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2024 US Presidential elections

Leftists Say ‘Vote For Democrats Because They’re Easier To Protest’

Ever since the 2004 election, which pit Bush and Cheney, the butchers of Iraq, against then Sen. John John F. Kerry, who wanted to escalate the Iraq War, it’s been an article of faith on the left that you should “vote for the candidate you want to protest.” This means voting for the Democrat. The idea is activists have an easier time pushing a Democratic president to the left than a Republican one. There is also less political repression under Democrats, and people are more open to organizing in periods of hope than in moments of when they are being attacked by right-wing forces.

Keeping Your Data Safe When Reporting From The Field

It’s not uncommon for police to seize cellphones and other equipment from journalists who are covering protests. The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker has documented at least 49 cases of equipment searches and seizures targeting journalists covering protests, and many of those have happened in the last year. One case that I want to highlight is the case of Dilan Gohill. He is a student journalist at Stanford for The Stanford Daily, and he was arrested last June while he was covering a student protest on campus. It was a pro-Palestinian protest in which protesters broke into a campus building and barricaded themselves inside, and Dilan, in his capacity as a reporter, was with them to report on what was happening.

Harris And Trump Want US Hegemony Over The World To Continue

On November 5, the people of the United States will head to the polls to elect their next president and legislators. The two leading contenders in the presidential race, Donald Trump from the Republican party and Kamala Harris from the Democratic Party are neck and neck in the majority of opinion polls so far, generating increased speculation on what the outcome will be and what impact their policies may have on the world. With regards to South Asia, historically, the US has maintained relationships of a different character with countries in the region, and these relationships have rarely been impacted by a particular electoral outcome.

Trump Rally, Washington Post And Michelle Obama Generate Fake Outrage

Nothing reveals the corrupt nature of U.S. politics like a presidential election. The theater of the absurd is played out every four years, giving the illusion of choice between two parties that more often act in agreement than not. Millions of people become emotionally invested in candidates who use red meat to generate support from their respective constituencies while defense contractors, big pharma executives, and oil company oligarchs sit back and watch, knowing that they will get what they want regardless of the outcome.

On Vote Shaming, And Lesser Evils

As the presidential election looms very close, the prospect of a Trump victory is rightly terrifying millions of us. Given this fear, Palestinians and our co-strugglers are being criticized and vote-shamed for persisting in our rejection of Kamala Harris, as we are told that Palestine cannot be the single determining issue as we consider the future of this country. Yet I know I am not speaking only for myself when I say it is not a simple ask to vote for the presidential candidate who has repeatedly refused to address the genocide she is funding in her capacity as vice president, repeatedly refused to listen to the concerns of Arab Americans, and continues to pander debunked accusations of “the pattern of systematic gang rapes of Israeli women by Hamas militants.”

Empire’s Overseers: The Two-Party Trap Of Blackface Imperialism

The U.S. two-party electoral system functions as an ideological trap of white supremacy by presenting a false binary choice that constrains political imagination while masking the material reality: both parties advance imperial interests through military spending, global interventions, and economic policies that prioritize corporate power over human needs. And the elevation of Black figures like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris to command the imperial machine demonstrates the continued success of this ideological and political trap, where the incorporation of non-white actors into the U.S. imperial machinery serves to legitimize rather than challenge fundamental power structures.

Portents Of Chaos

Uh-oh. The New York Times is picking up its familiar theme now that the Nov. 5 elections are but a few days out front: Those mal-intended foreigners are again “sowing discord and chaos in hopes of discrediting American democracy,” it reported in a piece published Tuesday. The Beelzebubs haunting this political season, when everything would otherwise be orderly and altogether copacetic among Americans, are Russia, China and Iran. Why can’t this year’s version of the old, reliable “Axis of Evil” leave us alone with our “democratic process,” the one the rest of the world envies and resents?

Working People Place Cost Of Living As Top Concern In US Elections

Just eight days remain until the people of the US head to the polls to decide their next president. The economy and inflation continues to be the top issue for voters by far, with eight in ten registered voters saying the economy will be very important to their vote according to the Pew Research Center. According to Gallup, the economy is the most important out of 22 issues voters were polled on, including “terrorism and national security”, immigration, education, healthcare, and crime. If one were to read exclusively the mainstream media, one would get the impression that all is well with the economy, that inflation is falling, and the job market is doing just fine.

