The section provides articles on strategy to assist you in making your campaigns more effective. They include case studies of social movements and information about the current resistance environment. Visit the Resources Page for links to organizations that provide both online and in-person training on strategy and tools for designing and evaluating your campaigns and actions.
Early in the morning, a few days ago, I received a phone call from Standing Rock. My brother said he had heard that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) was picking up people on the Pine Ridge Reservation. He also said that he heard the Proud Boys (a militant group that was involved in the White House raid in 2020 and now pardoned by the US President Trump) were driving their pickups all over Rapid City. Then I knew why he called so early. He was worried about me.
I laughed and said "No, none of that is true. I'll talk to my granddaughter who lives on the rez and she'll tell me.
Labor Faces Artificial Intelligence And Outsourcing
January 26, 2025
Ed Grystar, Counter Punch.
Artificial Intelligence, Jobs, Labor Movement, Outsourcing, Worker Rights and Jobs
Two recent articles on AI / automation and outsourcing / immigration offer a glimpse of what faces labor unions and the working class as capital, emboldened by the election of Trump and his alliance with Big Tech, sets up to continue its push on automation, subcontracting, outsourcing, and the importing of foreign labor – despite Trump’s tacit claims to support “American jobs”. Organized labor, which, with the exception of the Teamsters, doubled down on its support for Biden and the Democrats in November and clinging to the lost strategy of labor-management cooperation, now appears more on the backfoot than ever to defend against the onslaught.
Reclaiming Traditional Foods For A Degrowth Food Future
January 26, 2025
Christiane Heisse and Sevgi Mutlu Sirakova, Resilience.
Capitalism, Degrowth, Fermentation, Food, Indigenous Knowledge
Crusty Bread, creamy cheese, bubbly kimchi or refreshing tepache – all cultures have fermented foods and beverages with their own traditions, language, and cultural heritage surrounding them. Fermentation, in this sense, is a living food culture that taps into ancient skills and traditional knowledge. But this knowledge is under attack. As capitalism continues its onslaught on rural, indigenous, communal, and non-commodified ways of life, traditional food practices are slowly dying out in the contexts in which they originally emerged.
What Could Workers Win In A New NAFTA?
January 25, 2025
Natascha Elena Uhlmann, Labor Notes.
Mexico, NAFTA, Trade, UAW, Unions, USMCA, Worker Rights and Jobs
In his nine years in the auto industry, Ben Hinsey has seen a lot of misplaced blame. The threat of job cuts is always looming.
In fact, Hinsey transferred into his current job at the Stellantis Jeep factory in Toledo, Ohio, when his previous one at the Chrysler Toledo Machining Plant evaporated in a 2017 wave of layoffs. He now installs instrument panels and serves as a float, moving from job to job to cover absences.
Hundreds of thousands of auto jobs have disappeared from the U.S. since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 and its successor, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), often known as NAFTA 2.0.
The Coming Climate Uncertainty Conundrum
January 25, 2025
Rupert Read, DeSmog.
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, Biodiversity, climate crisis, Extreme weather
This piece is about what we talk about when we talk about ‘climate change.’
Mostly, whether in the campaigning world or the policy world, the tech world or the business world, the everyday world or the world of international summitry, we mainly talk about cutting carbon emissions. And if we talk about impacts, we talk about the impacts of global heating, plus the impacts of the growing chaos.
But we don’t talk enough about climate impacts, our vulnerability to them, let alone how to prepare adequately for them, or to tackle them ‘upstream’ before they land or get worse.
The Promethean Aspirations Of The Darker Nations
January 24, 2025
Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.
Amilcar Cabral, China, Global South, US Imperialism
For decades now, there has been a clear understanding that the models of development proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Washington Consensus – debt, austerity, structural adjustment – simply have not worked. The long history of adversity experienced by the former colonial countries remains intact. A glance at the numbers from the Maddison Project Database 2023 shows that global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) terms has risen by 689.9% between 1980 and 2022 (from $18.8 trillion to $148.5 trillion).
Organizers Are Ready To Defeat Trump’s Mass Deportation Agenda
January 24, 2025
Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch.
Aurora, Colorado, Donald Trump, Immigration, mass deportations, United States
Through racist, anti-migrant claims, falsehoods, and fearmongering, the Colorado suburb of Aurora has emerged as the right-wing’s potential staging ground for US President Donald Trump’s mass deportation agenda. Trump has pledged to launch the largest mass deportation operation in US history, expelling between 15 to 20 million migrants in an effort that will have ripple effects across working class communities and the entire US economy. The current US President has dubbed his mass deportation effort “Operation Aurora,” after a town that has become the epicenter of anti-migrant hysteria.
Change The Conversation From Doomsday To Peace Day
January 24, 2025
Alice Slater, Peace and Planet News.
