer has just returned from such a trip, and a delegation of southern California progressive leaders returned from their trip earlier this month.

Human Rights Have Been Co-opted To Serve Regime Change In Nicaragua And Other Countries

Since the demise of the Soviet Union, almost 30 years ago, abuse and debasement of human rights concerns have served increasingly to create pretexts promoting Western dominance around the world. From former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, to Iraq and Sudan, to Ivory Coast, Libya and Syria, to Myanmar and Ukraine, Western governments have used non governmental human rights organizations and abuse of the United Nations system to attack countries resisting the demands of US and allied elites and the governments they control. In Latin America, that dynamic has long targeted Cuba, more recently Venezuela, now Nicaragua and will soon attack Bolivia and probably Mexico too...

Video: Who Are The White Helmets? Fake News And Staged Rescues

One interview subject, Omar Al-Mustafa — who wanted to be a White Helmet but wasn’t accepted because he wasn’t al Nusra Front (al Qaeda) — recounted the following: “People evacuated by the White Helmets often did not come back alive.  For example, a person receives a minor injury, is rescued, evacuated, and then brought back with their stomach cut open and with their internal organs missing.  I heard that a little girl was injured.  They took her to Turkey and brought back in three days, dead and with no internal organs. People were scared.  When someone got injured, they were afraid to call the White Helmets and ask for help.”

Maduro Tells International Media Trump’s Advisor John Bolton Plotting To Kill Him

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro gave a press conference to international media Wednesday where he hailed the success of the Venezuelan municipal elections while also accusing the United States of plotting to kill him and naming John Bolton, President Trump's national security advisor. "Mr. John Bolton has been assigned, once again, as the chief of a plot to fill Venezuela with violence and to seek a foreign military intervention," Maduro told a news conference, adding that Bolton was coordinating the training of mercenaries in military bases in Colombia and the United States.

The Strange Case Of The Guardian & Brasil

The Guardian is of course the closest thing that the UK has to a mainstream progressive newspaper, and it had, until relatively recently, a rich history of quality investigative reporting. In the 1970s its coverage of Latin America, with writers the calibre of Richard Gott, was responsible for fixing stories like that of Chile’s in the public consciousness, and with that fuelling solidarity movements for the region’s oppressed peoples, suffering under sub-fascist imperial rule. It continues to host important and talented writers, and publish valuable material, particularly in its comment is free section.

The Guardian Publishes More Blatant MI6 Lies About Julian Assange

November 27, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -   The right wing Ecuadorean government of President Moreno continues to churn out its production line of fake documents regarding Julian Assange, and channel them straight to MI6 mouthpiece Luke Harding of the Guardian. Amazingly, more Ecuadorean Government documents have just been discovered for the Guardian, this time spy agency reports detailing visits of Paul Manafort and unspecified “Russians” to the Embassy. By a wonderful coincidence of timing, this is the day after Mueller announced that Manafort’s plea deal was over. The problem with this latest fabrication is that Moreno had already released the visitor logs to the Mueller inquiry. Neither Manafort nor these “Russians” are in the visitor logs.

Anonymous Exposes Huge Psyop In Europe Funded By UK & US

Anonymous has published documents which it claims have unearthed a massive UK-led psyop to create a "large-scale information secret service" in Europe – all under the guise of countering "Russian propaganda." In a document dump on November 5, the group exposed the UK-based 'Integrity Initiative', said to have been established by the ominously titled Institute for Statecraft in 2015. The main objective is "to provide a coordinated Western response to Russian disinformation and other elements of hybrid warfare." 

Exposing The White Helmets : Collated Video Evidence Of Terrorist Collusion

One hour video presentation provides extensive evidence of White Helmets collusion with Islamic terrorist groups operating in Syria, including Jabhat al-Nusra, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra Front), Jayesh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Zinki, Jund al-Aqsa, The Islamic Army of Conquest and ISIS, amongst others. Video also provides a large number of screen-captured images of MSM articles and additional related material that highlight the lead mainstream media promoters of the White Helmets, as well as those that sought to tell the truth.

The Mainstream Media Is Lying About The California Fires

I don’t like accurately predicting the future. But it happens to me sometimes. And it’s never a good thing. Not once have I predicted that I would stumble upon a great sum of money or that a friendly squirrel would mysteriously leave a fresh, delicious scone on my windowsill. No, the things I’ve said that have come true years later have always been utterly awful. And the latest one has to do with California. This week, Donald Trump has continued to blame the horrific fires in California on forest mismanagement—basically saying that if the parks service had just raked up a few more dry leaves, then countless people, homes and buildings would not have been incinerated. I unintentionally predicted this kind of idiocy. I said something similar in a 2011 stand-up comedy album titled “Chaos For The Weary.”

The New York Times’ Misleading Story On North Korean Missiles

That is the ominous lede of a story by David Sanger and William Broad in The New York Times on Monday, November 12. Substituting tendentious hyperbole for sound reporting may convince editors to feature a story on page one, but it is a disservice to readers. The United States and North Korea have yet to conclude an agreement that inhibits deployment of missiles by Pyongyang, never mind requiring their dismantlement. Nor has Washington yet offered the necessary reciprocal steps that might make such a deal possible. A negotiated suspension of missile deployment and production should follow a halt to fissile material production and take precedence in talks over a complete declaration of North Korea’s inventory of nuclear and missile assets.

Don’t Buy The Establishment’s Outrage. Real Journalism Is Their Enemy.

That’s true: we must show solidarity with all journalists in the face of attacks on fundamental press freedoms. Trump went on to make up accusations that Acosta ‘placed his hands’ on a young female White House staffer. And then the president revoked his press pass. All of Trump’s actions here are wrong and dangerous. However, our solidarity should include Acosta – not end with him. The establishment’s demonisation of groundbreaking journalism Julian Assange, for example, is the founder of a publication that has won almost 20 prestigious journalistic awards. But he could end up facing the death penalty under the US Espionage Act simply for exposing the actions of the powerful.

‘That’s Not Who We Are?’ Well, You Are What You Do, Your Actions Speak For Themselves

How often do we hear those words, “that’s not who we are”, uttered in situations when Americans see or hear something extremely troubling or of a tragic event or action initiated by someone in this government or in our society; one that brings great harm to people in America or in some other part of the world? We hear that phrase so often. It’s like it’s been embedded in our culture. It’s kind of an excuse or a form of self-denial when we see something that is too painful to accept. Here’s a quote that puts for the truth of the matter: “You are what you do, not what you say you do:” And as the title says, your actions speak for themselves. Now, in that phrase of self-denial what is the meaning of the word “we?”

“The Russians Are Coming, Again (“First As Tragedy, Then As Farce”)

The book’s title comes from the 1966 Academy Award–winning film The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming, directed by Norman Jewison, which parodies the Cold War paranoia pervading the US during the war against Vietnam and depicts chaos that seized a small coastal New England town after a Soviet submarine ran aground. The sub-title—“first as tragedy, then as farce”—comes from Karl Marx’ description of history repeating itself. Half-century after the film was released US citizens are again being instructed to fear the “Russian menace.” Bastions of “objective media outlets” bombard us with such ridiculousness. Why? Just ask one question.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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