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Bolivarian Diplomacy Vs. The Monroe Doctrine

This continent has been struggled over for more than 200 years. Even before Monroe’s famous speech, the idea existed that the US had some sort of right to the whole continent. The thirteen colonies achieved independence first, creating a republican system that was considered an improvement over the absolutist monarchies of Europe. For that reason, they felt destined to expand their system. From the beginning, they viewed the south of the continent as their home turf. They felt it was their “destiny” to control all the territories. However, the perspective of the incipient US republic – conceived by and for white land-owning men – starkly contrasted with the Bolivarian one.

Venezuela Contra Mundum

Joseph Conrad insightfully wrote in his book Lord Jim: “You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends“. The same can be said about a nation. So, it should be a clue to any observant person, that the forces of the extreme right, and those who are hoodwinked by them, lead the charge against Venezuela, with a relentless hybrid war and smear campaign. The USA and its allies are at the head of this campaign. Their motives lie undoubtedly in the desire to take control of the nation’s immense oil reserves, plus its gas, gold and lithium. As well, the USA is imposing collective punishment on Venezuelans with illegal sanctions for daring to assert their sovereignty in deciding that only they, the Venezuelan people, in fair elections, can determine their governance.

Donald Trump Is Not A ‘Threat To The Deep State’

An issue that I often try to avoid is domestic US partisan politics. It's very frustrating to talk about US politics because people tend to be very dogmatic and very partisan. They pick a party, the Republicans or the Democrats. They defend them no matter what. They treat the political party like a sports team or a superhero that can do no wrong. This is despite the fact that ironically the Republican and Democratic parties share a lot of their policies in common. The foreign policy that they carry out is 95% the same in this bipartisan orthodoxy. Their economic policy is the same. And yet people get angry if you criticize a Democrat, they think you are a Republican.

Venezuelans To Vote On Continuing The Bolivarian Revolution

The future of Venezuela’s 25-year-old socialist movement will be decided in the upcoming July 28 election. Venezuelans will go to the polls knowing that a vote for incumbent President Nicolás Maduro means no relief from US unilateral coercive measures. These so-called “sanctions” have been central to Washington’s regime-change campaign explicitly designed to asphyxiate the Venezuelan economy and turn the people against their government; what Venezuelanalysis calls “a war without bombs.” Venezuela, with some 930 unilateral coercive measures imposed on it by the US, is the second most sanctioned country in the world after Russia.

Colombian Paramilitaries Alert Opposition Plot To Assassinate Maduro

On July 5, the Colombian paramilitary group Conquering Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada (Autodefensas Conquistadoras de la Sierra Nevada), ACSN, published a video on social media in which they denounce an apparent plot to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and provoke chaos in the country. According to the ACSN paramilitaries, formerly known as “Los Pachencas”, certain Venezuelan extreme right-wing groups contacted them in the locality of La Guajira and asked them to carry out a series of actions to destabilize the Venezuelan government. Several days ago, Maduro denounced that an invasion of about 1,000 paramilitaries from Colombia was being planned to generate anxiety in the population a few days before the July 28 presidential election.

Why The US-Venezuela Dialogue Restarted

With less than a month to go before the presidential elections in Venezuela, several international players are making their moves. The first was Washington. President Nicolás Maduro announced on Monday, July 1, the resumption of talks with the US government. Venezuela has been quite far from the front pages of the international media unlike in previous years. Additionally, its economy has stabilized, emerging from the hyperinflation that today plagues various other countries. It seems that something is happening in Venezuela, and it is that after nine years, on the coming July 28, all political sectors, without exception, will participate in the elections that will mark the future of Venezuela for the next six years.

How Venezuela Is Overcoming The United States Blockade

The future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, a target of US imperial power since its inception in 1998, may be decided on July 28, the date of their presidential election. Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and seven other presidential candidates pledged to abide by the choice of the electorate. Edmundo González, promoted by the US, and another candidate have not signed the pledge, consistent with the far right only accepting contest results where they win. Likewise, a bipartisan and bicameral resolution was introduced on June 18 to the US Congress not to recognize a “fraudulent” Maduro victory.

Maduro Vs. US Election Interference: A Battle For Venezuela’s Future

With upcoming elections scheduled for July 28, the United States is working overtime to dislodge the socialist government of Nicolás Maduro. Ten individuals are vying for the position, including nine in opposition to Maduro, who heads a coalition of 13 leftist groups. Washington, though, has made clear that its preferred candidate is 74-year-old retired diplomat Edmundo González, and is spending big, bankrolling a myriad of opposition organizations, from political parties to NGOs and media outlets, all with the same goal in mind: ousting Maduro and returning Venezuela into the U.S. sphere of influence.

