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Social Movements

AFGJ Strongly Condemns The Attempted Military Coup In Bolivia

Alliance for Global Justice congratulates the Arce Administration for its swift action to restore popular democracy in Bolivia just hours after its National Army surrounded the Palacio Quemado with tanks and armored vehicles during a Cabinet meeting, calling for the resignation of the President and the entire Cabinet. The effort was led by Commander Juan José Zúñiga Macías, now under arrest, who had also made a series of threats against former president Evo Morales. Popular movements quickly took to the streets en masse across the country to defend Bolivia’s democracy, shouting “Lucho is not alone!” and “stop the coup d’état!”

You Saved Julian Assange

The dark machinery of empire, whose mendacity and savagery Julian Assange exposed to the world, spent 14 years trying to destroy him. They cut him off from his funding, canceling his bank accounts and credit cards. They invented bogus allegations of sexual assault to get him extradited to Sweden, where he would then be shipped to the U.S. They trapped him in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for seven years after he was given political asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship by refusing him safe passage to Heathrow Airport. They orchestrated a change of government in Ecuador that saw him stripped of his asylum, harassed and humiliated by a pliant embassy staff.

Europe’s Shift To The Right Must Be Countered With Mass Mobilization

The composition of the new European Parliament will more or less trace the outgoing one. Much ado about nothing? Not really. It’s not just a question of how many votes and seats you get—the conservative European People’s Party (EPP) increased their share by 10 seats, and the ultra-right parties Identity and Democracy and European Conservatives and Reformists by 13—but also where and how. The ultra-right is the leading force in two key countries such as France and Italy, where it won around 30% of votes (40% if we add the votes of Zemmours Reconquuête in France and Salvinis Lega in Italy).

People’s Conference For Palestine Closes With A Pledge To Mobilize

After three days of idea exchange and relationship building, the People’s Conference for Palestine ended with a bold call to mobilize: surround the White House on June 8 in protest of Israel’s ongoing offensive against Rafah.  “Biden said he had a red line, remember the red line? He said, if Netanyahu dares go into Rafah, that’s a red line, we the United States, will stop sending weapons to Israel,” said Brian Becker, executive director of the ANSWER Coalition, said during the plenary session entitled “How Do Movements Achieve Transformation?”  “Israel went ahead and invaded Rafah, and what did Biden do? He continued to send the bombs and the missiles to carry out the massacre in Rafah and throughout Gaza."

Interview With José Pimentel, Peasant Leader And Land Defender

We had the opportunity to meet with an iconic leader of the Venezuelan campesino movement in the city of San Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela. José Pimentel is a well-known defender of land rights. For this reason Pimentel has been the target of at least three assassination attempts by large landowners. While there is no consensus on the true number, it said that hundreds of peasants in Venezuela have been assassinated for defending their legally sanctified rights to the land they work. Some estimate that more than 500 peasants have been murdered for their compliance with the land law, while not a single person behind these assassinations is in prison.

Portugal: Fifty Years Since The Carnation Revolution

Fifty years ago, on April 25, 1974, Portugal was shaken by an earthquake. Not a geological earthquake, like the one in 1755 that razed Lisbon to the ground and killed around 50,000 people, but a political one, with only four victims. It was an uprising that would overnight bring Europe’s longest lasting fascist dictatorship tumbling down. Shortly after midnight on April 25, the popular song “Grândola Vila Moreno” (Grândola, my swarthy town) rang out over the airwaves of a private Portuguese radio station. To the nervous soldiers in their barracks listening out for it, this was the signal for them to start the engines of their tanks and armored cars and begin their revolt by rapidly taking Lisbon, the capital, and other large towns by storm.

Argentine Social Movements Denounce Illegal Raids By Government

In the early hours of the morning on May 13, the Argentine police raided the homes of leaders of the Worker’s Pole, the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL), Barrios de Pie, and the Evita Movement. According to the organizations, federal police officers participated in the violent raids, the cell phones of the leaders were also seized, and 27 free soup kitchens run by the movement organizations were also raided. In a press conference in front of the National Congress on the same day, progressive movements came together to denounce the raids and repression they have faced under the far-right government of Javier Milei.

