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Will Pakistan Remain A US Proxy Or Become A Regional Partner?

Pakistan is one of the largest countries in South Asia. Ever since its formation in 1947, it has been politically dominated by a coalition of landed and military elites who rule over millions of impoverished citizens mainly by force. Attempts to break this dominance and establish a truly popular government independent of the military establishment have mostly failed. Meanwhile, the ruling classes in Pakistan have been unable to industrialize and democratize the state. Their deep dependence on rent and the interests of the imperialists are in complete opposition to the popular aspirations and sentiments of the people.

Forging Alliances Against Imperialism

The Anti-War Action Network Founding Conference, held February 15–16, 2025, in St. Paul, Minnesota, brought together hundreds of activists from anti-war student groups, Palestine solidarity networks and seasoned campaigners to unite against U.S. imperialism and militarization. Attendees participated in dynamic panels such as “Palestine: Where Does Our Movement Need to Go?” “The Growing Divestment from Genocide Movement” and “Organizing Against War Profiteers,” where diverse organizations shared practical strategies — from local divestment campaigns and grassroots protest tactics to using research and social media for effective community mobilization.

A New Military Strategy Of French Neo-Colonialism In Africa

In his New Year’s address, Alassane Ouattara, president of Ivory Coast since 2010 when he took power with the aid of a French military intervention, announced “we have decided on the coordinated and organized withdrawal of French forces” from the country. However, his address made no mention of terminating the 1961 military agreements with France. These “agreements are at the root of the problem. As long as these agreements exist, France will be able to use them to carry out military maneuvers or intervene at the request of its servants in power in Ivory Coast,” General Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Ivory Coast (PCRCI), Achy Ekissi, told Peoples Dispatch.

Syria’s Fall And Anti-Imperialist Lessons

The fast-paced unfolding of events that took place in Syria shook everyone, including the regime change and color revolution enthusiasts who hoped to destroy Syria only to deliver it on a golden plate to the Zionist entity to annex massive swaths of lands. The forceful overthrow of the government in Syria represents a colossal defeat to the Pan-Arabists in the region and those who center the Palestinian national liberation cause. This is not a rhetorical exaggeration; the demise of Syria will have direct consequences on the Axis of Resistance — given that the land bridge (Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon) has been undermined — and the interconnected struggle against imperialist zionism.

Africa And Russia: The Anti-Imperialist Partnership For Our Future

Neo-colonial governments have been toppled in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger (henceforth “the Alliance of Sahel States”). Revolutionary governments, backed by popular movements, have seized power and resurrected the flame of revolution in Africa. From the outbreaks of the rebellions that toppled neo-colonialism to today, it is common to see the people raising Russian flags along their national flags. For Africans, Russia represents a win-win cooperation and a partner against Western hegemony. Despite Western media’s desperate strategy to paint Russia as an imperial power and a colonial force that Africans should be wary of, a thorough study of history and a proper understanding of imperialism demonstrates that Russia has never been an imperialist or a colonial force in Africa, nor is it now.

Anti-Imperialism And The Tricontinental Vocation

Radical economist Samir Amin understood well that revolutionary offensives against the imperialism of the triad (USA, EU, and Japan) will come from the tricontinental sphere of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The peripheries of the world-system are where the contradictions of capitalist-imperialism are the most heightened, and where the fissures can be exploited. According to Amin, we must analyze social struggles at three levels: the popular classes, nations, and states. This essay seeks to validate Amin’s argument by highlighting the anti-imperialist victories in the tricontinental sphere, while also providing a dose of hope and vitality against the defeatist attitude present in much of the US left since the victory of Trump, the Zionist massacres across West Asia, and the renewed attempts by imperialism to dismantle anti-systemic movements and States.

Niger To Host Conference In Solidarity With The Sahel

This November, Niger is opening its doors to voices from across Africa and beyond, in a show of solidarity with the people of the Sahel, as they face one of the region’s most dynamic periods. From November 19 to 21, Niger’s capital, Niamey, will host the “Conference in Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel,” a three-day event dedicated to addressing the urgent struggles and aspirations of the Sahelian people. Set in the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center, the conference will bring together activists, political leaders, union representatives, and members of social movements and Pan-African communities from around the world.

