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Israeli Fascism Is Fueled By US And European White Supremacy

As bombs supplied to the Israeli settler state by the settler colonial state known  as the United States, are once again raining down on the battered and dehumanized people of Gaza, it would still seem that in a rational world, a world in which there was an elementary baseline of morality, a live-streamed crime of a magnitude not seen since the end of the second world-war would be incomprehensible.  However, that world does not exist. Instead, we live in a world still defined and controlled by the hypocritical powers of the West. A West infused with values and ideas demonstrating it has never had any concerns for humanity beyond itself.

David Hartsough: The World Has Lost A Champion Of Peace

David Hartsough, whom we have just lost to cancer at the age of 84, was a giant in the world of recent and not so recent peace activism and not just peace activism. While nobody focused more on highlighting and promoting the work of others, and on organizing and funding and supporting the work of others, David Hartsough’s own story is one of the most remarkable to be found in the genre of lives lived to their fullest for the good of all. Parts of David Hartsough’s story are told in his 2014 memoir, Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi Holds Press Conference On Foreign Policy

The year 2024 saw profound changes in the international landscape as well as remarkable progress in China’s reform and development. Under the stewardship of General Secretary Xi Jinping, China made important progress in its diplomacy. We fostered a good external environment for China’s high-quality development, brought much-needed stability to a changing and turbulent world, and made new and solid strides in building a community with a shared future for mankind. This year, the international situation is still full of challenges. But the mission of China’s diplomacy remains unchanged.

The Geopolitics Of Peace

Thanks to all of you for the chance to be together and to think together. This is indeed a complicated and fast-changing time and a very dangerous one. So, we really need clarity of thought. I’m especially interested in our conversation, so I’ll try to be as succinct and clear as I can be. I’ve watched the events very close-up in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine, very closely for the last 36 years. I was an adviser to the Polish government in 1989, to President Gorbachev’s economic team in 1990 and 1991, to President Yeltsin’s economic team in 1991 to 1993 and to President Kuchma’s economic team in Ukraine in 1993 to 1994.

Trump’s Presidency And The Prospects For Peace In 2025

A lot of people are angry about the inauguration falling on MLK Day this year, but I actually believe the convergence of dates is auspicious because it gives me the opportunity to bring the issues that Dr. King raised in his speech Beyond Vietnam–Time To Break The Silence to this forum. In this speech, Dr. King raised the issue of the triple evils plaguing this country and the world: racism, poverty, militarism. What Dr. King was alluding to what we in the Black Alliance for Peace recognize is imperialism, which is why BAP was founded on April 4, 2017, to commemorate this pivotal address, and as a means to pick up the mantle of Dr. King and raise the consciousness of the masses in this country to the issue of imperialism that he spoke of.

Peace Vigil Activists Eye Future As White House Readies For Change

Washington DC — It is a sunny hot Saturday afternoon in mid-November at Lafayette Park as a steady line of tourists filter past the little white tent of the Peace Vigil outside the White House. The signs covering the tent reflect views contrary to everything the incoming administration stands for. The activists go about their daily rituals of preparing for a shift change. It’s 4 o’clock. Time seems to stand still. Nearby the sounds of carpenter’s tools, hammers, drills, and saws, echo from the scaffolding while truck warning beepers sound across Pennsylvania Avenue as the temporary inauguration stands are slowly going up.

November 11 Is Armistice Day: Veterans Demand Ceasefire in Gaza

World War I was an international conflict, 1914-18, that embroiled most of the nations of Europe, along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions.  The war pitted the “Central Powers” – mainly Germany Austria-Hungary and Turkey – against the “Allies” – mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and (from 1917) the United States. The war was unprecedented in the slaughter, carnage, and destruction it caused. Over 15 million people were killed – both soldiers and civilians, and over 25 million were wounded. The First World War ended in November 1918 when an armistice was declared at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month,” marking a moment of hope and the promise of peace.

A World Where Our Grandchildren Have To Go To A Museum To See What A Gun Looked Like

In 1919, Winston Churchill wrote, ‘I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes’. Churchill, grappling at the time with the Kurdish rebellion in northern Iraq as Britain’s secretary of state for war and air, argued that such use of gas ‘would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected’. Gas warfare had first been employed by France in August 1914 (during World War I) using tear gas, followed by Germany with the use of chlorine in April 1915 and phosgene (which enters the lungs and causes suffocation) in December 1915.

