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May 2019

Integrity Forged In Cages

My fellow college graduates: Integrity is not an inherited trait. It is not conferred by privilege or status or wealth. It cannot be bequeathed by elite schools or institutions. It is not a product of birth or race or gender. Integrity is not a pedigree or a brand. Integrity is earned. Integrity is determined not by what we do in life, but what we do with what life gives us. It is what we overcome. Integrity is the ability to affirm our dignity even when the world tells us we are worthless. Integrity is forged in pain and suffering, loss and tragedy. It is forged in the courtrooms where you were sentenced.

750 Guests Attend Solidarity Event For Venezuela In Berlin

The event in the Humboldt Hall at the Berlin Urania was organized by the daily newspaper junge Welt, on behalf of an alliance of more than 30 organizations, parties, media and initiatives. Occasion for the meeting was that on the same day the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas had on Tuesday representatives from 29 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean – including 21 foreign ministers – to a major conference at the Foreign Office. -only the  Venezuelan Foreign Minister was not invited to the conference.

Society Is In Decay – When The Worst Is First And The Best Is Last

Plutocrats like to control the range of permissible public dialogue. Plutocrats also like to shape what society values. If you want to see where a country’s priorities lie, look at how it allocates its money. While teachers and nurses earn comparatively little for performing critical jobs, corporate bosses including those who pollute our planet and bankrupt defenseless families, make millions more. Wells Fargo executives are cases in point. The vastly overpaid CEO of General Electric left his teetering company in shambles.

Venezuela Sanction To Kill: How US Blockade Is Taking Venezuelans’ Lives

While continuous and intensified sanctions against Venezuela by the United States aim to put pressure on President Nicolas Maduro’s administration they are mostly hurting the country's population, of which at least 40,000 deaths have been recorded, according to a study released by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in April 2019. Sanctions against Venezuela by the U.S. intensified after Jan. 23 when opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido attempted to overthrow democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro.

No Publication Will Be Safe If Assange Is Prosecuted

Unless and until Assange’s prosecution is dismissed, no publication will be safe from the Administration’s vengeance and overreach. The prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange under the Espionage Act represents a dangerous turn in President Donald Trump’s war on the First Amendment. Whether you love Assange or loathe him, it is vital to understand the eighteen-count indictment filed against him on May 23 in the context of that wider conflict. In a very real sense, we are all defendants in the case against Assange.

Why Milkshaking The Far-Right Is Going Viral

The fad started on May 2nd of this year, when Tommy Robinson (a British candidate for EU parliament) approached a Pakistani-British man (Danyaal Mahmud) on the street, and started harassing him. Tommy followed after Danyaal as he tried to leave, with left-wingers escorting Danyaal and right-wingers trailing after Tommy. Things grew heated, and Danyaal found himself cornered. Scared and out of other options, Danyaal threw the remains (a milkshake) of his lunch in Tommy’s face.

Yellow Finch Tree Sitters Hold Strong As Police And Pipeline Company Attempt Eviction

Today police aided by Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) employees attempted to evict the Yellow Finch tree sit but were not successful. What follows is a report from Appalachians Against Pipelines. The tree sitters are holding strong. We are still here. Today is day 267. At the Yellow Finch tree sits in the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, cops have left the scene (for now). MVP is still lurking down the road. We are still asking for local support — if you are available and can come out today during the day, we’d love to see you. If not, donate.

Now Impossible To Deny: Human Activity Caused The Climate Crisis

LONDON, 29 May, 2019 − British scientists have re-asserted an essential reality about global warming: human activity, not slow-acting and so far unidentified natural cycles in the world’s oceans, is its cause. That activity – including ever-increasing combustion of fossil fuels as well as the devastation of the natural forest – is enough to account for almost all the warming over the last century. Researchers from the University of Oxford report in the Journal of Climate that they looked at all the available observed land and ocean temperature data since 1850.

The Bottom Line: Go For The Money

It's rare to hear business magazines admit the power of nonviolent action. As the editor of Nonviolence News, a service that collects and shares 30-50+ stories of nonviolence in action each week, I often see business journals minimizing the effect of activism. Usually, industry tries to conceal the impact nonviolent action has on their bottom line by chalking it up to market pressures—as with the case of Shell's Arctic drilling rig. Business magazines credited falling fossil fuel prices with the decision to withdraw from drilling in the Arctic.

The Attack On Venezuelan Embassies, A Strategy Of US Regime Change

The video below, Venezuela: Diplomacy Under Siege, is a well-researched documentary on the attacks of coup plotters on Venezuelan embassies and how this has been a strategy used in US coup attempts around the world. The video explains a perspective that is relevant to the siege at the Venezuela Embassy in Washington, DC by putting it in the context of a strategy being used by US coup plotters and their violent allies. The attack on the embassy in Washington, DC is part of a strategy being used in multiple countries by the coup plotters of trying to take over embassies. The Embassy Protection Collective, which Popular Resistance helped to organize, is included at the end of the video.

Theresa May Was A Bad PM, But Her Resignation Will Do Nothing To Arrest Britain’s Long-Term Decline

There is a story about an enthusiastic American who took a phlegmatic English friend to see the Niagara Falls. “Isn’t that amazing?” exclaimed the American. “Look at that vast mass of water dashing over that enormous cliff!” “But what,” asked the Englishman, “is to stop it?” My father, Claud Cockburn, used to tell this fable to illustrate what, as a reporter in New York on the first day of the Wall Street Crash on 24 October 1929, it was like to watch a great and unstoppable disaster taking place.

U.S. Carries The Water For Venezuelan Opposition In Norway Talks

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Norway has announced that Representatives of Venezuela’s Government and the opposition will return to Oslo this week to start political talks following preliminary meetings days ago. “We are announcing that the representatives of the main political actors in Venezuela have decided to return to Oslo next week to continue a process facilitated by Norway,” reads a statement released by Norway’s Foreign Ministry, which confirmed its commitment to find “an agreed-upon solution” between the parties.

The American People Are The True Victims Of Our Latest Coup

There’s an office that you go to overthrow a government. CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou stands in front of a packed house in the Chavez Room at the Venezuelan Embassy. A mural of Hugo Chavez looks on from the back wall. Bookcases stand empty, a fitting sign of the bumbling idiocy of empire. The lobby has been converted into a makeshift gallery: images of Maduro and Chavez flank the unused metal detector and security desk. Two dry-erase boards announce to passersby in English and Spanish that “This Embassy Belongs to the Elected Government of Venezuela.”

Corporate Trade Tribunals Used By Mining Companies Against Communities And Governments

The right of foreign investors to sue governments in international tribunals is one of the most extreme examples of excessive power granted to corporations through free trade agreements and investment treaties. For decades now, corporations have used this power to demand massive compensation for public interest regulations and other government actions that may reduce the value of their investments. Widespread outrage over this “investor-state dispute settlement” system is among the key issues in the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Parallels In Black And Palestinian Struggles

Johnny E. Williams specializes in social movements, political sociology, cultural sociology, racism, science and religion. Professor Williams’ primary area of research investigates how culture (i.e., shared beliefs, values and meaning systems) sustains and challenges social order. My recent visit to Palestine clarified how Palestinian and black oppression is an integral part of an integrated global politico-economic structure of white racism that shares similar subjugating techniques such as criminalization, extrajudicial killings, and mass imprisonment.