Function Of The ‘Compatible Left’ Seen In Attacks On Venezuelan Revolution

“Compatible left” was a term used by the CIA to describe those on the left it has deemed compatible with maintaining imperialist world rule. This left has dominated the US left since the end of World War II, in large part a result of government operations repressing the communist or anti-imperialist left.  Historically, this compatible left that the CIA worked to cultivate rejects actually existing socialism and formed a “third camp” or “plague on both houses” left between capitalist and socialist countries. Providing a “respectable” alternative to the anti-imperialists, it used its progressive flavor to lure in radical youth, activists, workers, and intellectuals.

A Message To The Western Left

Starting to write this, the first question that I ask myself is, who am I addressing? While the divisions among the left in general are notorious anywhere in the world, they are at another level when it comes to the so-called West, which is ironic given the almost non-existent success of the left in that part of the world. Nevertheless, taking into consideration the current dominant iterations, I suppose that the left in the West includes anything from liberalism to anarchism to Trotskyism to what is called Maoism – everything except solidarity – real solidarity without footnotes or parenthesis – with the anti-imperialist struggles in the “uncivilised” and “politically incorrect” rest of the world, whatever form such struggle may assume.

A Year Of Struggle For Palestine In The Belly Of The Beast

On October 7, Israel began another phase of its long-genocidal war against the Palestinian people. The intensification of its colonial violence, ethnic cleansing, and mass displacement was suddenly livestreamed for the entire world to see. In response to this brutality and devastation, the people of the world rallied to stand with Palestine and resist imperialism everywhere. Within the United States, without which the Israeli colonial project would be impossible, millions of people were brought into the struggle against imperialism from within the belly of the beast. This mass raising of consciousness has brought the majority of people in the United States on the side of an arms embargo against Israel.

From East To West Africa: The People Are Uprising Against Colonial Oppression And Corruption

The time for Africans to reclaim their land, dignity, and future is now. The only means by which Africans can achieve liberation and self-determination is through collaborative unity, in the form of scientific socialism. A divided continent will only remain mired in the exploitation and degradation that has defined its very existence since the imposition of colonialism a century and a half ago.

Anti-War Organizers On The Pacific Coast Protest US Military Exercises

Anti-war activists with the international Cancel RIMPAC Campaign and the Resist NATO Coalition are organizing to protest the RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise), the largest international maritime warfare exercise, taking place in Hawai’i, which is hosted by the United States Navy‘s Indo-Pacific Command, set to begin on June 27. Organizers are also opposing the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington, DC, which will take place from July 9 to 11. These two groups held a joint press conference to quick off future actions on June 26. Cancel RIMPAC is holding a week of action culminating in a People’s Summit and mobilizations in San Diego on June 29 and 30.

Flood The Gates: Escalate

It has been 208 days since this most recent and most horrific chapter of the 75-year U.S.-zionist genocide in Gaza began. Over 40,000 Palestinians have been martyred, but the actual death toll is likely upward of 100,000. Despite the mobilizations of millions around the world, we must acknowledge that we have not been able to stop the genocide — we have not come even close. This is a failure, but not a defeat. It demands we reckon with our errors and recalculate our strategy to win. After October 7, we recognized immediately the need for escalatory resistance to imperialism’s escalating violence.

Chad Moves To Kick Out United States Military

The US is staring at yet another strategic loss in Africa. Chad’s Air Force Chief of Staff has written to Washington’s defense attaché ordering the Pentagon to cease its operations at the Adji Kossei Air Base near the capital, N’Djamena. In another letter addressed to Chad’s armed forces minister, Idriss Amine Ahmed said the presence of US soldiers had not been satisfactorily justified, noting also that the US side had not provided sufficient documents on support for logistics and personnel. Chad has threatened to cancel the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that regulates the operations of roughly 100 US military personnel in the Sahelian country.

ALBA-TCP Holds World Gathering For A Social Alternative

Starting April 18, Venezuela will host the World Gathering for a Social Alternative, a two-day event organized by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) and the Simon Bolivar Institute (ISB). This international meeting seeks to promote a common agenda to protect the Latin American people from the different forms of contemporary imperialist aggression. This event will bring together member countries of the bloc, leaders and social movements of the region in activities and working meetings to be held in the city of Caracas.