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Ukraine, War Propaganda, And The Return Of Russiagate

“Mueller Finds No Trump Russia Conspiracy …” proclaimed a portion of a New York Times headline on March 24, 2019. Two years of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation ended with a whimper after endless screeds about “walls closing in” on an alleged Trump conspiracy with the Russian government. The corporate media and elements of the surveillance state fed public dislike of the seemingly accidental president with false tales of “pee tapes,” Russians hacking the Democratic National Committee, and other claims later found to be false.

Trump Waves White ‘Supremacy’ Flag; Democrats Wave White Flag

Donald Trump wasted no time implementing his initiatives following his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States. As of February 10th, the president has signed 86 executive actions - 61 Executive Orders and 25 Presidential Memos/Proclamations - covering a range of sectors from foreign policy, to energy production, to reshaping a large swath of the federal government in his image and that of his acolytes including, but not limited to, his Deputy Chief of Staff, Stephen Miller, and billionaire oligarch, Elon Musk. It’s clear that the driving paradigm of Trump’s political, legislative, and social agenda is (informed ?) by white “supremacy” ideology

122 Years Of US Imperialism In Guantánamo

Colonialist Christopher Columbus landed in Guantánamo Bay on his second voyage to the Americas in 1494. The empires of England, France, and Spain later disputed Guantánamo, a territory of 45 square miles. This “discovery” of the Cuban island unleashed a Spanish extermination campaign against the indigenous population, through disease, starvation, and brutality. What followed the genocide was the “vertiginous growth of the slave trade based in Havana”. Today, Guantánamo Bay remains occupied by the United States. It is used as a detention center by the most powerful military in history.

Protesters Blockade DNC Party Meeting

Spurred on by the recent wildfires in Los Angeles that experts say were climate-change related, the activist group Climate Defiance held a protest on January 31 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Washington, D.C., against the Democratic National Committee (DNC), calling on it to get dirty fossil fuel money out of Democratic politics forever. The protest started inside the resort’s main atrium with a three-story banner drop from a hotel room that said, “Oil $$$ Out of the DNC.” Dozens of protesters then marched around the hotel’s ground floor, chanting, “Which side are you on?” and “We need clean air, not another billionaire.”

Trump Keeps His Promises While Democrats Must Be Abandoned

Donald Trump is once again president of the United States. The man who was counted out politically after he was charged and convicted of felonies in cases that were legally dubious efforts to keep him out of the white house, once again emerged victorious and is the 47th president of the United States. Trump is a significant figure in U.S. politics, having won two presidential elections when the odds were against him. His success is in large part due to racist appeals to white voters. But those clarion calls might fall on deaf ears were it not for Democratic Party collusion with a greedy plutocracy and its own racism, which consigns its most loyal constituency to opportunistic tokenism.

Serving The Oligarchs: A Look Back At Biden And Forward At Trump

As the Biden presidency ends, Clearing the FOG takes another look at Biden's legacy. This time the focus is on his economic and foreign policies. Margaret Kimberley, the senior editor of Black Agenda Report and author of "Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents," describes Biden in the context of a country founded upon settler colonialism and chattel slavery. She discusses Biden's responsibility for the war in Ukraine, the genocide in Palestine and brutal interference in Latin America and the Caribbean. Kimberley also speaks about what can be expected from the new Trump administration given some of his cabinet choices.

Liberal Media And Personalities: The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

On Dec 11, 2024, it was reported that the post-election audiences for the leading liberal media, MSNBC and CNN, continued to drop: 46% and 33%, respectively. Some of MSNBC’s biggest stars, including Rachel Maddow, have been asked to take pay cuts as revenues and profits come under pressure. The dozens of Kamala Harris’s supporters, among actors, pop music figures, and TV host personalities, continue to announce their departures from the Trumpian U.S. to another country. It seems like one is at an airport where we hear departure announcements every few minutes. But no one seems to be paying any attention or shedding tears.

