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Trump And The Crisis Of Hegemony In The United States

Since the beginning of the process of colonization and conquest of the territories that are commonly called the United States (US), the idea of it being ​​the land of abundance and opportunity has been promoted. Millions of people migrated to these lands with the dream of getting rich quickly. The rise and consolidation of the US as a world hegemonic power occurred some time later, just a century ago. The two world wars and the economic crisis of 1929 were the part of the context and reasons for its rise. With its military and economic power, with its cultural industry, and by making its currency the currency of the world, it managed to prevail against the fascist option.

Milei’s Attacks On LGBTQ+ Community Spark Call For National Mobilization

Argentine movements, unions, LGBTQ+ organizations, and political groups have joined together to call nationwide anti-fascist and anti-racist protests on Saturday February 1 in response to Javier Milei’s repeated attacks on the Argentine people. In his speech at the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos last week, Milei launched sweeping attacks on progressive ideas like feminism, environmentalism, and what he calls “gender identity,” and praised far-right leaders Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Viktor Orbán, and Giorgia Meloni. He also defended his harsh economic austerity policies, despite their impact on Argentina’s poorest communities.

International Anti-Fascist Festival In Venezuela Ends With Resolution

The International Anti-Fascist World Festival For a New World, held in Caracas, Venezuela, in which more than 2,000 delegates from 125 countries participated, came to an end. At the closing ceremony of the festival, on Saturday, January 11, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro thanked the participants for attending the festival and pointed out that the proposals that have emerged demonstrate the vitality that this movement is gaining. “On behalf of all Venezuela, I thank you for coming to this unprecedented event,” said President Maduro, adding that “we are at peace, in democracy, in full exercise of our national sovereignty, and the people are moving forward in this new stage.”

Higher Education Must Champion Democracy, Not Surrender To Fascism

For decades, neoliberalism has systematically attacked the welfare state, undermined public institutions and weakened the foundations of collective well-being. Shrouded in the alluring language of liberty, it transforms market principles into a dominant creed, insisting that every facet of life conform to the imperatives of profit and economic efficiency. But in reality, neoliberalism consolidates wealth in the hands of a financial elite, celebrates ruthless individualism, promotes staggering levels of inequality, perpetuates systemic injustices like racism and militarism, and commodifies everything, leaving nothing sacred or untouchable.

How Fascism Came

President-elect Donald Trump does not herald the advent of fascism. He heralds the collapse of the veneer that masked the corruption within the ruling class and their pretense of democracy. He is the symptom, not the disease. The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism. Deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, unchecked predatory corporations, including the health-care industry, wholesale surveillance of every American, social inequality, an electoral system that is plagued by legalized bribery, endless and futile wars, the largest prison population in the world, but most of all feelings of betrayal, stagnation and despair, are a toxic brew that culminate in an inchoate hatred of the ruling class and the institutions they have deformed to exclusively serve the rich and the powerful.

The Black South’s Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Tradition

The Black South has a rich history of antifascist organizing and militant strategy through direct struggle and conflict with fascistic forces. If we are going to study and promote an organizing lineage, it is this one that we should look to. What would it look like for our movement's rallying cry to evolve from "My ancestors died for the right to vote" to "My ancestors died fighting fascism"? This move does not intend to erase nor obscure historic political struggles of The South that center voting; such a reduction is counter-insurgency.

Liberal Arrogance And Hatred On Display After Trump Victory

While every Trump utterance is examined for proof of racism and other forms of bigotry, liberals suddenly became very illiberal after the campaign ended. Many of them literally wished death upon Black men, Latino men, Arabs and anyone they hold responsible for Trump’s return to the white house. The white people who still form the base of his support are somehow exempt from these attacks. While disturbing, these behaviors are not entirely unexpected. Instead of telling their voters how a Harris administration would benefit their lives, her campaign engaged in a propaganda effort, amplifying former Trump officials to attest to his fascist beliefs or resuscitating old stories about his alleged affinity for Hitler and Nazi ideology .

There Is No Place For Zionism, Racism And Fascism In Europe

The Executive Committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement commented on the events that took place in the streets of Amsterdam and the reactions of the racist Dutch regime that targeted Arab and progressive youth and supporters of Palestine. These repressive attacks continue to target the free revolutionary voices that defend Palestinian rights and reject the Zionist war of extermination in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, instead of the Netherlands preventing the entry of racist hooligan fans of Zionist football clubs and holding them accountable for their assaults on the population. These racist football hooligans participate directly in the crimes of the Zionist enemy and consider themselves an integral part of the ranks of the Zionist army; they form armed colonial militias and carry out daily attacks on our people in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank and call for the displacement of the Palestinian people and desecration of Islamic and Christian holy sites.