In The US, Voting Is A Privilege, Not A Right

As US presidential elections approach in the coming weeks, activists and organizers are ringing the alarm bells about the broad practice of voter suppression that still exists in the United States. On October 19, a group of students and activists at the historically Black institution of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia marched in protest of election measures that they compare to Jim Crow laws that enshrined racist oppression into law for decades in the US South. A 2021 law, dubbed the Election Integrity Act, has made it illegal in Georgia for anyone to hand out water to those waiting in line to vote—polling lines which can often last for several hours in the Southern heat.

Not Too Late For Uncommitted Movement To Hold Democrats Accountable

The activists had them right where they wanted them. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had done everything they could think of to suppress the growing public outrage over their administration’s complicity in the genocide in Palestine, but hundreds of thousands of potential Democratic voters weren’t giving in. Led by the Uncommitted National Movement, they’d refused to pull the lever for Biden in the primaries, and were now threatening to withhold their support for Harris in November unless she and her current boss placed an embargo on America’s weapons shipments to Israel before the 2024 US presidential election.

Catastrophe At The Ballot Box

The United States of America is on the verge of World War III in three different theaters. Its social economy and infrastructure are in tatters. It’s actively engaged in genocidal ethnic cleansing — killing tens if not hundreds of thousands of mainly children and women and spitting on every precept of humanitarian and international law — on behalf of an atavistic settler-colonial project. It is more than ever despised and less than ever feared in a world escaping its control. And in this catastrophic conjuncture, the U.S. political and media culture throws up two of the most incompetent figures imaginable to vie for the role of leading us into the abyss.

October 7th, The Election And Capitalist Crisis

So here we are in a very unusual situation where we are on the verge of a presidential election in just a few weeks and both candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, pledge loyalty to Israel. Their only argument is who is more supportive of Israel. President Biden seems to be absent. We don't really know how involved he is, what role he's playing in these events, but one thing is certain, that Israel feels emboldened to do whatever it wants to do as we are one year from the Operation Al Aqsa Flood of October 7, 2023. So there's a lot going on. What are your overall observations about this moment?

The Cautionary Tale Of Angela Davis

Angela Davis is certainly correct in speaking these words. They are an important reminder of how we must view and relate to the electoral process. But unfortunately, she followed those remarks with highly questionable assertions which put at risk all that she says she seeks to achieve. Davis has a habit of engaging in some very grave contradictions, which we have analyzed over the years here at Black Agenda Report. In 2012 Angela Davis felt compelled to give fulsome praise to Barack Obama, including claiming that his rise to the presidency showed a connection with the Black radical tradition. The false statement was quite alarming, as Davis ignored the obvious, that the Obama campaign was a creation of the neo-liberal and imperialist elites who needed a more attractive face in a moment of crisis.

Who’s Really The ‘Crazy’ In The Room In This Election

I recently received a comment to the post of my article ‘The 2nd First Presidential Debate’ that criticized me for leaning in favor of Trump, of even being a ‘closet Trumpist’. The comment went on to repeat ad nauseum the typical Democrat party election ‘talking points’ that pretty much just say ‘don’t vote for Trump because he’s crazy, a moral degenerate, etc.’ In other words, commentary that reflects a personalization and demonization of the issues and a failure to consider that much more may be at stake in this election besides personality traits. The commentator reflects the intense, fear mongering Democrat party messaging underway that so many Liberals in the Democrat camp regurgitate nowadays.

Blue (MAGA) In Green

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to refute the sentiment that the mainstream environmental “movement” has lost its way, assuming that it ever had a clear one in the first place. This election cycle has illuminated the fact that this cadre of the larger non profit industrial apparatus has aligned itself more with a political party, the Democrats, than with the principles necessary to confront the quintessential climate crisis that’s edging the planet and requisite systems for survival to a junction of entropy. It must now be said that the abject intransigence of mainstream environmental groups poses a clear and present danger to climate and environmental justice that in some ways, it could be argued, rivals that of former President Trump.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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