The 2024 Election Was The Final Nail In The US Climate Movement’s Coffin

The newest Global Carbon Budget Report found that carbon emissions were at a record high in 2024, despite the strong evidence that emissions must be cut drastically to mitigate the climate crisis. The United States, the largest producer of fossil fuels and responsible for 13% of global carbon emissions (with only 4% of the world's population), is largely responsible for the crisis. Clearing the FOG speaks with Anthony Rogers-Wright, a national racial and climate justice advocate, about the failures of the US climate movement and its fatal flaw of being loyal to the Democratic Party. That loyalty profoundly undermined the credibility of the big environmental groups in this election cycle. Rogers-Wright discusses the COP29 and where we go from here to build an independent and more strategic climate movement in the United States.

Notes Of A Non-Voter

Oh my, the elites of the Democratic Party, their clerks in media and “the donor class” began gasping as election night wore on and it came clear that they had once again mistaken what we call liberal America for America. America has shifted rightward, The New York Times reported Wednesday with evident surprise. We are “normalizing” Trumpism, one read elsewhere. And from Perry Bacon, a political columnist at The Washington Post, a piece headlined, “The second resistance to Trump must start right now.” Being ever grateful for small things, I am relieved we are skipping the capital “R” in “resistance” this time.

Labor Movement Must Unite Working Class

For over half of a century, working people in the U.S. have seen stagnating wages, worsening working conditions, the loss of good jobs, and constant increases in the cost of living. This is the result of corporations’ never-ending thirst to squeeze as many profits out of workers as possible. Throughout this time, both major parties have been complicit in this corporate assault. They have maintained their power, and a corrupt two-party system, by dividing the working class along lines of race, gender, and education. Frustration with the Democrats and their unwillingness to confront corporate power or offer real solutions to working people’s economic concerns led many working people to vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday, giving him the margin of victory.

Requiem For A Failed Presidential Campaign And A Party

Trump has prevailed…AGAIN! Why?  Don’t ask why Harris lost; ask yourself why did this “race-baiting xenophobic religious bigot,” win. AGAIN! It’s too easy to chalk this up to or write this off as being a “masterclass in white privilege.” It’s too simplistic to attribute this cataclysmic failure to “hatred towards Black women.” Too many Democrats, their pundits, and some analysts are trying to write this historic blunder off as America will “never elect a Black woman as president”. Stop it! The bad lies are the lies you tell yourself. Even worse are the ones you tell yourself and believe.

A Third Party Perspective On The Rightward Lurch Of The US Body Politic

The chickens that the Democrats hatched in 2016 came home to roost in 2024. Back then, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), representing the party’s establishment, promoted Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. They thought him to be an easy mark who would be opposed by both the Republican Party establishment and most US voters. That stratagem turned out to be correct about the Republican establishment but wrong about the electorate. In any case, Trump went on to not only capture the GOP but the archaic Electoral College as well.

Leftists Say ‘Vote For Democrats Because They’re Easier To Protest’

Ever since the 2004 election, which pit Bush and Cheney, the butchers of Iraq, against then Sen. John John F. Kerry, who wanted to escalate the Iraq War, it’s been an article of faith on the left that you should “vote for the candidate you want to protest.” This means voting for the Democrat. The idea is activists have an easier time pushing a Democratic president to the left than a Republican one. There is also less political repression under Democrats, and people are more open to organizing in periods of hope than in moments of when they are being attacked by right-wing forces.

The Case For Abandoning The Burning House

Currently, the staunchest of Black liberals are demanding their community and its allies disregard the interests of Palestinians by way of voting for their butchers under the guise of sparing Black and other marginalized people from their domestic antagonist, Donald Trump. In doing so they are ignoring the many crises already plaguing these communities, under Democratic leadership on both the state and federal level. 2023 was one of the deadliest years for police violence, homelessness continues to skyrocket, and the Biden administration continued the American presidential legacy of ruthlessly starving, bombing, and destabilizing multiple countries—including Cuba, Palestine, Libya, Somalia, and Lebanon.

Who Should Be The Next Emperor Of The Violent Global Imperium?

As US voters go to the polls on November 5th, they need to remind themselves that when the US elects its next domestic president, it is also selecting the emperor of a violent, global imperium.  Choices made over sundry domestic issues have far reaching effects, far beyond local pocketbook or civil rights issues.  They determine who lives and dies across the planet, and how much pain, harm and suffering the rest of the world will have to bear. In this context, it's fair to ask, who is the lesser evil?   Trump or Harris? The answer, of course, is "neither".  Like infinity, when it comes to evil, there's not much use in finger-counting which is greater or lesser.