Nobel Peace Prize Goes To Qualified Recipient For First Time In A While

Congratulations are in order for Nihon Hidankyo, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations. The Nobel Peace Prize has for the first time in at least six years gone to a group of people who work to reduce warmaking, people who in fact seek to abolish nuclear weapons. Nihon Hidankyo has relentlessly done the work of educating the world, thanklessly, for many years. This prize should be celebrated far and wide. Congratulations are also in order to the Nobel Committee, for somehow manintaining the prestige of the Nobel Peace Prize despite how the committee has mistreated it time and time again, and for — this time — getting it right. May this mark a new principled commitment!

A Withering Tree Of Peace

As the drums of war beat louder and the warmongering rhetoric becomes shrill, a group of Russian and American activists assembled in downtown Moscow to replant yet again the symbolic U.S.-Russia friendship birch tree that was initially planted nine years ago. It has had to be replaced several times as the trees have struggled to survive. Some say it’s because of the severe weather, and some, with a sense of humor, believe it’s because of a toxic atmosphere between the two countries poisoning the tree. The first one was planted on April 24, 2015, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the historic “Elbe River” meeting of the American and Soviet military on April 25, 1945, which became symbolic of their joint victory over Nazi Germany.

5,238+ Actions As Part of Campaign Nonviolence Action Days

Nationwide – Between September 21 and October 2, 2024, tens of thousands of people participated in over 5,238+ nonviolent actions to protest violence, war, poverty, racism and environmental destruction as part of the 11th annual Campaign Nonviolence Action Days.  Stretching between the International Day of Peace (Sept 21) to the International Day of Nonviolence (Oct 2), the campaign brings together over 100 organizations to “build a culture of peace and active nonviolence, free from war, poverty, racism, and environmental destruction.” The effort increases public awareness of the many aspects of violence from direct/physical violence (such as gun violence, mass shootings, death penalty, and war) to systemic/structural violence (poverty, mass incarceration, climate crisis) to cultural violence (bias, discrimination, oppression).

Ajamu Baraka On Global Conflicts And Social Transformation

In addition to risking a nuclear war with Russia, the United States is stoking greater conflicts in West Asia and China. Ajamu Baraka speaks with Clearing the FOG about his recent tour in Iran where he spoke to a cross-section of people about their concerns and the need for greater international solidarity. Baraka also discusses the responsibility of people, particularly in the collective West, to organize in order to change course away from militarism. He provides an analysis of the upcoming presidential election, the verdict in the case of the Uhuru 3 and why people must avoid aligning themselves with the ruling class, which will stop at nothing to hang onto power.

A Radical Way To Change The UN Security Council, Including Its Name

What conditions might compel the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to relinquish their veto power? In exchange, what conditions might the other member states agree on to make it happen? These are important questions to pose to the public as the 193 member states negotiate a Pact for the Future for the upcoming Summit of the Future to ensure the organization’s usefulness for generations to come. Let us hope that the P5 — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — as well as other member states have the wisdom to institute reforms as soon as possible. Some Council reform proposals consider adding individual countries as permanent members, such as India or Brazil.

Build Global Mass Opposition To The New Cold War

The following is the text of a speech given by Friends of Socialist China co-editor Carlos Martinez at an online meeting of the Scottish Trade Union Peace Network on 22 August 2024. Carlos discusses the nature of China’s foreign policy, dealing with common criticisms such as that China seeks to “undermine democracy” in Taiwan, that it is an aggressive and expansionist power in the South China Sea, and that its nuclear arsenal poses a serious threat to world peace. The speech goes on to analyse the theoretical basis and economic underpinnings of China’s foreign policy, observing that China’s rise “has never been based on dominating the land, labour, resources and markets of the rest of the world. It has never been driven by the expand-or-die logic of capital.”

New Orleans Residents Rebuke Sham ‘Peace Statement’

New Orleans, LA – On August 6, at 9:30 a.m., nearly 100 local activists and community organizations converged onto New Orleans City Hall. They gathered to stand against the New Orleans City Council adopting a “Statement of Peace,” and demanded instead a resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The so-called “Statement of Peace” was sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, an openly Zionist organization. It calls for peace while conveniently omitting Palestine or Palestinians, ignores local victims of Israeli genocidal violence such as Tawfic Abdeljabbar, and implies that local anti-genocide protests are “calls for violence.” After only a few weeks in circulation, the statement has been put forth on the council agenda.
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