Venezuela Edges Closer To Losing CITGO As Corporations Submit Offers

The second and final round of bidding in a court-mandated auction of Venezuela’s US-based oil subsidiary CITGO has concluded. Several corporations submitted binding offers by a June 11 deadline as part of a process organized by a Delaware District Court to satisfy a number of claims against the Caribbean nation totaling US USD 21.3 billion. In October 2022, Judge Leonard P. Stark set in motion the sale of shares belonging to PDV Holding (PDVH), CITGO’s parent company. The process was brought forward by Canadian miner Crystallex. The auction procedure will pay 18 creditors, which are looking to collect on international arbitration awards on a “first come, first serve basis,” based on when the court approved their writs.

New York Times Ramps Up Venezuela Propaganda Ahead Of Elections

Venezuelans will head to the polls on July 28 to choose their president for the 2025–30 term. Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro faces nine challengers as he runs for a third term. Over the past 25 years of US-sponsored coups and economic sanctions, Western corporate media have always proven a reliable source of regime-change propaganda to back Washington’s policies (, 12/17/18, 1/25/19, 8/15/19, 4/15/20, 5/11/20, 1/11/23). Coverage builds to a frenzy around elections, whether driven by a (misguided) hope that US surrogates will win, or by a desire to delegitimize anticipated Chavista victories. With two months to go, Western outlets are busy crafting familiar narratives, and leading the charge is the New York Times.

Venezuela Reveals White House Offers For Maduro To Leave Presidency

The president of Venezuela’s National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, revealed in a recent press conference the “offers” Washington officials have made to President Nicolás Maduro to leave the Venezuelan presidency. On Tuesday, June 4, Rodríguez, who is also the coordinator of President Maduro’s reelection campaign, explained that when he participated in the dialogue in Mexico between the Venezuelan Government and a sector of the Venezuelan far-right opposition, they made “offers” to the president and his wife, Cilia Flores, on several occasions. “In Mexico, the gringos asked for a meeting, and Maduro told me: ‘Go see what the gringos want,'” said Rodríguez, who also served as head of the government delegation in the dialogues with the opposition.

Venezuela’s Far-Right Opposition Plans Post-Electoral Violence

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, has confirmed and condemned a new destabilizing plan of post-electoral violence led by the far-right Venezuelan opposition and the White House, scheduled to gave been in operation from July 28 to July 31. The political leader warned during his television program Con el Mazo Dando this Wednesday, May 29, that the far-right opposition and their backing in US imperialism intend to lead the Latin American nation into a civil war. The head of the ruling party bench in the Venezuelan National Assembly used a pamphlet circulating in Caracas and Miami as an example of proof of this revelation, through which far-right groups drafted a method to generate violence.

Colombian Government And National Liberation Army Sign First Point Of The Peace Agreement Agenda

The government of Colombia and the armed guerrilla movement National Liberation Army (ELN) signed the first point of the peace agreement agenda, as announced in a joint press conference at the end of the peace talks held in Caracas, Venezuela. “Signing of the first point of the peace agreements: the participation of society in the construction of peace,” the Colombian government representation announced after the latest round of the peace talks with the ELN ended on Saturday, May 25, as scheduled. The delegations of the Colombian government and the ELN, headed respectively by Vera Grabe and Pablo Beltrán, presented the signed agreement at the post-negotiation press conference.

Iran’s President Raisi Joined BRICS, Pushed For Multipolar World

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash on May 19, left behind a legacy of working to build a more multipolar world. Under Raisi, Iran joined BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Global South-led institutions that he noted could challenge US unilateralism and hegemony. The late Iranian leader advocated a “Look East” strategy, strengthening relations with China, Russia, and other countries in Asia. Raisi represented a more nationalist wing of the political class in Tehran, which sees the futility of trying to win Western approval, and instead recognizes that Iran’s political and economic future lies in deepening integration with the Global South.

Interview With José Pimentel, Peasant Leader And Land Defender

We had the opportunity to meet with an iconic leader of the Venezuelan campesino movement in the city of San Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela. José Pimentel is a well-known defender of land rights. For this reason Pimentel has been the target of at least three assassination attempts by large landowners. While there is no consensus on the true number, it said that hundreds of peasants in Venezuela have been assassinated for defending their legally sanctified rights to the land they work. Some estimate that more than 500 peasants have been murdered for their compliance with the land law, while not a single person behind these assassinations is in prison.