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April 2016

UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi On Investigatory Leave

By Sam Stanton And Diana Lambert for The Sacramento Bee - “Information has recently come to light that raises serious questions about whether Chancellor Katehi may have violated several University of California policies, including questions about the campus’s employment and compensation of some of the chancellor’s immediate family members, the veracity of the chancellor’s accounts of her involvement in contracts related to managing both the campus’s and her personal reputation on social media, and the potential improper use of student fees,” Napolitano’s office said in a statement issued Wednesday night.

Hanford, Not Fukushima, Is Big Radiological Threat To West Coast

By Robert Jacobs for Counter Punch - There is a dangerous radiological threat to the West Coast of the United States that puts the health of millions of Americans at risk. It includes dangers to public health, dangers to the food supply, and dangers to future generations from long-lived radionuclides, including some of the most toxic material in the world. It is not Fukushima, it is Hanford. While radiation from the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns is reaching the West Coast, carried across the ocean from Japan

New UNASUR President Warns Of Imperialist Threats To Region

By Staff of Tele Sur - "Since UNASUR was founded nine years ago (April 17, 2009), our countries have been able to strengthen regional integrational efforts that today allows our nations to defend and protect our sovereignty without needing to resort to the north," she said referring to the United States, who has historically been undermining the development and progress of all countries south of their border.

US Escalates Sends Warplanes Into South China Sea

By Peter Symonds for WSWS - The US is continuing to escalate the confrontation with China over the South China Sea, with a military foray last week by six military aircraft near the Scarborough Shoal. The reef, which is claimed by both China and the Philippines, has effectively been under Chinese control since a tense standoff between the two countries in 2012. In a statement released last Friday, the US Pacific Command announced that four A-10C Thunderbolt II warplanes and two Sikorsky HH-60 helicopters had flown in “international airspace” in the vicinity of the atoll.

A French Spring

By Jonah Birch for Jacobin Magazine - A new movement against labor market deregulation is taking shape in France. Since February, when the Socialist Party (PS) government of François Hollande and Manuel Valls announced a proposed reform of the French labor code (code du travail), a wave of protestshas swept across the country. On March 9, 500,000 people participated in a national day of action; an additional 1.2 million joined trade union demonstrations on March 31; and on April 9, tens of thousands more marched in Paris and other French cities against the law.

Pakistan: 38th Anniversary Of Afghanistan’s “Saur Revolution”

By Staff of Baloch Student Organisation (Pajjar) - The meeting was led by comrades Bilawal Baloch and Auranzeb Baloch and presided over by the central organizer of BSO Zareef Rind. Meanwhile the main guests were Arbab Ghulam Kasi and Azam Zarkoon from the Awami National Party, Ali Baran Nasir from the Pakistan Peoples Party, Manzoor Baloch from the Brahvi department of Baluchistan University, Dr Akbar Khalqi, Abdul Rab Agha – a companion of Noor Muhammad Taraki, the leader of revolution - Razaq Ghurzang from Wesh Zilmiyan and Wali Khan from the Pashtun Students Federation.

5 Years On: Why Occupations Of 2011 Changed The World

By Paolo Gerbaudo for ROAR Magazine - What has become of the great promise of social change raised by the “movements of the squares” of 2011? What did those spectacular occupations of public squares, from Tahrir in Cairo to Puerta del Sol in Madrid and Syntagma in Athens leave behind? To what extent did they contribute to advancing the cause of the “99%” or of the “common and ordinary people” they purported to fight for? With protest movements, as with any other social and political phenomenon, there comes a time to take stock of what has happened — a time that is as important for evaluating the past as it is for planning future action.

International Coalition Urges UN To Appoint “Journalists’ Protector”

By Staff of Reporters Without Borders - 787 journalists killed since 2005. This coalition is urging the United Nations and its Member States to give this position the political weight, capacity for rapid action and legitimacy to coordinate UN efforts for the safety of journalists. More information #PROTECTJOURNALISTS The goal is to establish a concrete mechanism that enforces international law and thereby finally reduces the number of journalists killed every year in the course of their work.

What Is Your Life Worth & May Day Paint, Spray And March

By Eleanor Goldfield for Occupy - This week, regulation is the name of the game if you want to hold corporations accountable and keep them in line with the interests of people and planet. Sadly, there's one serious hurdle standing between us and regulation, and it has to do with how much your life is worth. Next up, find a May Day action near you – and while you're at it, paint and spray your message of change in supervillain coup de art. But first, here's my 2 cents – on 20 dollars.

We Need To Consciously Spark, Amplify And Harness Mass Protest

By Mark Engler and Paul Engler for Nation Books - By 1963, the Dorchester retreat center near Savannah, Georgia, had emerged as a buzzing hub of activity for the civil rights movement in the American South. The site where Project C was hatched was also the home of a thriving social movement ecology. With the help of veteran organizers at the Highlander Folk School, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference had renovated the facilities at a former missionary school located just a few miles off Georgia's Atlantic coast.

Indigenous Movement Stops Construction Of Brazilian Mega-Dam

By Juliana Britto Schwartz for Feministing - In a historic victory, one of Brazil’s largest indigenous groups has managed to suspend construction of a mega-dam that threatened to submerge their home. The Brazilian indigenous agency FUNAI finally demarcated the territory of the Munduruku people, providing the legal basis to suspend construction of the São Luiz de Tapajós dam. These 700 square miles of land – known as Sawre Muybu – are now legally recognized as the traditional territory of the Munduruku and protected under the Brazilian constitution...

People Increasingly See Themselves As Global Citizens

By Naomi Grimley for BBC News - People are increasingly identifying themselves as global rather than national citizens, according to a BBC World Service poll. The trend is particularly marked in emerging economies, where people see themselves as outward looking and internationally minded. However, in Germany fewer people say they feel like global citizens now, compared with 2001.

Flint Chess Game: The Politics Of The Battlefield

By Dr. Marsha Coleman Adebayo for Black Agenda Report - The game of chess is a complicated game employing zero sum, competitive Machiavellian strategies to protect key political or military principals. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, and to protect the queen, the most powerful piece in the game, as long as possible. One fallen knight on the political chessboard of the Flint, Michigan water crisis is Susan Hedman, the EPA Regional 5 Administrator whose callous disregard for the health and safety of Flint citizens triggered her forced resignation although she has escaped any criminal liabilities.

The Absurdity Of Being A Citizen In The US Police State

By John W. Whitehead for The Rutherford Institute - In the American police state, the price to be paid for speaking truth to power (also increasingly viewed as an act of treason) is surveillance, censorship, jail and ultimately death. However, where many Americans go wrong is in assuming that you have to be doing something illegal or challenging the government’s authority in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal.

Why You Should Care About The Coming Email Privacy Law

By William Turton for Gizmodo - You probably think the US government needs a warrant if they want to dig through your old emails, texts, and instant messages, right? Well, you’re wrong! That may change soon with the Email Privacy Act, which was just passed in the House by a vote of 419 to 0. The law that currently governs how police can pry into your digital life is theElectronic Communications Privacy Act, which was originally passed in 1986.