How To Legally Fight Fascism In Your Community

Washington DC — Anne Frank wrote in her diary, “A single candle can define and defy darkness.” Her diary chronicled the last year of her family’s attempt to remain hidden in an attic from the Nazi persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. She wrote daily entries as the brutality of fascism was marching across the European continent. Her Diary was found on the floor in the attic after she and her family were betrayed, arrested, and taken to a concentration camp where they perished. Her diary stands as both an historic register of the chilling effect of fascism in Holland and a documentation of her family’s personal struggle like millions of other Jewish families under Nazi occupation.

Censorship, War Propaganda And Fascism

The F-word of the moment is fascism. Establishment pundits, Democratic Party politicians, and corporate media are of one accord and agree that a Donald Trump presidency will bring fascism to the United States. All of them ignore the authoritarian nature of the state that already exists and the actions taken to date which can accurately be described as fascistic. On October 13, the same day that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) bombed refugees at the Al-Aqsa Hospital and burned patients alive, the U.S. announced it was sending troops to Israel to man the THAAD missile system which will be used in the imminent attack on Iran. Congress has not approved such a deployment. Most citizens of the U.S. are unaware that their government has chosen to fulfill Israel’s long held fantasy of attacking Iran with U.S. help or that the repercussions could lead to a wider regional war with other nations.

Global South Denounces Genocide; Nicaragua Ends Relations With Israel

More and more countries in the Global South are cutting relations with Israel, accusing it of committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. United Nations experts have stated that there “are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide … has been met”, adding that “the genocide in Gaza is the most extreme stage of a long-standing settler colonial process of erasure of the native Palestinians”. Scientific experts have estimated that 186,000 Palestinians will die due to Israel’s war of extermination on Gaza, representing roughly 8% of the population of the densely populated strip.

Another Respected Figure On The Left Discredits Himself For Kamala

The final stretch of the presidential election season never fails to bring out leftists waving the white flag to the Democrats. Jim Lafferty, former national Director of the National Lawyers Guild, recently crumbled with his Why Socialists and Anti-Capitalists Must Back Kamala Harris. This type of leftist assures us that the two capitalist parties are really one party of corporate America, but - this election is different, the most important in our lifetime. The fascist threat to our democratic rights – always coming from the Republican – demands we must vote Democratic. On cue, a great number of leftists have rolled out this story every four years since at least with “fascist” Nixon, probably much longer.

Statement On NYPD Mass Subway Shooting Over $2.90

Yesterday, the NYPD shot Derell Mickles, a Black man in Brooklyn for the alleged "crime" of jumping a turnstile. This marks the second NYPD shooting in just 48 hours. Amidst a landscape where Democrat political figures swiftly condemned recent assassination attempts on Donald Trump, proclaiming that "violence has no place in America," we ask: where is this sentiment when it comes to the NYPD shooting Black men? Once again, the state used the hollow excuse of "fare evasion" to justify an assassination attempt on a Brooklyn man. This is not an isolated incident but a pattern of state violence targeting the working class in general and Black people in particular.

The Cost Of Resistance

This video is a recording of a talk given by Chris Hedges at the Kairos Club London on September 11, 2024. Drawing on his intimate knowledge of resistance and repression, Hedges detailed the methods we need to adopt to defeat the powerful interests, including the fossil fuel industry and the animal agriculture industry, which have placed their profits above the protection of our species and all life on earth. Hedges’ talk is preceded by an audio intro from Roger Hallam. Hallam is part of the “Whole Truth Five,” who are five members of Just Stop Oil who were sentenced last month to the longest ever prison sentences for non-violent protes

The Past Is Not Always Our Guide

As far-right hate and violence sweep across Britain, exploiting the Southport murders as a pretext but especially targeting Muslim communities, anti-fascists of a certain vintage are taking to social media and posting defiant images of an Anti-Nazi League (ANL) badge. It’s a way of saying: “We have seen this before, and we will stand up to it again.” The ANL, launched in autumn 1977, credits itself, with much justification, for defeating the National Front (NF) in that period. With 20,000 members nationally organised into local branches, and with a large hinterland of sympathisers, the NF terrorised inner-city migrant communities with incendiary racist propaganda and provocative marches.