NATO, Nuclear Weapons, Treaties, Wars and Militarism
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, with the advice of Albert Einstein and other scientists from the Manhattan Project who developed the atomic bomb, established a Doomsday Clock, in 1947 to illustrate the annihilating danger the earth has faced since the creation of the diabolical nuclear bomb. At that time, the clock was set at 7 minutes to midnight, their estimate of how much time we had left before nuclear war would wreak catastrophic devastation on our planet and all living things in existence.
Over the years, the hands of the clock have been reset, forward and backward, as scientists and policy makers estimated how immediate the nuclear danger loomed.
Trump Says Schools, Churches, Hospitals Aren’t Off-Limits To Immigration Police
For years, undocumented immigrants have held onto the knowledge that — while no place is ever completely safe — places like schools, hospitals and houses of worship have been much less likely to face raids from either Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
That changed on January 21, when Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a statement announcing that the administration has rescinded guidelines that previously deterred immigration police from conducting raids in locations considered “sensitive” or “protected.”
How The Jewish National Fund Abets US-Sanctioned Settlers
January 22, 2025
Shanyat Turani-Chowdhury, Mondoweiss.
Ethnic cleansing, Israel, Israeli settlements, Jewish National Fund, Nonprofit, Occupation, Palestine, Zionism
For more than a century, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) has raised money in the United States and around the world to acquire land for Jewish-only settlements in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. In recent years, more than $1 million of that money has flowed towards people and projects that have since been sanctioned by the United States government for their violence against Palestinians, according to Israeli financial documents reviewed by Mondoweiss.
A registered 501(c)(3) in the United States with 40 offices around the world and its international headquarters based in Jerusalem, the Jewish National Fund owns approximately 15 percent of the land in historic Palestine.
Trump’s Presidency And The Prospects For Peace In 2025
January 22, 2025
Jacqueline Luqman, Black Agenda Report.
Donald Trump, Martin Luther King Jr, Peace, US Imperialism
A lot of people are angry about the inauguration falling on MLK Day this year, but I actually believe the convergence of dates is auspicious because it gives me the opportunity to bring the issues that Dr. King raised in his speech Beyond Vietnam–Time To Break The Silence to this forum.
In this speech, Dr. King raised the issue of the triple evils plaguing this country and the world: racism, poverty, militarism. What Dr. King was alluding to what we in the Black Alliance for Peace recognize is imperialism, which is why BAP was founded on April 4, 2017, to commemorate this pivotal address, and as a means to pick up the mantle of Dr. King and raise the consciousness of the masses in this country to the issue of imperialism that he spoke of.
Strengthen Solidarity With Palestine!
January 21, 2025
Workers World.
Ceasefire, International Solidarity, Liberation, Occupation, Palestine
Resistance in Palestine and West Asia has mobilized an important movement in the U.S. and other NATO countries for over 15 months to demand the genocide in Gaza stop. A ceasefire has finally been achieved. This movement must ask itself the following question: What do we do now to contribute to liberation for Palestine?
Despite the avalanche of pro-imperialist propaganda from the Israeli and Western corporate media, hundreds of millions of people around the world have been propelled into action to oppose the horrible, genocidal war against Gaza.
Running In Circles On Racial Justice
January 21, 2025
Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, LA Progressive.
History, Racial Justice, Racism, Social Movements
We keep running in circles when it comes to addressing racial justice in the US. This means that with every advance we almost come back to the same place and must fight the battles all over again. It doesn't mean that progress has not been made, but the progress retrogresses due to the immediate backlash that charges any advance to rectify past racial injustices as an affront to white people. At best there is an ebb and flow when it comes to rectifying the racial harms and damages of the past.
Race history and the many initiatives to rectify past wrongs are more of a circle than a linear line.
Can A Labor-Backed Candidate Inspire More Working-Class Independents?
January 21, 2025
Steve Early, Labor Notes.
Independent Politics, Labor Movement, Nebraska, Senate, Unions, Working Class
While running for U.S. Senate in Nebraska, working class candidate Dan Osborn characterized the Senate as “a country club of millionaires that work for billionaires.”
In November, he almost crashed their party.
Osborn, a 49-year old former local union president who helped lead a multi-state strike against Kellogg’s cereal company, was recruited by railroad workers to challenge two-term incumbent Senator Deb Fischer, a Republican. Rail is a major industry in Nebraska, and Fischer had voted to break the 2022 national railroad strike. She also opposed the Railway Safety Act.
Despised: The Poor white Trash Manifesto, Part V
January 20, 2025
Danny Shaw, Popular Resistance.
Appalachia, Class war, Deplorables, Liberal class, Poverty, white America
The petit-bourgeois whites are a non-thinking tail to the kite of the dominant wing of capitalism. Appearance is everything; dialectics is a cross to the liberal vampire.
It is not uncommon that they recruit, artificially elevate and reward “diverse” members of the oppressed class who do their bidding. There are such examples which Fox News unabashedly refers to as “diversity hires.” On our side of the class barricades, we should be careful of those possessing the appearance of militancy but not critically grasping the essence of Marxism. Independent thinkers are a problem for the PMC.