The Nation’s Conscience

New York City - I am sitting on a fire escape across the street from Columbia University with three organizers of the Columbia University Gaza protest. It is night. New York City Police, stationed inside and outside the gates of the campus, have placed the campus on lockdown. There are barricades blocking streets. No one, unless they live in a residence hall on campus, is allowed to enter. The siege means that students cannot go to class. Students cannot go to the library. Students cannot enter the labs. Students cannot visit the university health services. Students cannot get to studios to practice. Students cannot attend lectures. Students cannot walk across the campus lawns.

Venezuela Hosts World Gathering To Unite The Left For A Social Alternative 

From April 18 to 20, more than 500 activists from around the world gathered in Caracas, Venezuela for the "World Gathering for a Social Alternative." The meeting was convened by the Simon Bolivar Institute and the ALBA Movement, and it was followed by an ALBA-TCP leaders summit, which included the ten ALBA countries and Honduras. Clearing the FOG speaks with Carlos Ron, president of the Simon Bolivar Institute, about the urgency of the gathering, what will come out of it and the next steps. Ron shared the progress Venezuela has made under the Bolivarian Revolution, the retaliation against Venezuela primarily by the United States and the importance of connecting social movements to confront the many global crises of this era.

Movements Affirm That Imperialism Is In Decline

500 representatives from movements, unions, and parties hailing from countries across the world gathered in Caracas, Venezuela for the World Gathering for a Social Alternative. The meeting organized by the Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity and ALBA-TCP kicked off on April 18 and will conclude on April 20. During the first two days of debate and discussion, panelists and participants discussed the pressing tasks of the left and progressive movements to organize the masses and confront the climate crisis, the rise of the right, imperialist attacks, and fortify internationalist solidarity.

MOLEGHAF Denounces The US’ ‘Accord For Peaceful Orderly Transition’

Once again, organizations and political parties, intertwined with the civil society above them, disrespectful of the masses, plunge Haiti into an abyss without bottom, bearing the name, POLITICAL AGREEMENT FOR A PEACEFUL AND ORDERLY TRANSITION. After more than 13 years of domination and exploitation of the neo-duvalierist PHTK political regime, and US imperialism, CARICOM has taken on the role of intermediary, renewing power for these criminal parties and organizations. It offers them all possible privileges and advantages to continue making the children of Haiti suffer more under their yoke and tribulations.

UNAC Conference: Decolonization And The Fight Against Imperialism

UNAC understands the importance of bringing us together from all over this country and the world. We have two ambassadors this weekend, from Nicaragua and the Western Sahara, the Polisario front. This state and its allies in corporate media hide the rest of the world from us. UNAC does the opposite and brings the information we need to see that the same people who fight against the sovereignty of African nations and who want to destroy the Nicaraguan revolution are the same people who build cop cities. The same people who speak of “mistaken” killings committed by the IDF sound just like people who dismiss the more than1,000 police killings that take place in the country and call those mistakes.

International Coalition To Stop Genocide In Palestine Global Action

On March 17, the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP) held its first Global Call to Action as a webinar moderated by Ajamu Baraka of The Black Alliance for Peace and featuring Azhar Sakoor, a lawyer and executive with the Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League in South Africa, Marcy Winograd with CODEPINK, Pavel Wargan, the Coordinator of the Secretariat at the Progressive International, Lamis Deek, a Palestinian born and internationally practicing attorney based in New York...

International Coalition To Stop Genocide In Palestine Global Call

On March 17, the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP) held its first Global Call to Action as a webinar simultaneously translated into five languages. The goals of the meeting were to share ways that groups are working to build public support for an end to Israel's genocidal acts, provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians and amplify the global anti-colonial, anti-imperial movement. The ICSGP convened in late December, 2023 to push for Israel to be held accountable under the Genocide Convention for its acts in Palestine.

A New Alliance Could Change Puerto Rican Politics

Puerto Rico has been a territory of the United States since the 1898 Spanish-American War. It had only US-appointed governors until 1948, and in 1952, Congress passed a joint resolution that approved its first constitution, which provided for limited autonomy. It would become a “Commonwealth,” but the island remained an unincorporated territory that lacked sovereignty and full rights afforded to US citizens, despite the fact that residents of Puerto Rico were granted citizenship in 1917. Since then, the island’s politics have revolved around three political parties whose platforms are focused on its political status.